chapter no 33

Henry's Pov:

She said yes but i feel like its a lie i want to know the truth but if i asked her directly she would lie i have my ways to know the truth 😎.

I type "what are you doing"send it

Elsa's Pov:

" I m on my way to cafe"

Henry's Pov:

"At this hours"

Elsa's Pov:

"Yeah i have some work"

Henry's Pov:

"Oh how long it takes to go to cafe"

Elsa's Pov:

"One and half hour from bus"

Henry's Pov:

"And you're in bus right now"

Elsa's Pov:


Henry's Pov:

"You should book a cab"

Elsa's Pov:

"I m not rich I can't afford to travel in cab two times in a day"

Henry's Pov:

"I didn't asked you to travel two times in a day.i asked you now cause its late"

Elsa's Pov:

"I use it in evening when i have to go to my parents house"

Henry's Pov:

"So you had dinner with family"

Elsa's Pov:


Henry's Pov:

"But you go there so i thought family dinner"

Elsa's Pov:

"I go there to take my things i move out from my parents house.and I won't eat with them i don't remember when i had eaten with them"

Henry's Pov:

I don't know what to say i think her family and her relationship not on a good terms should i asked..🤔...No i can't....i type"so you didn't had dinner"

Elsa's Pov:


Henry's Pov:

I smile 😊 she's innocent. i typed

"So you lie to me about having dinner"

Elsa's Pov:

I didn't realize that i said the truth i mean i never lie ever so i forgot that i lie to him.i type"ummm how's your day"i change the topic

Henry's Pov:

She's trying to change the topic i type"listen eat something its not good for your health"

Elsa's Pov:

I smile he's copying me i type" don't copy me i will ok you go and eat "

Henry's Pov:

Is she ordering me"are you ordering me"

Elsa's Pov:

After reading his text i get tense I just say it as friend i type"No it just as friend i say that i didn't mean to offend you i thought we're friends sorry" send it

Henry's Pov:

Fuck i just want to tease her but she's sensitive i start to type but i saw she's typing so i stop...

Elsa's Pov:

I didn't talk anyone other than Maysam she's my only friend so i talk with him like i do to her i said to myself Elsa you just meet him two days ago. i type" sorry 😔 bye"send it

I don't know why but i said bye and turn off  my phone.....

Henry's Pov:

She says sorry and bye...i type " hey I didn't mean to hurt you i m just teasing you as friend don't be sorry you care about me that's why you order me and i like it"i send it

she didn't saw my message i m waiting for her reply but she been 30 minutes she didn't reply and saw my text.....