Chapter —16 [ Unforeseen]

'Don't chase butterflies, take care of your garden and they will come to you.'


Ariana keep her eyes fixed on the clipboard given by Li Wei flipping through the names of all the participants making sure the last name is still there

"Is it okay Miss? " Li Wei asks biting her lips anxiously as Ariana usually doesn't show any emotion except rage 

"Not bad, She admits, giving back the clipboard. " The judges will arrive soon and tell the monitors to keep everything in control. I don't want any trouble," she ordered 

Li Wei nodded her head. "Okay, "

"Hm, now Shoo! Get out of my face"  she sizzled gesturing  her hand 

While Li Wei fleas off  Seo joins Ariana walking the backside of the stage. The curtains are still closed, some of the  performers are still getting ready and some of them doing practice 

"They think this is a composition not a source of fun, " Seo spoke as her sights find Britney with her followers doing chores  

Ariana smirks. "It is for her, "Her eyes watch Britney's actions carefully. A living Barbie with a bitchy face is a waste.

"Guys, Smile!" A cheery voice called for them 

Ariana and Seo both look behind and see Noah wearing his trim-suited uniform with a blue blazer, taking a few snaps, clicking on his single-lens reflex camera capturing every reaction he receives. 

This time he won't hesitate to show his inner photographer

"Come on girls, do some poses!"  He whined 

Ariana rolled her eyes crossing her arms over her chest. "Get that piece of shit out of my face Or  I will break it, " she warned. 

Mostly she doesn't hate taking pictures but her mood is not so good today since someone still hasn't shown up in the theatre hall. 

Her small threat only makes him grin. "No you won't my Baby brought it for me "

"Well, then why not take his pictures ?"

"I did." 

"Then how about a group photo?" Yeri's suggested voice spoke 


"No," Ariana said preparing to get out of the situation before they drag everyone 

"Oh come on. Just one, " Noah pleads, giving  his well-known puppy eyes 

Cursing under her breath gritting her teeth to swivel her irritation she agreed. "Fine just one but where are Jo and Danny?" 

They look over the back door Jo was talking to a guy

"Aww, our little Jo is flirting," Noah said, earning a glare from Yeri which got unseen since everyone was busy watching them. Her eyes drift to the pairs where Jo was laughing slightly blushing 

Ariana and Seo cringed seeing the  blushing sight of Jo, on the other hand, Noah who surely finds it hilarious  can't help but laughs 

"Park Soo-Ji!!" Yeri yelled making everyone flinch at her tone

The harsh call of her name forced Jo to gaze at her Yeri,  who wasn't happy at all. 

Swallowing greedily, she moved toward her friends without turning back, ignoring the 'guy' who was explaining how cute she was looking today. 

Before she could put a smile on her face to greet everyone Yeri grabbed her hands and pulled her beside her. She wanted to complain about this abrupt call but sensing how furious Kim Yeri is she didn't dare to utter it, only nodding her head she looked at Noah, smiling.  

Danny was all prepared for the performance wearing her dance costume and caught all her friends together and she waved her hands. "You guys are forgetting me!" She sulked, holding Seo's arms and standing next to her. 

Noah smiled seeing everyone together. the fact he is 'gay' but it would foolish not to admit how gorgeous the girls look they're a bevy of beauties.

Even the other students who were practicing can't help but leer at the sight of the Queen Bee and her friends standing next to each other  with enthusiasm Their clothes scream their wealth and the elegant look on their faces is an imitation of divinity, not only boys but the girls who were probably envying how glamorous they look, can't help but gawk 

"Now girls be-

" Wait, " Ariana stops him. "Get your boyfriend, it's a group photo so," she told 


"Hm, go" 

Nodding vigorously Noah jogged to his boyfriend

Enrik was talking to the other monitors when he felt a fluffy hand tap on his back he knew who is the person since he can always sense the tricky minty flourishes smell is none other than his dearest  

And as he thought when he turned around Noah's admiring dark brown eyes were staring at him

Not asking what it is? Or what? He only let Noah tug him. Standing beside his boyfriend 

Now when the group finally completes another monitor one of Enrik's friends held the camera  mentioning everyone to smile However Ariana's and Enrik's stoic faces didn't change  

Since a smile isn't something that Enrik was used to that's why he is Mr. Cold's face, he only wrapped his arms around Noah's shoulder.  A sign to make Noah know he is happy, not showing it on his face but he is. 

