Chapter— 30 [Elastic Heart: 2]


'The moment our eyes met I was lost in a hidden mist.'


Beats resonate eurythmic basking its laudation inside the space the sensations of free fierce tucks deeps down closer to buoyant.

Breathe. Focus, turn.

 Spin, move, swift. 

Twist, bend, smile. 

Fall, hurt, repeat. 

Watch, lift,  Breathe. 

Head tilted slender digits skims along over bare stomach, chin raises wind brush upon sweated torso and neck, deep puff of arduous breaths inhale as a hand rests on her shoulder blade tense muscles appeases. " Are you sure you're okay?" Danny's voice was lenient watching cautiously

Lifting her gaze from the wooden polished floor she smiles over the mirror ." Yes, " truthfully she wasn't. Thousands, probably millions of thoughts, were residing inside her head. Her Body is throbbing. Legs are giving out with each harsh movement making new scratches on the pale smooth skin. The knees are weak from putting so much pressure on the lower side, and the waist could nearly bend. Still, Hwang Lucy wasn't someone who would share things easily, not with someone who was not her best friend. Pondering about her best friend, she hasn't received any calls from Seyong, who's probably with Kin. 

She glanced toward the wall clock of the practice room. It was past 3 PM.  Her last talk with Ariana happened to be at 1 PM where she warned the Heir strictly for which a few words snarled back. 'Shut it, Hwang she's not a kid stop calling me before I change my mind.' Therefore she let it slide. As long as Seyong is happy everything will be fine. 

From the open west side window, the breeze blows with the soothing rays of the sun gleaming on their side complexion. A view of the North campus garden can be seen where foreign wildflowers bloom. This place was only used for specific groups of students who participate in special events away from the East campus or the dance class at the third edifice second-floor ritzy dance practice room with delicate colors and the giant low iron glass mirrors to keep eyes on every movement. 

In the morning when she showed up in the practice room just as she was told yet absence of rest had made her tired enough to have headaches. The Janitor was willing to greet her warmly. He was doing his chores of cleaning just like Ariana informed him. Slightly suspicious of why The Queen Bee changed her mind when last night she was seething her tempers. She called Seyong whilst she was assured her best friend was okay, a wave of relief washed over. 

Retaining nothing else to do she decided to be here Danny's face lit up seeing another companion as their eyes met she explained Ariana had forbidden her from entering the dance class so she wanted to try some steps without getting caught by anyone which Lucy agreed.  

The raven-haired girl casually sits down on the floor wiping her sweat off with the use of a small towel." You've missed a few steps today." She said,

Eyes closed Lucy exhaled a deep breath. Few, No she missed all of the choreography, not a single step was done perfectly. She doesn't even know why she's here when she is supposed to be at home. If Seyong would've been in her dorm they'd have a sleepover and spend all the day together but now she's all by herself. 

"I know," averting her gaze from the mirror she lays her back down on the floor and stares at the vast ceiling ." Can't focus,".

A slight chuckle could be heard ." Still, thinking about your bestie?" 

A part of Lucy was thinking but not about her best friend. Her mind was diligent by someone else. Someone who is not getting out of her wit since last night their sweeter words still abide causing her heart to feel a warm sensation. "Kind of. I don't know what your bestie is up to."

"Chill Hwang, Ari is not planning to do any bad thing with Miss Nerdy." 

She turned her head to the left to look at the girl sitting next to her, dark curls falling by a side as the tight bun loosen narrowly, fingers lifted to tuck the roots gently. " Why are you all trying to get them together? " 

Danny opens her mouth then closes. " Because Ari likes her," a moment later her voice answered. The urge to roll her eyes at those words was not held back with a faint scoff. Lips curled into a grin.  " Come on, we can't be the only ones to see it.  Both of them have hearts in their eyes for each other. " 

Now that earns an audible groan, having Seyong fall all the way wasn't enough. These idiots are a pain in the neck.  Sitting back she frowned. " First when? Second, how? And third, can't she find someone else to play her tricks on? " 

"Tricks, seriously, you've never been in love. Are you? " The amusement in Danny's voice was sheen pulling one of her knees closer to her chest; she smothered her hands over the trouser material before resting her chin over.  

"No,  but that's not the point. " shoulders rolled back carrying a distinct end.  

"That's the whole point, you won't get it unless you feel it. " 

"Thank God, " she declares, dismissing the topic. 


