Chapter—25 [ Seduction ]

'Since the day my heart muddle with the rhythm of yours, it never beat for someone else '


Somedays Ariana just wishes she never own the authority of her father and Friday afternoons are one of them, sitting elegantly pliant fingers sweeping the sheet interim keen eyes watching the pedagogy professors' conflict which she found rather foolish since Mr.Kelvin wanted to set up a parley they've to call out a meeting, and being in the place of her father, Ariana had to join it as well. 

"Look Mr.Kelvin I don't want to fail them either but their grades are low to be in the ranks we can't reciprocate this." One of the Profesor argue 

Mr.Kelvin sighed, taking off his glasses and gently massaging his nose bridge. He looked at Ariana shunning the teachers who typically don't care about the students and the truth of their lack of teaching skills students are getting a low rank. "Ms. Kin, the students can do better if we give them extra classes. All I'm asking is to help them and give them a chance. " 

"Chance? " Before Ariana could see eye to eye one of the senior professors, Mr.Avon retorted, eyes narrowed, turning the pages of the grade files they all had received. "This is the lowest rank I ever saw in Willington Kelvin. Do you think they even come here to study? " 

"They're still kids we can guide them—

"Guide, " Mr. Avon quickly sights other lectures. "We're not their parents. If they don't study, it's their choice. If they don't pass, it's their loss. We can't ruin our class schedule just for 15 students. " 

"But Si—"

"Mr.Avon is right, " Ariana began, everyone turned their attention to the head principal chair. "We can't waste our time on students who don't appreciate education facilities in Wilmington, " taking a moment she retraces the results files. "However, Mr. Kelvin thinks highly of those students, " she looked up to Mr.Kelvin. "Everyone should assist him with extra classes. It'll start on Monday. " 

A frown raised upon Mr. Avon's face. " Are you agreeing, Ms. Ariana? Do you think your Father would approve of this? " 

The words are mostly an insult to Ariana's father's choice of allotting his daughter the privilege to make decisions for senior educators like him. 

She maintains her imperturbable self enshrouding annoyance with a tart smile. "Mr. Avon I think you forget I make the decisions in here and about my father. Trust me he is so proud to know how I manage the University without his presence you don't have to worry about it." 

The conversation halts and everyone bowed albeit the Senior Professor's brows drew in. "Well okay then, " he glances at Mr. Kelvin. "Makes sure the students won't be late for my extra classes. I won't repeat them. " 

Mr. Kelvin's lips edge to render a cordial smile. "Of course Sir they won't Thank you, everyone. ''

As the discussion came to an end the suitors and Professors left for their lessons but before Mr.Kelvin could leave Ariana stopped him. "Excuse Sir, " 

Mr. Kelvin stood grasping his booklets. "Yes, Ms.Kin? " 

"I want the notes from your previous lessons. " 

"From my class? " He asked, 

"Yes," she shrugs off

"Okay, " Taking out the small notebooks he set them on the desk. " There you go,  I'll take my leave now. " she nodded whereas he left 

Placing the notebook on the workbench of the library she perches on the verge of the seat beside the vast open windows from where she'd see the other side of Wilmington campus alley, the ancient Red oak tree

Leading her hands over the notebook she guides her fingers over the words carefully so as not to miss anything she writes in her workbook 

"Well, Now that's something I didn't predict. " The librarian's silken voice pored  

She glances up to meet the bright gaze. "Hello, Mrs. Catherine, " she said racily 

" Is there anything I can help you with, Ms. Ariana? " Giving a shake of her head she politely refused for which she acquired a pleasant smile. "Someone seemed to be in a good mood today. " The woman spoke merrily

Ariana shook her head in disbelief."I'm always in a good mood. " 

The librarian let out a soft chuckle and placed a book on the workbench. Almond hazel eyes stared with interest. " If you're writing her notes use this book it'd help," she suggests before passing to another bookshelf 

A few moments later when she eyed the girl she found Ariana holding the book in her hand and writing, a smile curled on her lips. Surely the girl has changed a lot. Maybe the good company of Seyong can make a difference in the coldest person as well.  

Loud mirthful breathy crackles swamped in the air with the sweet–laden sandalwood scent as the girl settled close to her body. Exhaling a puff she unwinds herself basking in the dulcet chipping of sparrows and fretful grumble of her friend whilst a delicate hand of Sana clutches her shoulder in fear. "Oh God sweet Jesus! "

Engaging giggles escaped past her lips holding the branches as well. 

Just a while ago she didn't expect to get divulged by Sana in her secret hiding spot while solving some equations of Lucy's notes to help her best friend out of the too much homework.

