Chapter 6(Demon Hunter II)

Summer didn't know how long she had been sitting there listening to the teacher teach; her ass had already become so sore, and the worst part of all this was that it had only been five minutes since the teacher started teaching.

She could barely keep her eyes open. She kept on dozing from time to time. She looked at both Mira and Phoebe and saw how attentive they were and how they jotted down important points. She fought for control and also tried jotting down notes, but she didn't even know what the topic was.

"Psst, hey, hey, Phoebe, what's he talking about?" She asked Phoebe, who was sitting two seats in front of her. Phoebe gave her an "are you kidding me?" stare, then rolled her eyes at Summer before facing her work.

And of course, that was what Summer expected from her; she wished Mira was the one sitting in front of her instead of Phoebe.

Summer sat straight, looking for a more comfortable position to sit in, but she then realizes a demon standing not too far from where she sat, looking in Mira's direction. She knew that Mira felt her gaze on her because Mira, who had a serene look on her face moments ago, now has a terrified and uncomfortable expression.

Summer adjusted herself properly on her seat to get a good view of the demons without getting into trouble with her teacher; she also sported another one behind the class, still looking at Mira.

The one that was not too far away from her started walking towards Mira; she noticed how stive Mira was, and when the demon was almost three feet away from Mira, Summer stood up to help, but Mira had already sprung away from her seat and had taken permission to leave the class.

Mira shouldn't have used that excuse, but she guessed that it was the first thing that came to her mind at that moment. Summer stretched her body awkwardly before taking her set.

Minutes passed by, and Mira and those demons were nowhere to be found. Summer began to worry for her friend. And it wasn't just Summer; Phoebe was also worried sick for her friend; even though Summer couldn't see her face, she could still see how tense she was.

Moments later, Phoebe also asked permission to leave the class, and the teacher agreed. Later,  when Summer couldn't see either of her friends, she decided to go check on herself.

"Excuse me, sir, but I would like to go to the bathroom to check up on my friends," Summer said, already moving toward the door.

"Go back to your seat, Summer; your friends can take care of themselves," the teacher said.

Summer froze hearing those words from her teacher—was he kidding, or was he serious? "But sir, it's been a while since they left for the restroom; let me go and check up on them," Summer explained to him.

"I've heard much about you three, and the first thing I learned is to never allow the three of you to be in the same place at the same time," he said, putting his hand in his pocket.

"But you let Phoebe go with her?" Summer couldn't understand why she had to explain herself like this when the rest just asked and it was given to them.

"Because you are the main source of the problem, I've heard much about you, Summer, and I've also noticed the way you were distracting my class; you weren't even listening to the lesson, so I advise you to sit down now," he said, pointing towards her chair.

Summer's jaw drop upon hearing what he said, her classmates also began to laugh when they heard the teacher's words. With the remaining pride, she was left with, she walked back to her seat with her head held high, "What kind of unfairness is this?" Summer mumbled to herself.

Summer became more concerned as minutes passed without seeing her friends.

"Excuse me, sir, but I'd like to go look for my friends." Summer tried her luck once again, but this time she had a foolproof plan with her.

"I heard that you and your friend are on a one-week detention, am I right?" The teacher asked,

"Yes, sir, but..."

"Good, if you don't sit down this instant and stop disrupting my class, I'll make it three weeks of detention."

"Sir, please listen. Mira is a human, and Phoebe is a vampire. What would happen if a vampire who can't control herself was together with a human who is bleeding?" Summer said provocatively, and when she noticed that she had gotten his full attention, she continued,

"And you know what would happen if the news reached the kings—all the blame would fall on you," Summer turned around walking slowly to her seat in anticipation,

"Wait!!" Summer smirked triumphantly before turning around with an innocent expression.

"Yes, sir,"

"If you mean that your friend can't control herself, then why didn't you say so earlier?" He asked as beads of sweat began to form on his forehead.

"I didn't want to put my friend in trouble," she said, hoping that would be enough to shut him up.

When she noticed that he was about to ask another question she quickly added, " I don't have time sir, I'll be on my way," and with that, she was gone.

She rushed to the restroom but no one was there; she went to the library but they were not there; she went outside to their normal spot but they weren't there either.

Mira is the only one amongst the girls with no special power. Mira has been through a lot since she was a child. She never showed it, but she has panic attacks on occasion; she is also cluster-phobic and does not get enough sleep; she sees and hears things that Summer and Phoebe do not;

Summer picked up Mira's scent and started following it; she followed her scent into the gym class, but when she got there, the class was empty and neither Mira nor Phoebe was in the room, but Mira's scent was very strong in the room.

"Mira, Mira," she called out but got no response. She walked further into the class to where the scent was stronger but couldn't be found.

Summer felt a dangerous presence in the room, a very strong one at that, and it was very close; the hair on her skin raised due to how cold the presence was.

She looked around, but no one was in the gym with her, and when she sniffed the air again, the scent had changed. She turned around as soon as she felt a presence behind her; she discovered a girl who appeared to be younger than her standing not far from where Summer stood.

"So legends are true, Lycans do have strong senses, and people even believe that they can smell the emotions of others. Is it true?" The girl tilted her head to the side with a complicated smile,

"I don't have time for this; I'm looking for my friends," Summer said, turning away from the girl.

