Chapter 5 ( Demon Hunter I)

Phoebe's eyes immediately opened; she realized that she was no longer in the dark room, and the man she had been seeing a moment ago was no longer there; he had been replaced by her friend's faces, both of which had a condescending and scared expression on their faces.

"Phoebe, are you okay? We heard you scream from your sleep, and we tried to wake you up for a while, but you didn't wake up. Were you dreaming of those monsters again, or perhaps the ghost boy?"Mira ranted, handing Phoebe a tall glass of water,

"I'm fine, it was just a bad dream," Phoebe said as she rose from her bed.

"Are you sure, Phoebe? You know you can tell us if something is bothering you." Mira said, placing her hand on Phoebe's shoulder. Phoebe just smiled and left for the bathroom.

"Why do I feel like something big is wrong with her? We are being concerned, and here she is being all rude; next time she can scream all she wants; I'm not going to lift my sleepy ass from my bed," saying that Summer left the room, leaving Mira all alone in the room.

Something was definitely wrong somewhere. Mira thought to herself that,


In School

Mira was in class today, feeling down after what had happened earlier in the morning; the teachers had begun complaining about her grades, and who could blame them? They didn't understand what she was going through mentally.

She tried not to let these monsters get in the way of her education. The fact that she could see them doesn't mean that they know she can; she tried encouraging herself, but deep down she knew it was not so.

She made up her mind to concentrate from now on, and that is what she did. She listened to the new teacher's explanation and also took note of key points from the lesson, but it didn't last long as Mira suddenly felt chills run down her spine and goosebumps break out on her skin. She always felt this way whenever they were watching her, or when they were close to her. Her breathing suddenly became irregular, her palms became sweaty, and her body began to shake as her heart began to race.

From the corner of her eyes, she spotted it; it was the same as the one in the restroom, and it was just a few feet away from her, but it was closer to Summer than her.

"Are you alright, Mira?" Sam Mira's seatmate asked with concern in his eyes,

"I'm fine; why do you ask?" Mira tried forcing a smile on her face,

"Your heartbeat is very loud, and you look paler than usual; are you sure you're alright?" He asked again, this time placing his hand on Mira's hand,

"Of course I we should really stop talking; you don't want to get into trouble just like me." Mira smiled, trying to lighten the mood, but Sam still had his doubts.

She tried to stay calm, and act neutral, but its intense gaze still lingered on her. As it began to move closer to Mire, Mira silently prayed for a miracle, but when the creature was almost at arm's length, she stood up and ran towards her teacher.

"Sir, I'd like to be excused; it's that time of the month," she said quickly, not caring that the entire class heard what she said; all she wanted to do was live this class and get some fresh air, away from those things.

And thankful her teacher agreed; perhaps it was the embarrassment of what she said to him that made him agree so quickly, or perhaps he just wanted her out of his hair; either way, she was relieved to be free of those monsters.

Mira walked through the hallway aimlessly, she just wanted some space away from everything that was bothering her. when she began to go back to her class she felt an intense gaze lingering on her; her body instantly became stiff; she quickly covered her head with her hoodie while increasing her pace; she lowered her head, making the hoodie automatically cover her face; and she entered the closest room to her.

She closed the door behind her before releasing a breath she didn't realize she was holding. She leaned her back on the door before sliding down to the floor. She rested her head on her knees for a while before taking in her environment.

She then realized that she was back in the restroom and alone; she quickly got on her feet, looking around for any unexpected guesses, but thankfully there were none. For now, the memory of what happened the last time she was here came rushing back at her, and that made her sick.

She took in some deep breaths to help her calm her tense nerves, she went to the sink to splash some water on her face. she looked at her reflection in the mirror and she saw how awful she looked, her face had lost its glow, and under her eyes were dark circles. she closed her eyes in

disappointment and took some deep breaths telling herself that she was just going through a phase and that very soon it would fade away, 

But when she opened her eyes to say those words to herself, she couldn't; she opened her mouth to say something but couldn't; her eye became hot as tears welled up; she tried swallowing the lump in her throat, not wanting to look weak even to herself; but she couldn't; a lone tear fell from her eyes, which she harshly wiped away, but that didn't stop the rest from falling;

She sobbed, wondering why she had been so unlucky, why she couldn't just be happy and leave her life like any other normal adolescent, she cried until her eyes swelled. After a while of sobbing, she finally managed to get a grip on herself. She splashed more water on her face again before putting on some makeup to cover up her dark circles before leaving the restroom.

