Chapter 29 — [Elastic Heart: 1]

'There are secrets that can't be revealed, but these feelings are real, feel my heartbeat they'll explain all.'


The trenchant floral scent tickles her nostrils affection and glee dances in feline eyes, glancing around at the shades of purple-bluish undertone tints with a veil of sunrays radiant over.

Light fresh fragrance balsamic her heart as she took a deep breath in her windpipe of the blooms tips of her bangs swept by her cheeks lips curled up to a blithe grin.  She leaned her head curiously soft buzz of bees heeded in her ears as they toiled in the magnificent fields of lavender flowers. 


Crouching down toward the blossom her little hands innocently picked up as many flowers as they could grasp in one hold. As soon they did the deed, winds mildly brushed against her cheeks as her legs moved swiftly to meander along the side path, swinging her hands atop the soft petals with her fingertips. "Mama!"  her voice pitched to acquire her mother's attention 


 "Sì," her mother sighed. "Be careful, non correre. " She scolds gently. 

Little Seyong nodded twice as she peered up, clutching the flowers to her side.  

"What is it? " The Woman bent her knees down to get the same height as her daughter without worry about her grey pattern long dress getting dirty on the ground, brows drew in wonder.

Having the demure tone and soft gaze all for herself Seyong slowly holds out the blossoms, a rosy flush limn her willingness. "For you Mama," she said. 

A big palm caresses her head affectionately before soft pairs of lips tenderly grazed her cheeks. "Yongbee, " taking hold of the flowers' from the small hand's comfort drew her in as a smile hushed her essence. " What we talk about picking up flowers, "  the woman implores the lenient sweetness still there in her voice to fill the hollow of unhappiness 

Though she knew her mother wasn't upset she parted her lips to affirm her point. "But they're pretty Mama just like you, " she mummer gazing down, hands clasped in front. "I want you to have them all. " 

Her mother's chuckle stems from discomfort. "Is that so? " The Woman hummed attentively, summing her rightful phrases. "But my Little Yongbee, what will I do with a damaged flower when it's… lifeless? " 

Dark eyes glance toward the flowers unruly in their beauty she hesitates for a moment ."But they're pretty. I want them." 

Stubborn just like her father. Mrs.Chao let out a deep breath as she stood up, outstretching her hands. She waited for her daughter to take, unwillingly small hands holding onto hers ."If you feel they're pretty and beautiful," she began walking along the path." Then you shouldn't hurt them," words solicit to the little girl's mind. "Take care of them. " 

"Take care of them? " the little girl mused to herself. "But Mama, if I do that I won't be the only one to have it all for myself. " 

The Woman looks down, her gaze softening seeing the apprehension of her daughters for losing the precious things. " Of course, you can have it all for yourself if you promise to admire and take good care of it. We can plant them in our garden only for you," she reassured. "How about that? " 

"Admire… "An emotion of value or respecting things. A new word for her knowledge bucket this week."Yes, I promise to take care of it." her eyes adored her mother's beauty. "Every pretty thing that is just like you Mama."  The optimistic joy of moments treasured for her birthday sizing the big fervency of palms she twirls gleefully earning hearty laughs in return. 

"Daddy, " she mumbled as the suited man smiled at them in amusement. 

"You're making her weak Lilith, " her father's masculine voice joined their moments, sauntering forward he sighed. " If she wants something she can just take it however she likes. If she keeps caring, people will take my little girl for granted. " 

"Masonjin, " strong arms enfold around Seyong's small waist to lift her from the ground. "Being kind and soft-hearted will never make our Yongbee weak; she is strong. " Mrs. Chao remarked, stroking her daughter's back."Right, Ms.Chao Seyong?"  

