
'she doesn't fix the cracks of pain she lets my wisdom grow to shield my wounds'


Skeptically frowning her brows she adjusted her gazes twirling through the crowd to find the younger, but no. If she is not in the crowd then where did she go?

"Ari? "  She heard Seo's call 

"Yeah, " she murmured, still trying her best to get a glimpse of Seyong peeking out of the curtains, just a few moments ago she was there at the corner side edges near the door and now there is no one. She is gone...

This is not what Ariana wanted 

"She's not here, should we say the last performer back out?" Seo implies taking a look over the professor they were talking to Enrik

"No!" Ariana grumbled  there is no way she is letting it happen


" We just need to give them a distraction for a few minutes" 

" Are you going to find her?" Seo inquire 

"Go tell Noah to do something on the stage Chao Seyong will perform just in a few minutes" 

Instead of getting an answer, Seo receives an order she watched Ariana storming out of the back door, a smirk tugged on the corner of her lips, it was out of the blue to see her best friend the Queen Bee use her energy for someone else even if she is doing this for her self maybe. But the irritated tone surely hinted  a new fond worrisome for  the nerd 'Ari you're getting it bad this time.'  

Before going back to the theatre when Danny's group agreed to wear their casual clothes and that is the moment when  Lucy remembers something, she left her bag in the changing room sighing and unaware of the fact that Seyong is not in the theatre hall where she would wait.

She walked into the corridor when she reach the room before could attempt to open the door she heard something

Rather than pulling the door open, she leans her ear onto it, listening to a  groan like someone in pain, and then a moan 

Her brows frowned, heart pounded the moan wasn't from any other student, cold blood rushed within her hot veins knowing who is behind this door 

Despite her mind begging her to get away from there still a part of her wanted to confirm her confession with trembling hands, she knocked faintly, it was audible enough for them whoever is inside 

"I'm here to take my bag, is there anyone?" She uttered imploring with a little hope that it won't be 'her' 

"Yeah, Lucy came in." 

However, it was. The moment when she heard Sana's cheerful yet husky tint in her voice. Her heart tightened in its cage 'Why?'    

The door opens revealing Sana, her costume is scrambled a little and so was Jea Youn's uniform 

Lucy's eyes meet Sana's. They were glimmering with something possibly it was for Jea Youn after all they were practically having sex in the changing room. She sneered at the thought, imagining how they would look together sucking each other's mouths, 'Bloody desperate adults!'

"You guys did well.''Jea Youn spoke trying to ease the tension because indeed the way Lucy was still staring at Sana like she didn't give a Damm! about his presence 


"I know, " Scoffing those words she tears her eyes from Sana's who was still standing in the same place clenching the door, bewildered. 

It didn't take her long to grab her bag and leave the couple alone 

As Lucy gushed out of the door. "Does she always like this?" asked Jea Youn holding a small ice pack for Sana's injured ankle, offering his right hand to his girlfriend 

Sana smiled, noticing the confused sight of Jea Youn. "Not really, "  she answered grasping his arm and settling on a stool. 

" You shouldn't have pushed it hard, " He voiced, bending a little, carefully placing the ice pack.

"Trust me, It was worth it," she confessed with a  smile recalling the moment when Lucy was peeking at her with a pleasant gaze offering a lenient smile that conceivably didn't attain her lips but it did reach Sana's heart and certainly it gave a warm feeling.

Lucy was going back to the theatre hall when she heard Yeri's call 

"Hey! Lucy!" 

She looked back to find Yeri who was huffing for breath. "Have You Seen Seyong?" She implored 


Lifting an eyebrow she frowned. "She is in the theatre?" She said additionally asked 

"No, she is not. Enrik was looking for her an-

"What!" Before Yeri could finish she yelled, making her quiver, grabbed Yeri's shoulder, and stepped forth. "What do you mean Enrik was looking?" 

Yeri sighed. " She gave her name to the talent event she has to perform " 

Event? Perform?

As far as Lucy remembers Seyong didn't mention any of this then how can—? Kin? Hence it knocks her mind now that cold bitch! But why would she? 

Whatever the reason is, it can wait right now. The only important thing is Seyong. Taking a deep death in and out she let go of Yeri's shoulders 

"Did you look at the common rooms ?" She asked striding by the aisles 

"Yes, but she wasn't there. I don't even know why Ari didn't let us make an excuse about the performer. If we don't find her it would be a mess ". Yeri whined following Lucy 

That statement makes Lucy stop she was right it was that Cold Bitch and maybe she is doing this to make Seyong feel bad as a punishment

"I don't care about performance, we have to find her !" She barked back her temper raising inside, she wasn't in the good mood seeing Sana with Jea Youn like 'that' but now this 

Sprinting through the hallways she went for the washroom knowing Seyong is somewhere in a quiet place where no one would  look, this whole event, and performance thing maybe triggered her memories 'Seyong please just be safe this time .'  

