Chapter— 26 [ gleeful]

'She'll always be the main character in my story even if I remain, unknown.'


Erstwhile with blue, and yellow metaphors complexions scatter in red passing through itineraries of warm environs, all violets line sullies in front of the ambient molecule tints cast in sheathed obsidian twilights enclosing the doors of Elysium

Stars drew constellations way too keen at meticulous hours while the moon plaid benign mild in tranquil breeze passed by with tenderness poised at cessation.

Nibbling gently her bitted lips slender fingers grip the pencil curving to rough drawing shaping the preliminary work adding precision details with merit essential efforts over the eyes to form an almost artistic piece to the austere. 

Breaths were gently blown onto the sketchy pages, lips curled admiring until the sound of the door bursting open and her friend's ear—piercing call made her jump in her seat clutching her chest to keep her heart appeased at the normal pace she grimaced. "For Christ's sake Lucy-ya!  There's a tendency of knocking, "

Lucy ignores the wry face rolling her eyes at the blonde girl's scowling in front; she places the branded clothing bags on the bed going through the closet. She takes out some underclothes and settles them on the bed whilst turning her attention to her best friend, hands resting over her hips ."Well,  Miss, I did call you but since someone is so in dreamland with her journal didn't hear my plea, "

Sighing in disbelief, Seyong put her journal in the cupboard, eyes queer interest as they glanced over the clothes. "I told you not to waste money, "

"I didn't, " raising her hands in a gesture of defeat. "It's for you, " Lucy justified taking out the clothes she measures them on carefully. "We have a party to attend, remember. " Sitting with the vanity corner of her lips lifted. "We have to make your first time worthwhile." 

A contained chuckle rose from her moving toward the bed she eyed her friend. "Seriously"

"Dead serious. " 

Aptly Seyong abstaining herself from going to the party she thought about escaping on Saturday evening and spending her time staring at the ceiling Or watching unrealistic movies but now seeing how enthusiastic her best friend is mostly because both of them know after today if things go on the right track the devil name Ariana won't bother in their life anymore and Lucy is happy for that.

Before she could think about the price of the costly red ruched top Lucy walked away saying. "I have to get ready, " she gaped at the clothes, they were way more expensive for her liking. 

Since Lucy didn't want her to wear the non-so-tasteful clothes of her father's choices. She spent more of her afternoon shopping getting comfortable casual clothes she could find. 

Taking a breath as she put them on, feeling the clothes embracing her small breasts, black skinny jeans hugs her soft curves embroiled to a loving comfort, over the purple bruise on her neck silver Luna necklace glimmered into the room lights brushing her fingers through the straight blonde hair that gush down her back as she wore the earnings. 

"So is it okay? " she asked in a worrisome, gazing up at the flabbergasted girl who just bumped into her room again without knocking, shoving the door recklessly. "Lucy-ya? " 

"Not entirely, " Lucy claims, forcing her to sit on the nearest stool.  She grabbed her makeup kit.  A hand held hers. "No, " she warns gently, grasping her chin to detain their gaze. " Please just a little won't harm,"  

Biting down her bottom lips, Seyong withdraws. Her hands back resting them on her lap anxiously letting the Latter do whatever she wanted. There's no use in debating with Hwang when she's so much in the mindset of cheering her up. 

"And done you look so beautiful sweetheart, " She cringed at the nickname her friend grinned, caressing her cheeks Lucy stood her up and walked to the mirror side

They stood together looking into her reflection's feline eyes staring in amazement."Can't you see how pretty you're, " she turned around. "If I was a guy I'd just fall head over heels for you Miss Chao Seyong. " The tint of humor caused her to smile back, a blush inflated on her rose palette cheeks. 


Grabbing their jackets and wearing her boots she tilted her head an eyebrow raised gazing at the small camcorder her friend held when she asked about the necessity of the device the pale blonde girl in the driver seat only spoke. "Just wanna record if they do something illegal we need evidence to show Mr. Kin, " 

Flickering her eyes to the device to her friend she opens the car door settling on the co-driver seat and pulling the seatbelt down she shrugs. "Fine,  whatever you say. " 

Lucy and her plans sometimes make no sense, but still, they came with great outcomes so why not.  