Ariana's blank expression was hard to know if she was irritated or sad. The place beside her was empty since it was always occupied by her boyfriend. In the group of friends where everyone was with their dearest, she does feel something. Something that she hates to admit.

With a click when her friends took a look at their photo talking with each other. She gazed at them, they were still the same just like the high school time 

"Aww did they leave you too?" 

The slight mocking tone came from  Britney Garcia's 

Ariana smirked, acknowledging she was behind. " Did he leave in the morning without telling you his name?"

Britney parted her lips, eyes throwing a sharp glare

Ariana chuckled softly. "Really, he did, " She placed one hand on Britney's tense shoulder. " Stop hooking up with people Garcia unless instead of finishing your study you want a baby Daddy."

Her words were taunting but there was a tiny hint of care, purely tiny.

Britney shuffled her hand away. " Why do you even care? Perhaps because Jea Youn left you for a new girl that's why you are being generous." 

'Generous' The Queen Bee will be anything but not generous, not for someone like Britney Garcia

she laughed heartily occasioning the other student along with her friends to look at them  

Taking one step closer to  Britney she stood silent.  

"You know Garcia when you face a lion you shouldn't provoke him 'cause who knows how thicker his patience can be, " she said, moving her face near Britney's ear only she could hear. " I don't give a damm how you fuck up with your life. Just don't forget your place here, I don't think your Father will like it" 

Caressing her cheek she lowly voiced. "Maybe you're a Daddy's princess in bed. But... I'm the Queen of Wilmington. Next time if you mention my ex in something, "she smiled. " I won't hesitate to sign a letter to your father. I'm sure he would love to know about  his good-for-nothing daughter's acts" 

Taking back her hands she wiped them before turning her heels leaving everyone eyeing Britney 

' good for nothing '  Britney's jaw clenched just when she thought she finally get under  Ariana's skin she bring her father 

'Just wait Ariana. One day I will find your weakness and then I will make sure to tear it down!' she smirks at the thoughts.

There in the girls changing room, Seyong carefully fixes Lucy's clothes. After getting teased  guessing by, why she didn't wake up early

"Done," she informed, lifting her eyes from head to toe and making sure Lucy looks flawless. 

Lucy smiled, pinching her cheeks lightly, making her whine. " Lucy-ya! That hurts!" She rubbed her cheeks. 

" Sorry Seyong-ssi let me, "Placing soft kisses on her friend's both cheeks she earns giggles of enjoyment 


Abducted by Someone sensing there is another presence they swiped up their gaze to find  Sana leaning against the door. For a few seconds, she looks at them and then smiles. " You forgot to take your batch, " 

she said holding out a small black batch with a white sliver, and gold pattern italicized words written on it.  

"Thanks, " uttered Lucy carefully, taking the batch from Sana's hand, making sure not to brush her fingers against her palms. 

"Sana, are you there?" Jea Youn called out softly for his girlfriend 

"Yes," Sana answered, not pulling her eyes from Lucy who's not bother to look at her.

Not only Lucy has changed their dance steps but now she is avoiding their eyes to meet 

Sighing with her beliefs about maybe she is thinking too much she let it slide down. " I will see you guys at the hall then, " she said, glancing at Seyong. " Don't forget to cheer for us Seyong it's my first time here, " 

"Of course." 

As Sana left with her boyfriend Lucy and Seyong looked at the couples  

"She  loves Jea Youn," Lucy told herself 

"She does," Seyong mumbled back 

Holding her best friend's hands they strolled through the corridors. Sometimes when they cross across students Lucy would catch them ogling at her best friend she can't blame

who wouldn't watch Seyong whose cute floral dress made her look so elegant without makeup natural pale skin glistening with a fresh aura,  shady straight hair length streamed down her back, dark abyss eyes fluttering through her lashes, peachy tint heart shape lips that would make any guy crave to taste

If only Seyong wouldn't think of herself as 'unattractive' and closeted herself she would see how much there are people who really would be willing to get a chance with her.

But she knows even if anyone would approach Seyong, she would reject them since her stomach was flattered with butterflies only for that cold bitch, Lucky her. 

