Chapter 7(Demon Hunter III)

Phoebe was in class trying to focus on the class, but she couldn't; her mind kept drifting to the dream she had last night. Summer had been bugging her all day to tell her about her dream, but Phoebe kept her mouth shut, but Summer is a born pest that never misses a chance to bother anyone around her.

She could barely concentrate on the class as her thought kept wandering to her dream. Why was she in the forest being chased by those men?" And who were those men? And why are they hell-bent on killing her? and what about the grimoire? Why is that ghost boy always following he, even in her dreams?

And why did that brown-haired boy say she killed his sister? she has never killed anyone in her entire life; even when she drink blood from willing humans, she had never crossed the line by killing any of them; she has never thought of killing anyone before, except Summer, and that's only because she's so annoying.

And the man in those chains, why did he look so familiar to her?" The dream felt so real, and the drawing... it still appears in her mind no matter how much she tried to shake it off, and who is Iris? Urge!". Phoebe's mind was racing like a Ferrari with many thoughts.

She tried remembering the color of the dress she wore in the dream, but she couldn't.

Finally, she snapped out of her thoughts and noticed that the teacher had gone far with his explanation. She looked at Mira and noticed how focused she was.

"I'll ask either Mira or Summer to explain the topic to me when we're back to our room or maybe during detention," Phoebe thought to herself.

She brought out her notebook and pen and started writing down the little she could understand.

"Psst, hey Phoebe," Summer called.

Phoebe turned around to see Summer, who was sitting two seats behind her. "What's he talking about?" she asked with a serious expression on her face.

Phoebe was taken aback by her question. "So she wasn't also listening," Phoebe thought to herself before rolling her eyes at her.

"I just hope Mira is really concentrating; she's my only hope."

After Mira had gone to the restroom and wasn't back yet, Phoebe was greatly worried, especially when dose monsters and ghosts were lurking at every corner, so she decided to go look for her. After excusing herself, she walked through the hallway, heading towards the direction of the restroom.

But she stopped halfway when she felt Mira's presence in the hallway; it was like she had used her dark powers. What compelled her to use her dark powers? Though she kept it to herself, Phoebe quickly cast a finding spell in the corridor, hoping to find Mira or her scent.

After casting the spell, Phoebe saw Mira's darkness lingering in the air; it was faint but she could manage, and she hurriedly followed the trail, hoping that Mira was okay.

She noticed that she has been walking around in circles for a while now and that there is still no sign of Mira anywhere. Phoebe became even more anxious as time passed. She cast the spell once again, and this time the trail led her to the theater room.

"Mira, Mira "Are you here?" Phoebe called but heard no response; she checked every inch of that place, but there was nothing there. She headed out, ready to cast another spell.

But before she could even say a single syllable of the spell, the door closed, and she was tossed back into the theater room.

"Ahh," Phoebe screamed out in pain as she landed hard on the ground. It felt like she had dislocated her shoulder bone. She looked up to see who or what had tossed her like a weightless dull. Her eyes fell on a girl her age, but before she could ask any questions, she was tossed one more time in the opposite direction.

Phoebe cried out in pain as she felt all her bones break. She immediately cast a protective shield around herself, buying her time to gain some strength, but it was like the girl her age was worrying about the protective shield around Phoebe,

Her face was foreign to Phoebe, but it was crystal clear that she was bad news. She had short dark hair and dark eyes that held no emotion, and she held a similar type of dagger to the one the guy in her dream held.

She walked over to the shield Phoebe had cast and used the dagger to penetrate through it as if it were butter. Phoebe's heart almost leaped out of her chest as her protective barrier crumbled to nothing.

"How," Phoebe asked, taken aback by what she had just seen.

"Weak, I believe you three are the chosen ones, pathetic," she scoffed, clearly underwhelmed by Phoebe's strength.

Phoebe felt the blood in her body boil, and without warning, Phoebe used her spell to blast her, the blast was so strong that it even pushed Phoebe a few steps away. Phoebe smirked while dusting her palm for a job well done. But when the dust settled, she froze, seeing that the girl hadn't even taken a step away from where she stood.

"That was not possible; that was a surefire blast. I have never used so much power before, so how come it... didn't work?" Phoebe was left flabbergasted at the scene before her.

"Tsk, tsk, was that supposed to bring me to my knees? What a waste of space!" She waved her hand, and instantly Phoebe felt a focus throw her towards the stage. Phoebe coughed out a mouthful of blood due to her hitting her chest hard on the edge of the stairs that lead to the stage.

"Tell me, demon, where is the grimoire?" she asked, walking towards Phoebe. "Honestly, I thought that you would be a challenge, but not all things that glitter are gold; what a disgrace!" she sneered at Phoebe.

Phoebe's body began to shake in rage; her claws elongated, her fangs sprang out, and her eyes turned blood red; she immediately went on a fighting spree. She clawed the girl by the face, kicking her in the opposite direction,

"Time to give you a taste of your own medicine; fuck spells, I'll deal with you physically," Phoebe said maddeningly.

Phoebe didn't give her the chance to recover from the impact as she sprang towards her like a predictor going for a kill, but before she could hit her, she rolled over and quickly got up to her feet, shocked at the sudden turn of events.

"Vampire? How come..." Phoebe didn't give her a chance to complete her sentence before throwing another punch toward her. She effortlessly dodged Phoebe's attack, taking a few steps away, she leaked away the little blood on her lips as an amusing smile spread on her lips.

So the fight began, and without a doubt, she was an excellent fighter, and Phoebe knew that she wouldn't be able to keep this up for long; she could have just cast a spell at her when she was distracted, but her pride and ego wouldn't let her.