"Sì Mama always strong, " for ensuring the truthfulness she makes a motion to show her lithe biceps earning an eye roll from her father and an impish smirk from her mother 

 "See, she's stronger than you Mr.Chao. " 

Her mother's acute wisecracks make Mr. Masonjin shake his head in disbelief both pairs laughed pleasantly. "Lilith, " he spoke. "Yong the cake is waiting aren't you going to cut it? " 


Right, her favorite double-layer chocolate cake that her mother allows her to eat only for her birthday she beamed. "Of course, andiamo, Mama. " 

"I don't understand what's the point of celebrating her 5th birthday away from the city in a small bakery,"

 She heard her father's calm voice trailing along footsteps with her mother who smiled warmly caressing Seyong's head. "Because it's not about the fancy restaurants, it's the moment she'll always get by heart. Didn't you remember what she asked for as her gift? A lavender field, and now she has seen it. " 

"Hm, well it only took two or three flowers to please her. '' Mr.Masonjin said, glancing down at the dim purple blossom he was grasping and then at his daughter who was being carried by his better half lovingly, looking drowsy from all the running rush of discovering different varieties of flowers along with lavender for mere moments of walking together beside his wife, he stops as his eyes catch something. "Lilith,  " he called softly for his dearest lips quiver into simper. " Look. " He pointed toward heaven 

And when they did, Seyong's eyes were awed in admiration.

Sunlights are diluted by the path of noctilucent cloud-possessed molecules in the atmosphere; the wide optical phenomena afterglow in the faint above-horizon blues and greens bestow out of sight better than dark, red, and pink washed on some clouds. 

"Isn't it pretty? " Her Mother inquire.

"Very. " Mr. Masonjin answered.

Seyong turned her head back to look at her father and to her wonderment he wasn't looking at the horizon he was only staring at her mother, his eyes gleaming with something that her mind couldn't name. 

"I could feel your eyes Masonjin,  stop. " The words weren't firm, still Seyong wondered why her mother told him to stop. Looking at someone to admire them is not rude. 

"I can't. Nature's beauty is nothing compared to my better half. " 

"Seriously in front of Seyong. We're leaving you. " 

Seyong had to bite her inner cheeks to suppress the giggles at seeing her father jogging in his dirt cover suit to follow them. "Remember Yongbee if you find someone's beauty more dazzling than nature. The heart is going in the wrong path."  

More dazzling. Seyong shook her head and rested her chin on her mother's shoulder. There's no way someone can be prettier than nature Or her mother. She breathed the alluring scent as sleep embraced her.  

Two things she could sense with closed eyes: lavender and the gentle heartbeats of her pillow. Eyebrows frown pillows don't have a heartbeat, do they? No, they don't.

As if someone rang a bell she fluttered her eyes open to be greeted by hazel orbs glimmering with mirthfulness. "Having fun done with my titties Miss Seyong." She could see Ariana's cheeky grin smirking down at her 

What? To her growing horror, She gazed down, eyes widened when she found Ariana wrapping her arms protectively apparently to keep her close and the soft sluggish thing she was pressing her cheeks against an instance of the pillow was none other than Ariana Jane Wang Kin's breasts! 

Her arms grasping the elder's waist she yelped a high-pitched scream and twisted herself pushing The Latter off causing both of them to leap away from each other then within a second with a grunt she hit the floor.  Pain shoots up her spine as one leg remains on the bed while the other bent awkwardly she could hear Ariana's agonizing groan as well landing with the thud 

"What the hell was that for? is that a way to greet people in your morning routine, Chao Seyong? " 

With the help of the bedside, Seyong stood up her headaches a flash wave of nauseousness swirled her stomach provoking another reflex of muscles to asphyxiate by all fluids impetuously her limbs hurried towards the bathroom gagging out bitter liquids

She flinched when a hand gently rested on her spine. " It's alright. '' Ariana voiced gently as if this wasn't any reason to disgust, palms drawn circles on her back to soothe her anxiousness, another hand reaching up to grasp the side locks of Seyong's hair

She became cognizant of a presence behind. And the fact she was embarrassing herself in front of her crush. " Let it out, " the smoothness tugs all the cords of pith. She choked again. Her stomach was ruthless now. "Breath Seyong calm down. " 

After merciless moments of self-suffering, she huffed deep breaths, eyes refusing to move to meet Ariana's wry gaze not until the elder cleared her throat and retracted back. "You—um,  go fresh up. I'll get the clothes for you. " 

Not waiting for any response Ariana extracts striding across the doors she goes to another room to clean herself but before she enters the shower she gives a command to the head chef about their guest.  The other servants have already finished their cleaning chores. They bowed 'Good Morning, ' to their young mistress and she nodded offering a smile. 