The car began to drive off the dorm building towards the Noble estates. "Seyong-ssi, " the call of her name drew her attention. "Sana is not a bad person. " 

"I know, " 

"If you're going to do that seduction thing tonight please don't go far. " 

The dour heavy hearted feeling wash over of course she was not someone who wants to go far either truthfully she doesn't want to go anywhere the predicaments are solemn for her if Ariana just change her mind she'd breathe in relief for a lifetime

"I won't, " she assured, citing with a small smile from her friend that heartens her anxious self. Lucy trusts her, turning her head to the other side as she looks out of the windows at the street lights allowing the cold winds to ameliorate her mind away from any other thoughts.

In the Kin estate, Noah has made sure to play all the latest records collection he had been save for weekends containing his place as the disc jockey the individuals bounce along with the rhythms of music muffled all hoots of bliss pinkish black hues glisten over faces and toothy grins of guys with their flirty acts towards other girls offering drinks they'd been served with

Ariana let an exhausted sigh hands cross in front of her chest almond hazel pupils peered down through thick eyelashes from the curved staircase of the other side of Kin Mansion to the dance floor where bodies are crushed against each other torpid without care and with drinks had taken over their cautious states. 

When she told her friends to give invitations to the other group members she didn't expect it'd be this crowded. The servants had to do some extra chores tomorrow to clean up all this mess. 

A frown stirs on her manicured brows when her sight stumbles upon someone that she didn't wish to see. "Why is Britney here? '' she inquires stolid tone 

Seo, who was also standing beside her, followed her friend's gaze, eyes narrowed discovering Britney's groups and her admirers. "That's weird I didn't invite her. "She glanced at another side. "Danny did you? " 

Danny vigorously shook her head raising her hands in defeat to clarify any incomprehension that could ensue as both pairs kept their stoic stare on her.  "I swear I didn't."  

"But you're the one who was giving the invitation cards. " Yeri recalls standing next to Ariana 

The three death stares cause Danny to gulp as she opens her mouth. "I was but you see Jo wanted to help me out  so she snatches the cards—, " the last words were only audible whispers mentally face-palming herself she recollect what must have happened Jo was too excited maybe she invite everyone she could find

Clutching her fist Ariana shot daggers at her precious friend who had no clue how much trouble she caused for her perfect plan swaying herself along with the music Jo was talking to Noah. "Yeri keep your child in line before I lose it," she warns, "No wonder why there are so many people, she just invited half of Wilmington into my Goddamn house!" eyeing others she exhaled to soothe her nerves.   

'Breath in Ariana, Breath out' she reminded herself 

"First she's not my child, second calm your tits down, " Yeri urges, massaging her temples the situations sometimes Jo put herself in are much more disastrous for her to handle. She looks back to her friends. "She's just happy for the party, it's not a big deal, we can use it as an opportunity, " obtaining the other trio's attention, she begins. "People are here to get drunk, they won't bother to look at Jea Youn and his girlfriend. Your plan can still be worked. " 


"She's right, " Danny offers an assurance.  "Please don't get mad at our Jo Jo. " 


The brunette dropped her jaw in disappointment. "Fine, " 

"Ari, Jea Youn is here with his friends." Enrik's voice took their attention, Almond eyes twinkling blood tinted lips edged up into a callous smirk. 

"Be ready everyone." 

Her red heels tapped on the floor getting down along with Enrik, she mentions him to get Jo and makes her way toward her ex huddling her wrath feign a welcoming smile. "Hey, Jea Youn, " her voice purred sensually the guys beside her ex couldn't hide the desire to rivet their eyes on her appearance burgundy drop waist mid-thigh length tight fitted dress buss to her skin appropriately 

Between the flat space of Jea Youn's eyebrows furrows hooded eyes stare back at him slightly taken aback by Ariana's arrival he puts forward an awkward smile."Ariana," he nods." Thank you for inviting us. " He said avid not to look down at her pertinent ample cleavage

Calmly tilting her head, her smirk grew on her delicate lips canny she still has some effects on him . "it's all my pleasure, " 

"I'm glad we're okay now, " 

His beaming face incites a rage swarming beneath her skin. "Me too, "jabbing those words out her jaw clapped together 

Extending his hands out Jea Youn implores. "So friends? "

'The audacity of this man! '

"Friends," she states, grasping his hands firmly. It's been a long time since her last talk with Jea Youn. 