She was desperate to show that girl that she wasn't weak or useless, that she wasn't an asteroid, and that she wasn't pathetic. She gave the fight her all; she knew she wasn't getting the upper hand in the fight, and the most painful part was that she knew that the girl was going easy on her.

Phoebe fell to the ground covered in her blood. She didn't have the strength to fight anymore.

She didn't even have the strength to cast a spell.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," the girl walked to where Phoebe was, shaking her head pitifully, "I enjoyed our little fight even though you couldn't even deliver a single blow, but I still enjoyed beating you up like a child, but you know, all good things must come to an end," she said, picking up the dagger from the ground, "but first before I kill you, where is the grimoire?"

"Fuck you," Phoebe yelled.

"Hahaha," she laughed so hard at Phoebe that tears welled up in her eyes, and damn, Phoebe was going to make her pay for it.

"Does it hurt that much, Phoebe? I realized that you are a very prideful person. Let me tell you something for free: your pride will lead you to an early grave. "You should know when to fight and when to be prideful; when to be smart and when to give up."

Phoebe clenched her teeth together so hard that she thought they would turn to dust, but she tried not to act rashly. Swallowing her period, she said,

"Who are you?" she asked, buying herself some time.

"I'm a hunter; I hunt demons, lycans who intrude on our domain, and mad witches."

"I've never heard of hunters before; who assigned you to do what you do?" and why do you want the grimoire so bad?"

"The hunters had existed during the era of the previous king, and we were created after the long and brutal war between the demons, vampires, sorcerers, and lycans that happened centuries ago. The grimoire is the most powerful book that was ever made; it contains forbidding spells and curses. It belongs to the sorcerers but was stolen by a witch; in the wrong hands, it can cause great destruction. You, demons, are destroyers and cruel creatures that will kill living beings without any remorse. We found out that the grimoire is in your possession; if the dark witches find out about it, they will come for it. "And based on how I've seen you, I don't think you realize the extent of the grimoire's power, so before you know it, I'll have to kill you, I'm not even sure how you got hold of it, and how you're able to will it but I just don't care."

Hearing all this made Phoebe's head spin; a part of her knew that what she said was true, but she kept shaking it off. "I don't have any intention of destroying anyone."

"Tell that to the devil; demons can't change. I enjoyed your company, but it's time for you to go back to hell." She raised the dagger aimed at Phoebe's chest, but Phoebe quickly used her hand to block the attack. She cried out in pain as the danger passed through her palm; she felt the warm blood from her palm fall on her face.

Phoebe kicked her away with her foot and quickly removed the dagger from her palm. Phoebe stabbed her repeatedly with the dagger, multiple times in multiple locations, on and on, till she was sure that she was dead. Seeing the blood flowing from her body, a part of her loved it and wanted to do it again, quickly she shook the voice away from her head.

She covered her mouth in shock at how brutally she had killed the girl; even after her death, the girl still had a shocked look on her face. Phoebe looked at her palm and dress and how soiled they were. She threw the dagger away and crawled away from the body as her body trembled in fear. Her body became weak; she wasn't sure why, but she could feel her body lose its strength.

She couldn't believe that she had just killed someone, and in the most brutal way possible, she just murdered someone with her own two hands. She started recalling all the words the girl said before her dismay: "You demons are destroyers and cruel creatures that will kill living beings without any remorse."

Tears began to fall from her eyes as she cried uncontrollably; she was a demon as well as a murderer; she hugged herself as she cried her heart out; the pain she felt in her palm had vanished into thin air;

Time passed, and she was still crying, with no sign of stopping. Suddenly Phoebe became alert. She felt a familiar yet strong and dark presence in the room. Her mind suddenly thought of a particular person, but she refused to believe it. She raised her head slowly, and her heart suddenly sank at the sight before her.

It was him, the same guy from her dreams, the guy with the brown hair, and her mind quickly went to a particular memory, "especially not after you killed my sister." Phoebe didn't need a prophet to tell her that the girl in front of her was his sister; how could she not have seen this coming?

"You killed my sister," he said calmly, taking light steps towards her.

Phoebe crawled away from him; the fact that his expression was calm didn't mean that wasn't how he felt inside.

"You killed my sister," he said again, his voice a little higher this time, his eyes darkening and soon becoming empty. Her body began shaking uncontrollably with fear as she saw this, and as more tears fell from her eyes, she continued to move backward until her back hit the cold wall behind her.

"This is the end; I'm finally going to die, but if I died now, I wouldn't have seen myself being chased by this same person; this means I managed to live through this."

That dream was Phoebe's only source of hope that she would survive this encounter, but she couldn't shake the feeling that came when she looked into his cold, tempered eye, which held a promise of revenge in it.

He harshly pulled her hair, her eyes immediately became hot from the intensity of her pain, he yanked her up by the hair and threw her roughly to the ground, Phoebe cried in pain as he kicked her on her stomach, chest, or anywhere else that had the opening he required,

She tried blocking the attack, but she couldn't keep up with his pace as her body was already weakened by the dagger.

Ahhh, she cried out in pain as she felt him repeatedly plunge the dagger into the side of her stomach; her vision became blurry due to the amount of blood she had lost; her body had become limp; he had an annoyed look on his face that was covered in her blood;

"Why don't you just die, you demon?" he said, raising the dagger to deliver the killing blow.

Phoebe closed her eyes, anticipating the next wave of pain that would determine her fate. But her eyes snapped open when she heard a loud bang from the door behind her. She saw a white lycan leaping toward her direction,