After reaching backstage of the theatre Seyong muttered. "All the best, " peeking a soft kiss on her cheeks, smiling at the staggered reaction of her best friend and the winking of the other dance mates of the group. 

Her eyes roamed around The theatre hall packed with students along with professors and those exclusive lecturers who arrived for specific studies.

Finding Mrs. Catherine with the other professor Mr. Kelvin she smiles waving her hands when their eyes greet her 

Taking the corner seat where no one would notice her, she settled down feeling a little uneasy as if someone was watching her. the shivering trends were alerting her that maybe something wasn't right perhaps there will be something wrong yet she chose to ignore them.  

The performance of the participants went intimately; the cheers of the students roared through the enormous theatre to the corridors of Wilmington

Some participants showed their numerous talents in singing, some of them can hardly call it singing since the professors had to protect their ears at the screening voices, but it was still entertaining. 

Regardless, all the students, the professor along with the staffers  were having a smattering of laughing moments, unwinding from studies and the workload

When the Dancing performance started the students were high on their seats as Bitney's group moved with the music gliding their bodies with the rhythm.  When they ended their performance, the cheering of students was almost enough to make everyone think they might win. 

Nevertheless, there is still Danny's group 

The song starts playing in the background with all the members of Danny's set in their places. Their smiling teasing faces that Seyong witnessed turned out to be somehow crucial. 

The Dance mates were one shifting together with the music. skilfully Sana's moved her body with the music causing the boys to whistle and cheer earning a glare from one of the head professors who gave them a warning look to seat back however they didn't bother, afterall it just for one day who knows Tomorrow they will eventually receive punishment for their behaviors 

Back on the stage in front, Lucy was performing her steps, fierce, alluring, and confident. A smirk appears on her rose-petal lips when their eyes meet while letting her core move along with the rhythm. 

Seyong could tell her Hwang Lucy was having a blast herself in euphoria basking in its glory.

The song ended with the clapping of the followers now it was clear maybe Britney's group do have competition.

In the middle stage, Enrik shows up for  announcing the names of the next student  

Seyong prepare to rise from her seat to greet her best friend backstage slowly almost reaching for the doorknob not hearing what Enrik was saying until 

"....Chao Seyong." 

She heard her name being called ameliorating her heart thumping, not in good peace

"Chao Seyong?" Enrik called again holding a small name page and trying to see if he read the name wrong but No he didn't.

He was calling for her on that stage in front of everyone! Her eyes drift to the middle stage where a piano was placed

The feeling inside of her body was almost ineffable as abrupt anxiety swarmed up in her veins mixed with anger and...fear

The students start mumbling within themselves, their eyes wandering to find who Chao Seyong was. Even Mrs. Catherine was looking at the seat where she was sitting a few moments ago


Swearing for the first time before Enrik could call again she moved her steps toward the door, yanking it back

Tears of feeling betrayal coated her belief, hurt. She was hurt now she realized why the Queen Bee was being too nice. It was she who gave her name for the event. There is no way her name would appear on that list magically.

There are only two people in the university who knows Seyong's small hidden talent The Queen Bee herself and Lucy

But no Lucy would never do it, she knows how much trouble Seyong faced because of playing piano at the school event it was the last time she ever touched It, with all the hopes that she would see her mother yet no

All the memories Seyong ever buried burdened molded in her heart. It's like a switch just has been turning them all at once and at this moment Hell, she wants to disappear.

Hot tears run down her cheeks blurring her vision and passing the halls, her hasty steps run forth, spinning past a few students who would catch her from almost stumbling, falling asking. "You're okay?" Their voices were wilted with concern but she didn't stop only nodding and disappearing from their concerned frowning sights 

In the end, her legs borrowed her into the library. Since the door wasn't locked with just a push it opened 

Leaning her back against the nearest wall slowly falling on the  hard wooden floor of the Library curling herself to her knees, resting her head above, wrapping her fragile arms around her shoulders to make her feel safe she let those whimpers that has been caged, her body is shaking 

The dark empty  library was filled with books but was still consumed by emptiness as if the emptiness was whispering attempting to soothe her 'You're not alone ' 

She closed her eyes. Maybe she could stay here until the event ended, the evening. 

No one would know whether they care, perhaps her best friend will but until then...

No one will ever want to know how much pain Chao Seyong's heart prevails right now 

"I know you are  stupid but are you deaf too!!"