chapter no 32

I m sitting on bus stand with my suitcase lose in my thoughts one thing is sure even if i m going to die and my last hope to survive is my parents house i will choose to die I'll never go back to that house.cause this 7years of my life is hell in that house. from today I'll be happy again, start my new life happy can do it Elsa All the best.happiness is waiting for me.bus come and stop in front of me i took my suitcase and go inside the bus  it takes 1 hour to cafe.yes cafe i decided to go to cafe i don't know why but i have to tell everything that I did and happened today to James he'll be happy for me i know.he told me so many times to move out from my parents house but I told him i can't.because i don't have anywhere to live and i don't have much savings to survive on my own he offered me he's house to live but i said no... I m getting bor so i took my phone out from my pocket and i saw Maysam's 10 missed calls. When i go to my parents house i put the phone on silent that's why didn't heard the Ringtone...i call her back her phone is ringing but she's not answering she must be busy I'll call her later again...

I saw a massage from Henry...i open it and he send me 👋🏻 this i smile 😊....

In Italy...

Jack's Pov:

Henry now what's your plan cause they're not in the situation to say beat them very badly thank God they're alive.

Henry's Pov:

So what are you expecting from me they're not answering my questions and that bit*h seducing me in front of her fiance they're going on my nerve do something or I'll kill them.

Jack's Pov:

He broke the wine class in he's hand and he's hand is bleeding.i take first-aid and start to treat he's wound....

Henry clam down your hurting yourself 🥺

Henry's Pov:

He treat my wound and i said ...jack leave me alone i want to be alone... He understands me so he didn't say anything and leave the room before leaving he said "Henry you'll find someone soon who'll going to love you the way you deserve but till that day take care of yourself".he leave and close the door....i m in my office so i rest my head on table...i heard a notification I send a  wave 👋🏻 to Elsa when i come back from basement.... And its been an hour.she saw my message after an hour She said" Hi"

I smile at her text i don't why but whenever she send a text i smile...i start to type." Hey how are you" send it

Elsa's Pov:

" I m fine WBU"

Henry's Pov:

" I m ok Just fustrated"

Elsa's Pov:

"What happened if you want to share otherwise its ok"

Henry's Pov:

I love they way she asked i smile and type" just work related" i send it I can't te her the truth and most importantly she didn't know that i m a business man

Elsa's Pov:

"I understand did you had dinner"

Henry's Pov:

I smile again no one ever asked me i eat or not my mom does but not daily obviously...i type "no i m not hungry and having an headache" I didn't eat cause i m angry and not in the mood to eat...

Elsa Pov:

"Its not good for you health please eat something and take medicines you'll feel better you can't skip meals just because you had a bad day"send it

Henry's Pov:

After reading her text i smile like an idiot i didn't saw her. In her profile pic there's two girls and faces is not clear but i must say she's beautiful because her heart is beautiful.i Start to type"did you had dinner"

Elsa's Pov:

I just lectured him about health cause he didn't had he's dinner just because he had a bad...even though i don't eat most of the time but it feels good to lecture someone for the same thing you don't do 😅. but now he asked did i had dinner and i have to lie cause I didn't had dinner but if i say this then he'll say the somethings to me. i type

"yes" i send it