Probably it was a mere chance on that day when he left the dance class, her fate vehement to face someone else. Someone who always shows up late for everything yet it doesn't bother her, not when she knows where the nerd is who she's with. All of the hard work of guards she had appointed to keep their eyes on Chao Seyong. 

"Ariana? '' Jea Youn called, borrowing back her from her beliefs, she hummed in acknowledgment.  "I gotta take this call excuse me, " 

She watches him excitedly walk outside the front passage with a loving smile. Sensing Enrik beside her she sighed.  "Don't let him get close to Sana make sure to distance them, " 


"Are you going to do this? " Enrik asks his tall frame standing motionless 

"Shouldn't I? " A query wandered, finding Enrik frowning, she let out a small chuckle witty to find how caring her friend can be for her ex. "He deserves it. " 

Shooking his head he spoke. "I'm not talking about him. Seyong, are you going to let her do this," for a moment when Ariana didn't respond he retained. "Don't let her do something that you'll regret, " reaching down to his pockets he held out a small plastic bag of white powder. "It's fine to forgive and move on if you like her she can be your second chance after what he d—''

Roughly grasping the small bag, eyelids narrow she hissed. "Stop this crap with me Enrik whatever I do with Chao Seyong is none of your business stay out of it and stop making assumptions. " 

Lips slightly grin in delight softening his facial with a tilt of his head overlooking the glare he started. "She's not like him, " He said Ariana's cold sharp stares didn't cause him to shiver. " She's way better, stop ignoring your feelings before it's too late. " 

 Ariana's face dropped. She could rightly deny defining herself with falsehoods, building the walls of her emotions high so no one could reach them, judge them, or use them against her.  Her heart twisted in conflict with her mind.  "She's a girl. What everyone will think. " 

"They all know no boy in Wilmington is brave enough to handle Ariana Jane Wang Kin so why not a girl." 

Why not 

Why not… 

Because her father 




Cocking her head and letting out a soft laugh she shrugs.  "I'm not that bad, those guys are just get too impertinent.  " 

Enrik waved his hands, agreeing his lips twirled into a smile, eyes crinkling. "But she's not. We'll support you. We can be your bridesmaid too if you want. " 

Blush implants from the words her mind dwells over the last sentence, the temptation of seeing her future with Seyong. Having the young lass in her arms every night waking up next to each other in the morning, feeling her smooth skin beneath her palms hearing her soft giggles, all the urges seize her heart delusive to the logic of her sanity."Geez, Enrik stop being cringe, I didn't say I like her. "  

"Not yet, " He proclaimed. "You didn't disagree with the bridesmaid thing, " lightly with a teasing tone. "Should we arrange a marriage hall then? " He inquires

"Shut up, " She groaned displaying her apathy of interest and still smiling likewise 

"Ari, Miss Hottie." Seo appears eyeing both pairs."You guys need to see her ." 

Rolling her eyes at the squeals of her friend Ariana's pursuit by steps being carried the ear-bustling music dull deaf for her ears at first glance her eyes fail to recognize the girl everyone was ogling beside Jo until She sees Lucy giving an assurance squeeze on her best friend's shoulder. 