After an uncountable try of finding The younger, Ariana reached the main bathroom, all the doors were open. Huffing heavily sweat-coated hands, her eyes trailed at the stalls. "Seyong!' She rasped with her deep voice, throat dried for the source of liquor, water. She could feel her heart crushing against her ears sweat dripped down her head down to her nape

Swallowing a lump in her throat. " Seyong!" She called again, voice booming in the empty bathroom 

Getting out of the bathroom she tried to recall where else the younger could be. She has already seen the first edifice, the bathrooms, classes, and the hall, lecture rooms, then where would...the second edifice, ceasing her steps she glanced at the third-floor library room from the railing, the door was a little ajar but would she be there? She asked herself, You won't know until you go.

Closing her eyes, taking a heart full breath she runs 

The students would give a blurred look whenever they watch her it's not like every day they get to see The Queen Bee Ariana Jane Wang Kin running through the hallways 

Ignoring all the confused, admiring, ogling lascivious gazes she jogged into the third floor 

The corridor was silent, a hush loomed over the area causing every unliving element to fall into a deep siesta, the sun had already peaked over from the beams of concrete fence to corridors leaving its orange rays rife. 

In the pin-drop silence, she could hear her breathing and the loud clicks of her heels,  walking inside she stopped under the door frame. The double door oak wooden door with an italicized craft symbol was half open. 

With her hammering heart, she slowly pushes the door open with a crack, it was dark but the swoon-whipping sounds were audible enough for human ears 

The girl who she has been looking for in the vicinity of desperation is in front of her supporting her petite body against a nearby bookshelf pulling her knees close to her chest, hiding her face into her arms, weeping.  

It was quite amusing for Ariana that the younger didn't realize her presence, the thought of she is being watched by someone else seemed like the crack sound of the door opening didn't break the hazard of silence 

A wave of relief washed over her even though she finds Seyong crying in an empty dark, cold, library, at least she is safe. 

"I know you are  stupid but are you deaf too!!"  She snarled as stepped inside making the younger shrink  in her place 

Seyong's Puffy almost red eyes met with irritation yet observing once, standing only a few feet away. 

It took her some moments to come across the person who was inside the Queen Bee herself she looked like she has ran a marathon, with sweat coated temple her neat bun that was set up on her head was a little messy, and a few strands of her bangs fall over cascading her face side, lips parted in healing ragged deep breaths 

She wiped her eyes with the back of her palm, balled her fist raised from her place not breaking the eye contact 

The way Seyong was coming closer to Ariana she thought about getting a 'Fuck Off!' Or 'What do you think of yourself!' 

However, her shoulders tremble when she catches the younger in her arms

Her eyes went wide, feeling   Seyong's hands envelop her back, clutching her blazer fingers dug into her waist, causing her to freeze in her place as the girl buried her face in her neck. 

For someone like Seyong the grip wasn't pleasant for Ariana it was hard ample to earn her groan in rigorous grief

Scarcely the younger's grip loosen, and her limbs gave up, dipping to her knees. the wooden floor would feel more painful but it didn't since Ariana scoop her arm tightening her grip and kneeling with the younger  

And that's when Seyong's throat tore out the first sob fearing that maybe Ariana would let her go any sec she gripped her back. lingeringly curling herself onto the latter's grasp, into a tiny ball, shaking from the wails of cries giving a heart-wrenching sight.

It was the first time Ariana saw Seyong break down which only rendered her hug closer, was she crying because she gave her name?

Permitting those tears  to go that Seyong  had kept inside of her heart when she should have let them out  the moment when  her father told her she would never see her mother again

The tears that she hold when she didn't find her mother at the school's annual function   where she promised she will come

The tears that should have been out when her father left her alone because she wanted to wait for her mother with the hope that she would come, but she didn't...

The tears that she hold when no one was there when she was afraid of sleeping alone

The tears when no one was holding her when she feared lightning 

The tears when she realizes how much she has grown day by day attached to the caring, cold-hearted, arrogant, Irritated, short-tempered, affectionate, glamorous Heir of the Wang Kin Family Ariana Jane Wang Kin when one day she has to follow her father's order 

At this point, Ariana didn't dare to make any comment her grip had changed into a soft feather caress down to the Younger's back, careful, gentle like she is the most precious fragile piece one rough touch and she will be shattered.

 Her heart, if Seyong could hear the thudding sound, can't get any worse than this 'What the hell am I even doing ?' She mentally grunts at herself.  