Sighing in disbelief Danny didn't encourage further to proceed and Lucy was glad she wasn't in any mood of harkening either. For a moment of quietness, the atmosphere was relaxed when she bespeaks about their class exams that would probably take place 1 week later Tuesday, and the matter of fact that the principal is coming back which only implies Ariana's responsibility will be limited. The class exam is held for the students to luster their knowledge in studies and if they fail they won't be able to sit in the final unless they bring their parents although the principal will be back that means Mr.  Kin will take care of most of the matter crucially. His words will be final no other discussion will be contained between any respected Or senior professors.  


The sheer tone of Danny's cell phone was the reason for quitting their conversation at a time she had promised she'd join for the evening dinner and she was late. So saying goodbye to Lucy she left offering a last smile and a few words about not getting worried.  " Hwang, if you spend time with Ari you will see it too just don't murder each other, " when she didn't get any remark except a shaking head. " Or fall in love you will be down to this shit. " she jested, winking at the latter.  

Falling in love, that's only an excuse.  

The end of an old classic song 'The Great Pretender' was almost dim and oscillated in the last moments. Standing up Lucy moved toward a side and picks up her bag to take out the green loose-fit shirt she slid it over her black crop top dusting her cotton denim pants she began to tie her Converse sneakers. Dancing barefoot was not bad it was more helpful, and she didn't collapse in the middle.  

'When I Fall In Love'— vibrates into the room, revamps into a pleasant miscellany of mellifluous melody synthesizing an enigma. 


"Lucy? " The soft call of her name flew into the room. She froze. That voice. She knows that. It's been one of the sweetest temptations for her auricles teasing her with every call. Jutting every strength she slowly turns keeping her breathing in check as her eyes set on the person.  

There was the aureole girl but something was different today for the first time Lucy witnessed Aihara Sana in makeup wearing the daintiest flower-printed above knee-length dress the appropriate neckline stopped beneath her clavicles a belt to mark her curved waist with straight pitch-black hair cascading down alongside. The acquiescent aura around was spreading like wildfire coming closer with each stroll keen to burn down everything in flames, Deep black doe eyes held their gaze, something glinted, questions uneasiness, and thrill.  Red-painted lips lifted upward to a pleasant smile. " Lucy, " Sana voiced. Limbs' rooted eyes slightly widen when she comes closer. " Thank God you're still here. " 

Lucy didn't know if she looked like a deer caught in headlights right now; she was way more astonished by this unprepared visit. Why is Sana here? It's Sunday the university is mostly closed, well not the library and the dorm building. The loud cheers of the senior students can be heard as they play on the field.

She almost jumped off her skin. A hand gently shakes her shoulder. "You okay?" Sana implores worriedly, her eyebrows knitted together." Did I scare you?"  

Lucy blinks the warmth of a palm rests on the side of her cheek ."w—what are you doing here?" 

With a smile Sana borrows her hands back." Here," she holds out a Gold tone link bracelet." I believe this belongs to you."  

"Oh," was all she could mumble, last night she must have forgotten about it since someone was practically clinching into her arms like a human-size koala. Her hands extended for the bracelet but Sana grasped it. 

"May I?" Before she could answer, her forearms were being held gently, taking one step closer. Sana focused on rolling the sleeves up first, then she set the bracelet around her right wrist.  Eyes flicker up beneath the thick dark lashes. " Thanks for taking care of me last night. I know I can be very chatty when I get drunk. " 

The words echoed freely Lucy let the soft chuckle past her lips recalling the drunken Sana flirtation words the warmth in her heart hikes enchantingly. " I should have recorded it," 

 Sana rolled her eyes while holding her hand.  " Don't tell me I said something embarrassing. " 

"Hm,  no you were just saying how beautiful I look."  She smirks catching a glimpse of a blush 

" It wasn't a lie, " Sana said. Moments paced eyes drawn into each other fingertips grazing against her hands as they moved up to the side of her jaw skimming with feathery touches taking time to trace every detail of her face." You are beautiful, " 

Dread crept inside her chest as she stared down at the big adoring eyes. The seniority of words and demure tone didn't help. She didn't want to see Sana in trouble, not like last night. However, she can't tell her to stay away from Ariana. It'll bring suspicion.  The distress seems to be evident for others to see.  "What is it? " the latter asks softly 

The blonde girl makes an effort to avoid the intent gaze only to be halted as a hand lighted on her jaw under the soft flesh her skin burns to etch amusingly. Sana wants an answer and she won't let it go until she gets one.  " Nothing, " she sighed.