Some things are going on, and some feelings are bubbling in her with so much scarcity and fear. As minutes are ticking by, the fetal emotion of fear is entrancing its roots in her mind. The running water sound was like a hum in her ears allaying with assurance she sighed.  

Opening the door when she enter her room holding some new clothes that had been brought by the helpers for her violent bedmate a haze of scent stiff around the jamb her eyes drown in the view of Seyong wrapped in one of the fluffy white bath towel hair damp as water drops guiding down her nape standing in front, unsure what to do next barefoot, hands resting on her torso, waiting.  

The hell devil is truly testing her self-control because the towel was the only barrier between her and her new addiction under which the girl was naked if she just pushed Seyong against the wall and slid her hands beneath she can feel the tender flush skin to take her, the soak coated heat of arousal around digits would be sinful, deliciously sinful.

"I've brought some clothes.  Go change." Ariana rasped, mentioning toward her bed where the pair of clothes had been set, watching Seyong nods sauntering toward her wardrobe. She didn't turn. 

The 'Click! ' of the door shut reaches her ears she exhales a deep breath that was trapped in her lungs. It's happening again she could feel her control wrenching from her grasp just to crave someone, hunger for their touch.

Once the younger was dressed in a plain cotton white top and black trousers she sat down as Ariana pulled out a chair next to her.  

Breakfast was peaceful, they didn't talk much but the silent company wasn't bad either, not until after they finished when she brought going back to her dorm as if something triggered  Ariana

The heir of the Kin family lashed out, throwing the water-containing glass, pieces shattered onto the creamy marble floor. " If you're so desperate to go back then why bother to ask me? get out.  Go back to your friend! " Ariana's voice was anything but calm and the hard slam of her fist on the wooden table has given a warning  

Seyong sighed Ariana's anger could never scare her away. She had seen the worst of her father but the oozing blood from the slender hands was an ache in her heart she held their gaze before standing up something glisten in the elder eyes, Hurt. As she walks away 


Pacing across the stairs Seyong opened the door of Ariana's bedroom and then to the bathroom going through the cabinets of the upper row she picked up the med kit box. 

When she goes back to the room where the glass pieces are still crashed she carefully strolls toward the girl who's sitting like a stubborn toddler; staring at the floor blankly like they realize they did something bad and blaming themselves. 

In the pin-drop silence, the scratching sound of the chair echoes that drew the elder's attention, hooded eyes looked up as Seyong moved closer.  She set the box on the table and took her hand out. "May I?"

Eyebrows raised in amazement a smile perched at the sight of The Latter's bewilderment. "w-What? " Ariana whisper in a low voice

Taking that puzzlement as consent Seyong cautiously grasped the wounded hand sparks tingled through her veins with the closeness.  She shrugs off the sensations and keeps her priority on the injury, the small cut on the soft palm.  

Under the watchful stare, while she tried to use the antibiotics, Ariana hissed, eyes darted up. "Does it hurt?"  she implores still being adamant The Queen Bee shook her head avoiding her gaze

"You can hold my hand if it hurts. " Offering her other hand Seyong began to clean the blood off. As the last drop of antibiotics sting over the cut Ariana's hands clutched the forearms painfully.  Seyong didn't mind it giving Ariana comfort was more important than her own pain.