Nonetheless, she did get caught the moment when Sana saw her sitting up on the nearest branch from the soil of the Red Oak tree with earnestness she wanted to climb up so Seyong helped her, and now both of seating next to each other the bags, notebooks resting on the grass.

"So, what do you think? " Asks Seyong gazing at the campus where a few first-course students are going home from their classes no one could see them not until they come closer to the tree side.

"Lovely, I like it, '' Sana answered, the breeze gently brushing against her cheeks. It was peaceful, she looked back at Seyong. " You indeed know how to hide, " hands entwine

Verily, She knows there are so many things Chao Seyong has been hiding in herself for years of her life. Biting down her bottom lips she looks ahead neglecting how close she's with Sana and how tenderly her hands remain held, her head resting against her shoulder.

"Do you miss it? '' An laconic question caused her to furrow her brows together 

"Miss what? " She inquires 

Sana's fingers revolve around her palms. "Spending time with your Mother, " she tails off. "I know how it feels not being able to spend time with Mom, " pausing for a brief moment she sighed. "My Mother... I also rarely see her at home because she's always busy with work. " 

Seyong opened her mouth and closed it. She could feel grief in Sana's words that deep ache maybe the happiest girl was not as happy as she had shown everyone. "I do, " she avowed, recalling her childhood moments with her mother's soft belly laughs. " Very much. " 

"Do you think they miss it too? " 

A punk of pain impaled through her heart  Do they? She coats it off with a slight smile, her lips twisted upward glancing at Sana. "I think they miss it more than we could ever imagine. "She exudes

"Me too. " Sana said, looking back at Seyong, she smiled. " Thank you for being my friend Seyong " 

Guilt builds up in Seyong's gut. Sana was the girl who was supposed to get hurt but the way she trusts her, how could she ever be going to do anything to ruin her own friend's relationship? Afterall Sana wasn't someone with bad intentions.

Still, Ariana is planning for revenge which means Sana would be the person who'll pay. "I'm sorry Sana, " she apologises 

"Why are you saying sorry because I said Thank You? " 

"Yes, " Seyong lied she was sorry for everything that can occur in the future and about all the things that'd take place on Saturday at the party. Ariana had invited everyone, most of the dance group members who won't take this new transfer student side not even bother to help if something goes bad.

Leasing a chuckle reverberating from her throat Sana nudges playfully which elicits an abrupt impact force that causes both of them to fall from the tree down to the grass on her back. "Oww, what's wrong with you, " Seyong groans trying to sit up with the person who was on top of her 

Sana smirked but instead of getting up she straddles still ."Friends don't lie Ms. Chao Seyong," she palms The Latter's cheek, fingers tamely caressing over her new dyed blonde bangs she beams."Blonde suits you." 

She stifles back a breath; they're close almost face to face ." You should see Lucy, she looks like a goddess." 

"Oh, Really," Blush flattened on Sana's cheeks along with an amused grin she lifted herself offering a hand. They stood up dusting their uniform skirt blazers thrown inside the bags.

After getting their things Seyong began to walk a soft humorous laugh rose from the back of her throat as a thought intent in her mind chewing her lips when Sana ask the reason she only revealed her mischievous grin."I must admit with a height like that you do have strength, "

Her remark earns an eye roll and a warning to take back her words yet virtually elfin to find this side of Sana she couldn't help but impose deeper making comments about her friend's height until she failed to keep her composure and began to chase. 

Hooting with laughter running by the side campus she raised her hands in defeat huffing for deep drags of breaths. "Okay, okay surrender, " 

"No more jokes about height, " Sana simper giving an adorable sulk

"Fine, not for today. " Seyong shrugs, waving her hands back and departing her way to the locker room.  

Close at hand to her locker she take out her books, brows threaded when they found another workbook that she didn't recall arranging gently grasping the notebook she open the pages a small yellow paper fall onto her shoes bending down she holds it with the book turning the pages a smile formed to her lips skimming her fingers over the neatly organized handwriting she knows it was The Queen Bee's. She unfolds the other small paper 


From the previous event, she guessed it was maybe about her lesson in Ariana terms Seduction lesson but didn't they finish it already? Sighing she placed the notes into her bag and began to go for her destination

Walking down the quiet hallways as most of the class are setting down except for the dance and gym classes there still being held she passed the corridor. 

Reaching the theatre hall she knocks and waits. "Come in, " Ariana's mellifluous voice answer 

Coolly she opens the door, eyes wandering around to greet her master but none of her gazes filters to stumble upon a chair in the middle of the stage bewilderingly she steps forwards standing in front she stops. This was something new. 