She walked horribly through the hallway, rushing back to her class, praying that it wasn't over yet, but all of a sudden she halted. She saw a guy standing in the hallway looking straight at her with a cold gaze. Warning bells began to ring in her head, but she just waved them off. She pretended not to notice him as she walked past him, head up, minding her own business. but he suddenly blocked her way and held her roughly by the arm,

"Ahh!," Mira cried out in pain as her body began to tremble.

"What are you?" He asked Mira with a cold tone as his grip on her arm tightened. He looked straight into her eyes with those brown eyes of his that held no emotions in them.

"Human," Mira managed to get those words out of her throat as his grip tightened around her arm and a deadly growl escaped his throat. "You're lying to me," he said sing-songly as he drew a beautiful but dangerous dagger from his pocket.

Mira's eyes widened in fear as he brought the dagger close to her neck, but before he could slit her throat, she kicked him hard in the place the sun never shines. He growled in pain as he fell to his knees, Mira took advantage of the situation to flee for her life. She ran toward the exit, praying that he wasn't following her, but all too soon a scream was torn out of her throat when something sharp slashed her flesh from behind. She fell to the ground, facing forward, as a strong wave of weakness washed over her.

Her clothes were soaked in her blood. She tried getting up on her feet to make a run for it, but her hair was pulled from behind. She yelled as tears covered her vision,

"Shout as loud as you want, but no one is going to come for you," a distant voice said to her as he tightened his grip on her hair. She struggled to break free from his hold, but her strength was no match for his. But never the less, she still struggled for her freedom, no matter how weak her body felt.

He stabbed her in the stomach with the dagger, making Mira scream as loud as she could. She felt a worm liquid wet her pants, soaking her sneakers, and staining the white floor below her. She was losing blood, and in a matter of time, she would as well lose her life.

He twisted the dagger that was in her stomach before pulling it out and then stabbing her again and again.

Mira managed to throw the dagger a few feet away from the man who was hellbent on killing her, but her victory was cut short when the first guy picked it up and started walking toward her. He walked toward her with a malicious smile on his face.

"Any last words, sweetheart?" he asked, standing in front of Mira, gently wiping away her tears with his tomb, but then he grabbed her jaw hard, intending to break it, she tried struggling but couldn't get herself freed.

"Why is she not dead yet?" the man in front of her asked.

"I don't know; she should have turned to dust by now. Did we mistake her for one of the demons?" "She looks weak to me; I think she's just a normal human," the one behind her said.

"I can feel the darkness in her; whether we mistook her or not, we have to kill her because she saw us," the man in front of her said.

"Why should we kill her if she is innocent?" The other one asked uncertainly why someone else should pay for their mistake.

"Just shoot up and do what I say," Mira began shaking her head as more tears streamed down her cheeks.

from her eyes, "No, please don't," she begged.

Everything afterward happened in slow motion. As the guy in front of Mira raised the dagger to kill her, the man behind her released her and pushed her away from the crazy man before Mira, the man in front of Mira wanted to yell at him for realizing her. Mira reached for the dagger at that precise moment but missed by a few meters. She slipped and her right hand fell on his chest, and instantly a huge blast occurred,

Mira and the man behind her were pushed meters away from the explosion. Mira's ears rang due to the effect of the explosion, and she quickly raised her head to look at what had caused the explosion to happen. She looked up to see a big hole in the chest of the man who wanted to kill her; his eyes which were once filled with heat and evil were now empty, and his body fell to the ground dead.

But it was her right hand that horrified her the most; it was now all bones and no flesh, with dark smoke coming out of it; it didn't hurt her even a little but the sight was terrifying.

"What is happening to me?" Mira's eyes widened in horror as her head began to spin once again. She laid on the floor, fighting her heavy eyes that wanted to give up. She saw the other man looking at her with a shocked expression on his face. He stood up and picked up the dagger from the floor. Mira wasn't ready for another round of fighting, but what could she do? She tried getting up but fell back down.

The man came forward and placed the dagger in her open palm, saying, "You'll need this to protect yourself," and with that, he disappeared. Mira held onto the dagger with her last strength, and just when she wanted to close her eyes, she heard footsteps, and then she saw the ghost, the one with the silver hair and eyes, walking towards her with an amusing smile on his face.

"I'm glad I didn't interfere with your little fight; if I had, I wouldn't have seen what powers you hide behind your weak self," he said, stepping closer to her. He squatted in front of Mira, smiling while saying other things that Mira could not understand.

And that was all her aching eyes could see before drifting into the darkness.