As calming someone she is still learning anyhow the soft soothing caress worked the hurtful sobs, and wails slowly fade

The grip of Seyong's hold eventually rose as she raised her gaze realizing Ariana was still kneeling, arms hugging her protectively. Vision blurry with tears she could hardly make out if there was any concerned look on the latter's face. 

"i-i...I'm s-Sorry" She below whispers her voice rasped from all the crying, getting out of the iron hold that didn't wish to let go 

Standing on their feet both pairs stare at each other Ariana wanted to ask so many things her heart still battering seeing her 'egghead' Like this so broken so weak...yet so...fascinating 

"Why did you leave?" She ends up asking rooting herself in her place in front of the Younger folding her arms on her chest. For a moment she saw something flicker in Seyong's dark abyss, discomfort. 

"I-.." Lost for words, Seyong bit back her tears. " I didn't give my name." She muttered 

"I know. I did." Ariana answered deadpanned like it was the obvious thing  

"y-Y-You c-can't d-do this!" The younger whimpered 

"Why? Don't you want the same?" The elder mused staring into Seyong's soul trying to read her, she could see the younger is having a debate within herself, but why? Was it too hard to do what she wanted? 


"Liar! Ariana snapped the denial of desire may touch some nerve in her patience. "We both know you want it." 

Seyong didn't say anything, fisting her hands she tried to walk past the Queen Bee but before she could step out of the door a firm force grabbed her wrist pulling her back to look at the elder. "Don't you dare walk away from me." She voiced her nostrils flared,  venomous droll with each phrase 


The sharp ice tone and intense stare make Seyong lower her gaze. biting her lips to surpass any cry she keeps her head low. The grip on her wrist unfastens she heard a long sigh  the small distance between them learning close Ariana's heels come into her view 

A brief pause and calmness 

Slender fingers gently hooked her chin lifting her head to greet Ariana's hazel orbs. They gleam with regression  

The height difference between them was less today due to  Seyong's heels, only a small distance between their faces she could feel the mint fruity breath on her skin. Careful palms grasp her flushed cheeks slowly wiping the tears away with a sleek fabric handkerchief. She let her eyelids close melting into the compassion

After Ariana finished took one step away but not too far her lilac vanilla aroma already dominated Seyong's  senses  

For a  mere moment, Ariana didn't say anything somehow it looked like she was lost as Seyong in her caring manner 

"You shouldn't let go of things you desire," the elder said, nearly defeated.  " If you want something you should do your best to get it and ..." Her eyes compelled the younger. "Be truthful about your passions. Everyone is waiting for you and I—Don't let me down," she whispered sincerely  the last words were scarcely pleading shocking Seyong to her core 

Her words seemed to carry enormous weight when they were spoken Seyong's heart warmed leaving trails of tenderness 

They're one step away but each word has its meaning for Seyong's 'Desire' Would Ariana believe how she Desires her... 'Passion' Her only passion was to make someone proud who trusts her with all their heart, just like her mother did. 

"I don't think I can. I will end up messing things up.  " She looks back at her heels, that's what her father said last time. 

"You won't," Ariana stated, causing her to look back, extending her hands " I trust you." She confessed


Even if Seyong doesn't believe in herself but the words make it more valuable when they came from the Wang Kin Family Heirs' lips as  The Queen Bee never trusts anyone, not even her friends or her Ex-Boyfriend 

 The truth of words  bound Seyong's depth to Ariana's eyes  

They're away yet so close ... So drawn 

Accepting  Ariana's hands she let herself walk allowing her limbs to obey the elder, together beside each other 

Within the empty corridors, they strode quietly carrying a bunch of dilemmas in themselves unaware, unwilling to let each other know 

One heart is filled with warmth and fondness, 

Another one is learning to feel and tend. 

Maybe Seo's words for her best friend were right. Ariana indeed got it bad this time.  

Standing in front of the door Seyong could feel herself getting anxious again after all there are all students and professors were inside 

"Relax, " The elder cooed, leaving her hands. "Keep your chin high, let them watch, " resting one hand on her shoulder and giving it an assured squeeze. "Make them know what the nerd is hiding. " She offered a kind smile with a playful tint  

Seyong can't help but mirror it, nodding her head "Yes, master ." she murmured  

Ariana open the door for her and close it  

Laughter echoes throughout the theatre as They watch Noah sharing his experience as a generous Senior about coming out to his family and how dramatic he was and the fact that his parents already know about his sexuality so all the stress he gets was wasted.

As Ariana said 'Keep your chin high' Seyong did as she meandered her way through many eyes peering at her questioning gazes  some students cleared a path for her 

She gave a small smile to Enrik which he returned. They have known each other for a few months now and they share the same thought when it comes to books she helped him with romantic genres for Noah. 

"Ready?" He asked looking down, softening his features  

"Yes," She smiled gazing at the empty stage where her passion was waiting.