"So finally got time for me, " The voice scoffs. She turns around to greet The elder who was walking toward her swaying her hips and wearing the most inauspicious clothes  Seyong had ever witnessed in Wilmington. 

Frozen in her place she drank down the sight wherein the mini skirt with a slight flare at the end  embraced the waist to give a sweltry view of Her Master's clammy thighs loose-neck top singly displayed her cleavage boldly 

 Ariana never felt shame about her body. She is sensational. Apprehend how weak it makes others and how their desire craves to worship her please with all they have. 

Seyong gulped the bag fell from her shoulders crafting her gaze down blush spread across her cheeks lips dried she poke her tongue out to wet them diligently. All of this was too much to take at one time. 

A finger grasps her chin up. "Do you know why we're here? " demands  her master flickering eyes down to her lips 

Shaking her head gently containing her gaze to The Latter's eyes. A bit of pondering. "No, " she answers lips shudder when Ariana's fingers slide down to press over her booming chest pushing her to step back until she sits on the chair 

Hooking the knot of her tie the elder tilts her head close to her earlobe. " Today I'm going to teach you how to seduce keep your eyes on me, " she retains back 

Seyong lookup shivers run down the back of her neck as Ariana cupped her cheek. "Make sure you watch, feel, listen. Can you do that for me, Seyong? " a dazed nod derives a response that is not something Her Master wanted; she wants something more verbal, tightening her grip. "Can you? " she inquired  

"y-yes, Master, " The young girl dithers hastily 

Something aflame upon those almond orbs fiery with vehemence impish pleasure of domination lips tugged up to a curt smirk. " Remember everything you learn today. " 

Seyong never forgets. 

The lights dim with a flick of fingers a song played on the stage that was futile for her ears. 

Upholding feline eyes awed by her Master's movements rhapsodic it was always something she wished to have since the day in her 2nd year's course she had seen Ariana dance she only found herself gaping for that one brunette even in the mindset of other individuals. 

In an impulsive shift of preeminence aura, Ariana stops, eyes bore into hers. " Keep your toes together, " she husked firmly 

Her body enforces the words apace cheeks redden heat ignites in her stomach. Keeping her knees together to surfeit the throb between her legs breath hitched as her master swiftly positioned on her lap placing her legs on either side of Seyong's thighs mouth agape body rinsed befall conclusive perturbed breath inches away from her face eyes stares vivid gleeful a hand wraps around her throat affirming she doesn't look anywhere else 

"You smell like her," Her master snarls huddling closer 

Seyong gasped for air even though the grip was rarely tempestuous but still holding her in place the elder leaning thumb engulfed into her jaw to tilt her face to the side. Lips graze the side of her neck up to her sensitive ear she sighed turn aside her head back eyes closed in bliss

"Did she touch," The elder breathed arching into her ." Did you let her,"

Her eyes fluttered open, and the hand around her throat softened as Ariana drew back. "w-Who, " she inhibits 

"Who? '' Ariana mocked biting back in annoyance whether the nerd was so stupid to know who was she's referring Or Chao Seyong is playing hard

She smirks if this girl wants to play then she'll make it nastier at least with a taste and a craving. "Forget it,  everything. " words purred hands move to lose the tie."Except  Me. " 

The agonizing hot thrill beneath her touch growing wants more, feel more skin to descend but those layers those Fucking layers of filthy clothes making it hard to reach.  She could feel the inept digits of Seyong gently brushing against her waist, a brow raised to this intrepidness." Stop being handsy," flown a rough whisper  

"so—Sorry," Seyong inhale hands fist painfully vapid the urge to move 

The tie losses falling to her feet and undoing the first two buttons of her shirt, hardly giving any skin contact. "You're so flushed Seyong tongue-tied not so brave now huh, " 

Remarks taunted soar up she exhales a deep breath staring at Ariana's lips hoping coveting knuckles brushed against her forehead to cheeks she let herself tenderize into the affection touches eyelids heaved

 There's no worrisome or anxiousness, a deep feeling inside her of completeness hale with the smell of lavender. A whimper of longing coiled within. Breath quivers as Ariana glides her hands to her nape 

Time stretches, and music has already been slackening pairs of dark orbs apprised under thick lashes. Barred at the moment, slightly eyes widened when Ariana leaned delicate lips feebly brush onto hers. She trembled like a leaf in the winter air as her master pressed against hers grabbing her shirt collar she could feel a thudding of heart perhaps it was hers. 

