Chapter 51: I hope it's not him!

[Tl/n: Promised Chapters (1/2)]

Editor: The Almighty Raiden Shogun

On the screen, the entire process of the iron man falling from the sky, and then successfully knocking off the two robbers, and killing the three robbers in an instant.

After watching it finally rise into the air and disappear from the camera, Grace's originally grim expression softened slightly.

"There is another road surveillance, which also captured the picture of this iron man."

Colonel Amante also called out Zeke's video of stopping the motorcycle robber, "These two suspects violently robbed this woman on the street, and the appearance of the iron man stopped them in time. At present, the two are receiving treatment in the People's Hospital. According to the doctor, the two suffered a very serious electric shock. Even if they are cured, I am afraid that there will be some problems with their bodies, such as incontinence."

"Your Majesty, if you just look at the two videos, this iron man has no ill will towards the citizens, or more precisely, he is playing the role of a hero, punishing evil and promoting good."

After watching the video and listening to Colonel Amante's words, Grace's face showed a look of contemplation.

"Grandpa Deron, what do you think?"

Grace asked Prime Minister Deron behind her without looking back.

"Your Majesty, just from the information we have received so far, this iron man did not do anything out of the ordinary. Even if he shot the robber in front of the bank, it was to protect the hostages. I think we can keep our attitude towards him first, and observe to see what his real purpose is."

Prime Minister Deron said softly, "But to be safe, we should investigate who the person in this armor is. To be able to fly, withstand bullets, use huge amounts of electricity, and fire artillery shells. You know, apart from the world's largest country, and the most outstanding weapons manufacturer, Dan Browning, no place has the technology to manufacture such a powerful weapon of destruction."

"If we can, maybe it's not a bad thing to cooperate with them."

Prime Minister Deron has considered it very comprehensively.

You should not directly characterize whether Iron man is good or bad, and prevent yourself from setting up another enemy. But they must always be vigilant and learn about the origin of this iron man as soon as possible.

After we understand everything, it's okay to cooperate with him/her.

"Colonel Amante, I'll leave the investigation of the iron man to you. I hope you can give me an effective answer as soon as possible."

Grace gave the order directly.

"Yes, Your Majesty! I will complete my mission."

Colonel Amante gave a standard military salute.

Afterward, Grace and Prime Minister Deron left the command center.

"Grandpa Deron, who do you think will be in this armor?"

In the car, Grace has been thinking about this question, but after thinking about it, there is no result, so she asks Prime Minister Deron.

"Your Majesty, don't you think it's a coincidence?"

"By coincidence?"

"Prince Zeke disappeared for such a long time without any news. At this time, an unimaginable iron man suddenly appeared. Maybe there should be some kind of connection between the two?"

Hearing this, Grace's eyes flashed.

"But he has just invented two technologies, and the direction of the technology he invented belongs to innovative manufacturing and service technologies, which belong to two completely different fields from arms and weapons. Can he cross such big boundaries in a short time?"

Grace always disapproved of Zeke.

He was able to create microbots and Baymax. She admitted that he is indeed powerful and capable of doing extraordinary things. But it was only after a long time that such a completely different field was created, completely different from the previous type. Different technology products, it is really difficult for her to believe that Zeke can do it.

"Your Majesty, sometimes… reality is often beyond your imagination."

Prime Minister Deron raised his mustache and gave a kind smile, and instead of answering directly, he gave an ambiguous answer.

"Hopefully it's not him."

Grace looked out the car window and muttered in a low voice.


Zeke didn't expect what his actions would do.

Just after he flew around the capital in a steel suit, he had already detonated the entire Internet.

Countless photos and videos of the Iron Man taken by the people of Baguio were uploaded to the Internet, and this flying Iron Robot suddenly became the focus of countless people's attention.

"Iron Man", "Flying Robot", "Metal Robot" "Golden Iron Man" and other keywords, without any accident, directly topped the Fambook real-time hot search list.

"Yes, that iron man flew over my head and gave me a big shock."

"We were having a football match, and suddenly this iron man fell from the sky and kicked the ball into the wall. I don't think he should be a robot, but there is a real person in it."

"Are you from Baguio CCTV? If so, please help me to say thank you to iron man. I really want to thank him. The 80,000 Eso in my bag is the lifesaving money for my father's medical treatment, he will die if I let it go. If it wasn't for him this time, I would really collapse from depression."

"It really can talk. I heard it with my own ears, right on the Ferris wheel. The iron man waved to us, and I heard someone's voice inside it. If you don't believe me, you can ask my friend, and she heard it too. And that iron man himself told my son that his name is Iron Man."


Media reporters with a keen sense of smell also quickly interviewed many people who had encountered Zeke that day.

After the video was uploaded, it immediately topped the headlines.

"Iron Man. He said his name was Iron Man."

"That name is so cool. He's a sci-fi hero, no, a superhero."

In an instant, countless people changed the original name of ironman to Iron Man.

The vocabulary of superheroes is also officially born for the first time in this world.