The girl suddenly appeared in front of Summer. "That was rude; I hate rude people," the girl said, clenching her small fist.

"As if I care," Summer said, pushing the girl out of her way before walking away. She was a few steps from the door before her body suddenly moved away out of reflex. She suddenly snapped her head in the direction of the girl, but the girl wasn't there anymore.

Summer could feel her presence in the room and how dark her energy had become.

"I'm really good at bringing out the worst in people," Summer said, face palming herself.

She turned toward the door to see what had made her body move away so quickly. But there was nothing there except holes that were made from something sharp, but there was nothing sharp on the door or the ground. Summer just sighed while massaging her brows.

"I don't have time for you, girl, so stop playing these silly games," Summer said, but before she could take a step from where she stood, multiple daggers flew toward her with incredible speed.

Summer just raised her hand lazily in the air, and suddenly all the daggers stopped midair. A smirk made its way to her face as she shook her head in disbelief. "Really?" "Don't you think you should have inquired about me first before coming here to confront me?"

Summer dropped all the dangers to the ground, turning away.

"What did I even expect from you? You are just a child, and I can't fight with one, so just run off, dear, and find someone your size to pick on." Summer lazily shooed her away, and damn the girl, she was not pleased by her words.

"How dare you," she screamed angrily, the once small and cute girl now looking like a girl her age with colored hair.


"I knew I brought out the best in people, but sadly, this wasn't what I expected," Summer said, sounding disappointed.

"You're going to regret it, you mutt," the girl said as she pulled out a unique dagger from her pocket.

"I'd love to, but I need to find my friends." Summer turned around to leave, but suddenly she fell on her knees while holding her head in pain.

"I don't agree with what's going on, but if you really want to die, I'll gladly assist you,"

"Who do you think you are, and how dare you talk to me like that? Now I'll make you scream in agony before joining your pathetic friends,"

"You should be careful with what you say to me; you shouldn't forget that no one messes with a Lycan and goes scot-free; this is a warning, so you better take it seriously." Summer felt her beast wanting to take control; she knew the consequences that would come if she allowed it, but today she just felt generous enough to set it free.

"Do your worst, you...," Summer had already shifted into her Lycan form ripping off the girl's arm before she could finish her sentence.

 "Argh! "You dog," she said, horrified at her bleeding wound, and Summer threw the girl's arm back to her. She ran towards the girl, ready to finish what she had started, but before Summer could teach her, the girl vanished.

Her scent was still in the air, but Summer couldn't pinpoint where she was. She was on high alert, knowing full well that the girl was still in the room.

Summer felt something sharp cutting through her flesh; she turned around to attack but couldn't find the source; she growled in rage as the dagger rendered a part of her weak; she tried shaking the dagger off but couldn't get it off her back because she was in her Lycan form;

She felt another pain that sprang through her body; her dark side suddenly became weak, but her Lycan side became more furious. She felt more and more pain in her body; her white fur had turned red with blood. What angered her was that all the blood on her fur was hers, and the daggers were still plunged into her body, but not for long.

Summer suddenly stopped growling. She tried focusing on the scent and aura in her environment. She felt more daggers being impaled on her back, but still, she remained calm. It happened again and again, but she didn't let the daggers hit her vital spot; all she needed right now was the right time to strike.

She had familiarized herself with her environment—the vibration of the ground, the movement in the air, and every sound that was made. Summer leaped forward towards a particular direction when she felt a swift movement through the air. She attached herself to and pounced on the girl; she could not see her because she was still in her invisible state, but that didn't stop her from tearing her to shreds. She also made sure to enjoy every second of it, every scream the girl cried out and every bone that broke, and within seconds the room once again fell silent.

Summer turned around when she sensed another presence in the room; she growled with all intentions on killing any intruder that cross her part; she was a warning to the intruder to get away from her or else.

Suddenly, a lady appeared, she appeared to be in her early twenties, she gave Summer a gentle smile. Her face was well painted with make-up, she had long brown hair with red eyes, and wore a skimpy red dress that brought out her slender figure with a pair of red hills. Her heels clicked on the floor as she walked closer to Summer, but Summer stopped her by growling at her.

"Hello Summer, I'm not your enemy; I'm a friend, and I'm of the same kind as you—not a Lycan, hahaha, but a demon, as you already know. You and your friends are in great danger, and unfortunately, we can't fight the hunters because we are not at our full strength yet. We believe the only way for us to help you is by keeping both you and your friends with us until the time is right." She said those words, walking closer to Summer, but Summer growled again, telling her to back off, which thankfully she did.

"I know that you understand me; now come with me and let me take you home, to the place you and your friends really belong, a place where you three would rule together over these filthy creatures," She said, straightening her hand towards Summer, but Summer just scoffed and looked away. The lady just chuckled lightly before bringing her hand back to her side.

"I'll give you some time to think about it; you don't have much though. Tell your friends about our little chat," she said as she turned around. "They know you and your friends are here, and they are coming for all of you; you should make a decision soon so that you don't lose your friends the way you lost your family. those words made Summer let out a dangerous growl, but she didn't seem to care, "They almost killed you, but I'm not sure your friend would survive on her own," she said, and with that, she vanished, leaving a golden card behind.

Summer didn't even look at the golden card; she just dashed out of the gym. In her Lycan form, going to find her friends with anger burning in her eyes.