Sweet-coated kiss bends to a harsh messy sloppy one Ariana grabs a handful of blonde hair shoving her tongue in depleting every sip of sputum antithetical with revulsion but in control finding it more amusing how desperately the nerd was trying to deepen the kiss cohesive into rhythm with all air in her lungs yet she can't not when Ariana doesn't want her biting into bottom lips enough to draw out blood she devours the metallic taste. 

The elder didn't seem like she was going to stop anytime soon eradicate by the libido otherwise wrath right it must be anger

She was angry from the moment her eyes saw The Nerd beneath Aihara out of the library; fierce hot blood rushed through her veins when Sana touched Seyong in front of her.

No, that can't be the only reason She was irate because she had to wait. Her plans weren't about to go this far. It's all Chao Seyong's fault that she's ceasing to dominate. If the nerd won't get intimate with someone else she wouldn't have to do anything about it. 

The Egghead will pay for what she has done. 

Seyong sucks a panicked breath when she feels chaste kisses slide down her jaw. Her master breaths into the pulse of her neck. 

Half-minded thoughts wrenched when the elder bite the flesh, taking hold of it forcefully enough to knock the breath out of her. "Fuck! " she gasps jerking, hands hastily reaching to clinch The Latter's back a moan bawls out from her throat painful almost foreign to her ears but it was idyllic for other 

Ariana never heard Seyong cuss before the deep throaty cry was hotter than anything she had ever gotten core aches tormenting her hand snaked around grasping every inch they can to twist the shirt  buttons fingers slide inside 

The hands of Seyong couldn't care less about being handsy anymore; they drift up caressing her master's spine; she could feel her inner walls slickness almost dripping drenched in desire. 

Tears moist her eyes for not preventing it the way Ariana had bitten the side of her neck. It'll leave a bruise."hu-hurts, " she whimpered as a pleasantly hot tongue soothes and gently tickle a feathery pair of lips busses over

Soft dark curls wrap around her fingers pressing closer to her neck she sighed but momentarily quaked when her Master rescind herself from her standing up both pant clothes almost demolishing shabby confusion laid back on Ariana's features."w-we're done leave now tomorrow don't be late for the party, " 

Seyong's heart dropped. She doesn't want to leave, she wants to stay casting her gaze down so she won't look pathetic. "Okay, " she whispered, not meeting those almond orbs that were looking back at her. Taking her back and necktie she gets out of the theatre putting the blazer on to keep her wracked shirt hidden. 

Hands fists the shirt buttons, eyes watching the back of the younger until the door closed she sits down greeting her teeth in irritation Ariana close so close to do something that she never thought about doing not with a girl. 'Ariana your so Fucked! .'


In the middle of Dance class, Sana was trying to do the same steps before a flattering laugh reached her ears. She looked back to greet Lucy who was residing at the front door, pale blonde hair flown down past her shoulders  irradiated into the lights 

"All you have to do is ask, " Lucy said sauntering inside 

She rolled her eyes. "Says someone who's avoiding me." 

"I'm not avoiding you Ms. Aihara " Lucy voiced standing in front of her she gained an irked huff which she found cute heart thuds against her rib cage a new blooming florets emotion playing with her sanity. "Maybe a little, " she accepts.

 The reason for avoiding Sana is still unfamiliar to her as well she has never been in this situation before so many words swirling in her mind still she knows she open her mouth she would bluntly obfuscate unnecessary things that'd probably end up telling everything about Ariana which is a suicide decision 

"May I, " she implores extending her hand to Sana 

An eyebrow lifted with a smirk Sana holds it."Is it your way to apologize,"  

Grasping gently their hands entangled. "Not really, " A chuckle rose from the Latter moving closer. They swayed together side by side whiffs hollow to inhale. 

When the song ended Sana lookup slender fingers willingly surges before she could stop they brushed stroking Lucy's hair leaned into touches. "She was right, " she mumbled, flitting her eyes to the girl's lips. "You do look like a goddess. " catching a glimpse of Lucy's cheeks redden." A real one, " she confessed gazing at soft pair of peach tint lips almost yearning to feel them.

"Sana? " 

The abrupt call of Jea Youn caused both of them to leap away from each other. Lucy blinked at the front door where Sana's boyfriend was rooting himself.  She glances back at Sana who was looking back at him

"Let's go, " Jea Youn told 

"Yes,  "A calm answer made Lucy wonder if perhaps she was the one whose heart felt like she had just been caught seducing Jea Young's new girlfriend. " Bye, Lucy! " all she hears as Sana left 

Placing her hand over her chest to calm her poor heart from the abnormal beating she sighed.  'You're in deep shit Hwang, '