"Done. '' She declares with fulfillment about her work. "Are you feeling any pain? " inquires, blooms again with care. "Should I ask someone to come? " the younger one began to fumble with words. "Sorry I usually don't know know how to— I can look for Miss Sorina if you wish then she can call a doctor so it won't have any infection there's a 5 percent of chance of germs getting into the skin it's safe to double check if we—" A finger pressed against heart-shaped lips to shushed her down 

"You're a peculiar one Chao Seyong do you know that, " Delicate lips slightly grin observing the younger features. "Why didn't you leave? " Ariana maintains her cool self even if there's a thunderstorm going between her mind 

Seyong holds the lissome wrist. "i-I can't leave you, "in a dazed truth unveiled."Not when you're hurt." 

 An audible throaty laugh teased her gut. "Oh, Seyong, " Ariana moved closer, their knees touching against each other. "Even when I throw my blowups on you? " Seyong nodded without hesitation.  Remaining the warmth of their harmless contact, her bandage hand raised to The Young girl's chin, she tilts Seyong's head to get a view of the side of her neck. "A bruise can catch a lot of unwanted attention, don't you think?"  

"My skin is sensitive, it bruises easily and heals soon it'll be fine. " 

"Is that so… then should I give you more? " She smirks as the blonde girl shifts her gaze back, cheeks rosiness implying how far thoughts are going in her sanity. She'd love to mark Seyong every inch of her, carved in every piece with tenderness. "Tell me, " Ariana whispered, softly flickering her eyes to Seyong's lips. "Should We? " 

Her lips part the warmth of Ariana's fingertips tickles against her carotid pulse as hazel irises keep their gaze on hers tepidly waiting for an answer.  "We—" 

"Ahmm,  I guess I'll tell Miss Lucy to call some other time then. " Mrs. Sorina's voice reaches the pair's attention both of them look back at the woman

"Lucy called?" Seyong asks, standing up as she walks toward Mrs.Sorina ignoring the unpleasant groan from another person at the mention of her friend. 

"Yes, she did since morning. This will be the fifth time. " The Head Attendant replies holding the portable telephone Seyong nodded and reaching to take it, goes outside for some privacy. 

25 minutes. It took 25 minutes to convince her best friend she is fine and Ariana didn't put an end to her yet. The loud curses were audible enough to catch glimpses of the servant's skeptical gazes who were cleaning the other side of Kin mansion. Seyong awkwardly lent a smile to them, aware they did hear everything phrase and strode toward the quiet backyard garden.

Eventually, once she found no one was around she sighed and took a seat nearest the flower bush. 

"Seriously? "Lucy unsurely inquired from the other line. "I could just come to take you," she suggests.

"Lucy-ya, " Seyong closed her eyes for a moment as silence lay thinking about her choice, perhaps what she saw was right Or wrong.  "It's just… " she watches the dandelion flowers blanket ahead of the lawn, lilting within the sun rays along with breezes. " I know I'd be wrong but for once before going back to my life I want to try my luck and if things don't go well I'll just take a taxi. " 

"I know you want to stay with her. But listen as long as you're happy, Seyong-ssi I'm gonna support you. And if she says no you'll call me I'll be right there. Okay? " 

"Mother I'll. "A sarcastic laugh entails that her friend doesn't like to be called that term.  " Just give me a moment, I'll ask her first. " 

Heading back to the dining room Seyong saw Mrs. Sorina with a serious expression scolding Ariana it surprised her to be fair.

The Queen Bee of Wilmington getting an earful from someone and actually listening to them is bizarre. But the motherly worry tone from the older woman when she was talking about the injury and the fact how much Ariana needs to control her actions.  Seyong couldn't help but agree in her mind indeed Ariana needs to think sometimes before freaking out. 

Exuberance and foreign satisfaction twinkle in the almond hazel orb as Seyong implores about staying in for a little while adding a reason for not having anything else to do on Sunday afternoon for beats of seconds she prepared to hear another harsh word but astonishment because the words were more simple ."Ok, I'll just get my phone. We can go out. "  


Seyong waited in the foyer after ending her call with Lucy. She watched the familiar portrait of a little girl with a sulk on her lips, hazel eyes in boredom piercing through the art piece wearing elegant dress hands clutching black roses, and dark shoulder-length hair waves flowy.