Maybe they were abducted at the moment because in the worry of telling the truth Lucy didn't realize how close they were. The quiescent aura embraced her in the wildfire shivers traveled down her spine when the thumb careers her cheek with tenderness to calm her neurotic. The notion of keeping your breathing in check was forfeited. "You're lying, " Sana spoke, gazing down at her lips. " You never look in my eyes when you lie. " Utterances breathed. 

Lucy never comprehended that she did it. Had she always been so obvious she didn't know there was no space left for her overwhelmed mind to think. It was frigid but her heart wasn't. 

The hands began to slide off from her cheeks and linger on the back of her blonde hair; gently she was pulled forward, neck craned down until a soft pair of lips pressed against hers. Eyes widened their bodies flush together as a hand began to untie her loose bun, and another one landed over her waist to keep her closer.  Her soul melted, gasping barely able to resist the allure of a latent nexus.

 It wasn't a kiss. Frozen in the spot she was only grounded there while Sana pressed herself without receiving any response the hands began to withdraw themselves a bit more daring Lucy gingerly scoped to touch Sana's back to wrap her around, and to her delight, the girl let her. Slender hands were back in their place to tug her close caressing over the painful boundaries of the green shirt fabric. She parted her lips with a soft sweep of her tongue, moans lure into the hotness to feel a warm mouth. The thuds of the heart against her rib cage were pounding in her ears as her eyes close in glee

This was it.  

Her first kiss.  

No, their first kiss.  

Into an empty dance practice room a romantic song playing in the background sun rays beam onto their side it's glorious,  frightening, intoxicating,  and soft yet Sana wasn't gentle her kiss was hungry unlike Lucy who had kept her hand on the back of the raven-haired girls head to keep her unharmed from the harsh nibble on delicate lips as their tongue clasps. 

Perhaps Sana wanted this for a long time and was craving for this, for her.  Maybe she felt things too, otherwise everything. Every sensation since they meet. And possibly they could be happy together as they get older and always be in each other's arms like a family.  Could they be a family? —

 Lucy whimper in protest when the kiss broke teeming with sensations and beliefs they are optimistic her eyes fluttered open through heavy breaths a warm hopeful smile was twisted on her lips predicting Sana to have the same 

And for the love of heaven, she was so wrong. There wasn't any smile or warmth in those dark eyes.  They looked more terrified. Lucy gulped thickly. "s-Sana? " 

Like a timid animal in a cage who's ready to strike back its captors, Sana's breath quickened with fear, disarray, and anger. It was further holding her nostrils flared cheeks reddened with an unspent heat, teeth bit down over her slightly swollen bottom lips hands fisted by her side. "Sana? " gently Lucy tried to hold her hands she whacks them away and began to stride turning her heels 

Bewildered and worried with her impulses she ran to follow down to the corridors before the latter could pass the first-floor empty hallway. She grabbed Sana's wrist causing her to spin around. "wh-what happened? " she whispers the pulse in her neck aching bitterly as she watch teary eyes 

"Let go, " Sana pleaded, her voice trembling. " It shouldn't have happened. " The sudden change of emotions from happiness to anguish was only making things worse. "i-I'm sorry I—w-we can't. " 

The grip loosened. "But we kissed, " Lucy quietly whisper feeling the pinch of despondency biting into her heart, twinging it till it oozes out 

"No! " The Latter half yelled, glancing around to make sure they were alone. " It shouldn't have happened. I have a boyfriend. " The last phrase was mostly a statement she said to herself  leaving the confused hurt blonde girl behind who stood motionless 

A Teardrop rolls down her cheeks unknowingly as eyes watch Sana with her boyfriend. Jea Youn was waiting for her. For the last time she looks back their eyes met with unsaid proclamations before heeding the man beside her. 

Danny was right. Fall in love and you'll be down since every moment of their kiss was like the tentative baby steps of a fledgling bird learning to soar hazing the world in anticipation of collisions of souls unveiled in captivating allure. Where time never paced enclosing into the soft brush of their lips enchanting into feelings that dance with vulnerability and courage almost exquisites a symphony of their heartbeats. An affinity that would've defined a story. Their story.

Then why did she run away?  Why? 

'Because you're not him,' a voice said from the back of her head, taunting her. 

Was that reason enough for her to forget everything that occurred, who knows? Reasons are not the only voices that flow into the human brain. 

As the pair disappeared from her sight she began to walk toward the dorm building. She needs a shower. A cold one. And the consolation of her best friend.