best decision ever

Chapter 39 (Andrew's POV)

So the plan was to get to Slovenia and get to Vicky as quickly as possible because I needed answers and I needed them now.

But as simple as the plan sounds, in the end it wasn't so easy.

Thank God, Knox knew someone with privat security business who had a plane that could be borrowed for a few hour flight.

If we boarded a plane with a public airline, we would have to change our plane at least 2 times and use a train or bus to get to Vicky's hometown.

But luckily for us we were able to borrow that private plane and since it was smaller we got the approval to land at the local "airport" for small recreational planes.

We managed to arrange everything in a few hours and we were on a roll.

Knox's friend also gave us his pilot so that was one thing less to think about.

We boarded our borrowed plane, took off without any problems and also landed without problems.

So it all looked like luck was on our site so far.

Once we landed first thing that came to mind was: "Why the fuck is it so warm here?"

Knox started laughing at me at those words.

But it really was a lot warmer than it was in Scotland. Especially considering we landed at 8pm.

Now I know why Vicky was freezing all the time while she was in Scotland.

Now we had to find her address.

Thank God I got it from her a while ago when I sent  a present for her birthday.

We found it with help of google maps.

Don't judge me, I was in this country for the first time in my life.

After finding her apartment building we only had to find a way in without alerting her.

But it looked like forces above us wanted us to get in because just as we approached the door an old lady came out of the building and held the door for us so we could go inside.

I thanked whoever was helping me.

Now as I was standing in front of her door and squeezing Vicky tightly in my embrace it felt like my whole world was right again.

"Andrew! Knox! What are you guys doing here?"

I tightened my embrace around her because I really didn't want to let her go. Like ever.

"It's so good to have you back in my arms, love. But you have some explaining to do."

I could see the color drained from her face and she was nervous. But I needed answers.

After a few seconds she nodded her head and grabbed my hand to pull me inside her apartment. 

Knox followed us.

Once we reached the living room she pointed to a couch and we took a seat.

"Would you guys like something to drink? I think I still have some beer hidden in the back of the refrigerator."

I looked at Knox and he just shrugged so I turned back to Vicky.

"Whatever you'll have will be good for us as well."

She smiled that painfully perfect smile my way and then turned towards the kitchen and shouted to someone.

"Jessy! Could you bring 4 glasses and something for us to drink please? And come on, join us so I can introduce you guys."

She took a seat beside me and turned my way.

"Before you ask me anything. I am sorry. Yes I knew I was pregnant before I left Scotland but I didn't want to look like Shawna. I didn't want you to think I wanted to trap you in a relationship.

So yes I ran away. And yes of course Beanie is yours. And I wanted to tell you but it just felt like it was never the right time."

And so she answered almost all my questions. Except one.

"Why would you even think about that option? Do you think I'm blind? I knew from the moment we met you are nothing like Shawna."

She looked sad and guilty at the same time, but I could also see she was determined to stand behind her actions.

"Well what's done is done. Now tell me what are you guys doing here?"

"Well first thing was your pregnancy and the baby. The second is your accident."

All her color again disappeared from her face.

"Did you maybe think it could be your ex? We have a theory you see…"

She cut me off with the motion of her hand.

"I know it's Nik. He sent me flowers today. He said I still belong to him and to get rid of Beanie or I would hang."

My hands started shaking from all the anger I felt.

"Are you serious right now? What is wrong with that asshole? Why can't he just let you be?"

She shrugged her shoulders and put her hand over mine.

"Don't worry Andrew. And don't do anything stupid. I gave a statement and asked for a restriction. That's all I can do right now."

At that moment I caught movement in front of me.

There in the doorway was another woman and she stood frozen, her eyes glued on Knox.

And when I looked at my best friend he was just as frozen as she was.

A laugh started erupting from my chest.

My best friend who said he had a frozen heart was now frozen in place because of a beauty that stood in front of him.

Vicky was also giggling beside me.

"Andree, Knox, met Jessy. She was and still is my rock through everything. She is also staying with me at the moment because of Nik's threats. Jessy, this is Andrew and Knox."

Jessy finally unfroze herself and stepped forward to put glasses and juice on the table. She extended her hand first to me to shake and then to Knox.

He just looked at her outstretched hand for a second then a devilish smile crossed his lips and he pulled her hand so she was now sitting on his lap.

He turned her head towards him and kissed her.

What the hell?

After a moment he moved away and said :

"That's how we say hello in Scotland darling."

And we all erupted into laughter.

This trip to Slovenia was probably the best decision I ever made in my life.