"She didn't like how they wanted only her images, that's why she was a little angry because she wanted it with her father. " 

Hearing Mrs. Sorina by her side she turned to look at her then back to the portrait a smile raised to the corner of her lips Seyong could only imagine how little Ariana would look bossing around the household furious, fierce maybe cute.  "Then did she win? " 

An amiable chuckle indicates she won.  "We've to carry a unit to bring Master Kin back from London and in the end, she did win." Mentioning the other painting she smiles. " This one was taken after he came, calling off all the seminars with instructors. He didn't even change his clothes. " 

The toothy grin on Little Ariana's face melted Seyong's heart. How protectively smiling likewise a suited man who she knows is Mr. Kin holding his daughter on his lap is truly heartwarming. There was no irritation on his features, only fondness.

"I'm sorry Ms. Seyong, " 

Almost taken aback by the sudden apology from The Head Attendant. " For what Miss? " she inquires.

The Woman sighed. " I know what Riana did a few minutes ago, " 

Seyong shrugs."It doesn't matter Miss, and please Seyong will be fine. "

 Her words didn't seem to assure the person Mrs.Sorina turned, her gaze bore to the young lass. Genuine upkeep with words is ideal for the Kin family."Seyong is it then,  I know sometimes Riana is not good with expressing what she wants but you've to trust your instance. She's a sweetheart with just a tiny little bit of bitterness. " 

Seyong chuckled in agreement ." I know." 

Nodding  Mrs.Sorina continued." She's really looking forward to spending time with you since morning, just a little shy to ask first after. She even asks the chefs to cook the food you prefer. " 

Warmth smeared her heart, cheeks reddened so she was right."Really?" She implores 

"Yes." The Head Attendant answers, restraining herself from saying any further secrets about Ariana's acts.

"Shut it, Hwang she's not a kid stop calling me before I change my mind. "Ariana's voice could be heard from the staircase as heels clapped softly and then stop

Seyong looked up only to be wonderstruck, her heart's thud fluttering all the enthusiasm ahead. The white shirt tucked in with plain blue jeans was rarely the most casual non-branded cloth she ever saw Ariana wearing without any makeup. Her complexion gleamed exquisitely.  

"So Seyong, what are your thoughts about Riana? " 

'Breathtaking, ' she whispers under her breath an amused chuckle rose from her side, eyes widened in surprise; she forgot about Mrs. Sorina who smiled pleasantly at her in return, a hand placed on her shoulder.  " I know. Have fun together, take care of yourself Dear." 

Seyong bowed embarrassingly.  " Thank you, Miss. You too. " She couldn't hear what Mrs. Sorina said to Ariana which caused an eye roll but the smirk on her lips entailed it was about her. 

As Ariana gets down, Seyong follows her. "Did you talk to your bestie? " 

"Yes,  Master. " Ariana stop making her standstill 

"Ariana, " The elder stated.

Seyong's brows raised. "Pardon? " Maybe her ears are working at this point. The Lavender aroma wrapped around her form as Ariana moved closer one step away only for her to hear whatever next words were about to come 

"y-You can call me Ariana. " With that, she turned and began to walk away toward the main gate. 

Motionless in confusion for a moment Seyong stood still mouth agape no matter how much she was trying to utter or muster any form of words they seem to be stricken back. Afterall it was a big deal The Queen Bee of Wilmington gave her permission to pronounce her name.  

"Are you coming? Or not Miss Nerdy. " She shook her head and looked at Ariana who was waiting, folding her arms over her chest. Head tilted an eyebrow raised. "Seyong. " 

She jogged her lips curled into a smile that mirrored Ariana's. 

Trying her Luck wasn't that bad for sure.