The other faces bedim,  pink hues fall upon the blonde locks cascade to the side complexion, mouth slightly agape as a lump stuck in her throat, abruptly her breath hitched heart almost miss a beat when their eyes meet. She glup watching Seyong coming forward with an alluring smile without any nervousness, 

"I apologize for showing up late, My Master. " Seyong bowed respectfully 

As if someone threw a pail of cold water to her face Ariana shook her head to grip her thoughts blinking twice to set up her next words carefully she yank her gaze to something else stopping herself to get into the depth of dark stygian of The Younger's eyes 

Averting her eyes behind where at the small bar counter Britney took hold of Jea Youn's attention with another group of girls all of them seamlessly flirting with him he didn't seem to mind it, and then to Sana who's been dragged away from her boyfriend by her friends in an excuse to give a tour of the mansion still someone was missing she glances to the floor side Hwang was with Yeri surely only to make sure to keep her busy just like they planed

Without a second thought, she grips Seyong's wrist and drags her away somewhere quiet heading into the kitchen side; she brushes her fingers through her brunette strands frustratedly.  "What happened to your clothes? "

Bemused by the question, instead of getting scolded for showing up late, Seyong glanced down at her clothes. " Clothes? " 

"Fuck it, is there any place you never show up late! "  

There is Seyong's father's office; she always makes sure to run for her life to get there at the right time. "I'm sorry Lucy was helping me to get dressed a—" Before she could explain herself a finger raised to stop her 

"So you choose to look pretty with your bestie when your Master is waiting here for 3 hours."

 The apathetic remarks toyed with her core biting her bottom lips Seyong hides the smile arousing. Ariana just admits she does look pretty and was waiting. "I just thought if I looked different it'd be easy to seduce Sana. " 

"You really want to seduce her, don't you? "Ariana's voice almost sounded hurt for a sec. She was bothered that Chao Seyong was dressing for someone else but she never did it for her.  

"Don't you want the same? "  Brave enough The Younger mumbled. Sighing a deep breath as she waits for an answer ignoring her question, Her Master moves toward the countertop, a tray of liquor with different colors set over. 

A small plastic bag is ripped, mixing white powders  into each drink Ariana glances at her.``Make sure Sana drinks them all, "  She orders mentioning the glasses.  "Remember Seyong those are high drugged to show stars it'll help you to seduce her but whatever happens, don't get yourself drunk."

"Okay, " Taking in each phrase she held the tray but before she could pass Ariana palmed her forearm gently she stayed as silence lingered 

"You didn't forget what I taught you right? " It wasn't something she thought The Queen Bee would say.

She hoped Ariana would stop her from going nevertheless maybe she was just desperate. " Yes. " 

Her hands are still being held. "I—once Jea Youn caught you two together you've to make sure he breaks up with Sana. " 

"If he caught us kissing he'll. " Seyong insured.  "I'll do my best. " 

It is just a kiss, it won't be a big deal neither would she go far more than just one kiss. Then again why didn't it sit well with The Latter? Letting go of Seyong's arms Ariana let her go even though a force was implying to pull her back, her hands clutched to cease the impulses.  

'This is the right thing to do, Ariana.' 

A part of her knew it wasn't, it was never. 

"You said she'll stop her, " Danny utter

This was an eccentric situation for them eyes oscillating between the duo in the distance at the corner seat Seyong was talking with Sana credibly persuading her to get some drink as the tray of liquors set in front of their table and then to her friend Ariana who was with Jo the other dance members perching across the barstool

"I thought she changed her mind. " Noah said brows knitted together bafflement appearing on his features at what they were witnessing

"Well, She didn't. '' Seo grimaced rubbing her temples to quell her aching head due to Ariana's stick with the plan spirit they lost their hope. "Maybe we saw it wrong. " She admits. Glancing back at Noah she sighed. "She doesn't have any feelings for Chao Seyong. "

Noah declined, eyes can't hide emotions and those hazel orbs were unveiled with actions, they conducted louder than any verbal response the grisly gripe on the glass his friend was holding bawl how much she was detaining back. "She does, " noticing a glimpse of Ariana sharply observing Ms. Nerdy's every movement. An idea lit up, there was still a chance. " It just needs a push. "

Biting his bottom lips between his teeth, eyes veer around he grins tilting his head to a side as both girls frown upon him. "If Ari wants Sana to get drunk we'd make sure of it. But not only her, " terse his finger toward Seyong as he leaned closer. "She as well. "

Was it part of the plan? No.

Is it the right thing to do? Not really.

Was it necessary? Who knows.