Chapter 52: Zeke is not Iron Man!

[Tl/n: Promised Chapters (2/2)]

Editor: The Almighty Raiden Shogun

Iron Man quickly became popular, and it only took two or three days to ferment. The status of Iron Man can already be compared with Baymax.

Today's circle of friends is divided into two parts of the world. One side is Baymax and the other is Iron Man. The two ultra-high-tech products seem to occupy 99.69% of people's field of vision.

As the so-called unknown things are always the most attractive.

Once something becomes popular, it will naturally lead to a series of speculations.

There is no doubt that Iron Man is human inside.

But who is he? From where? How was he able to create such cool armor? What is his purpose... and so on, it has caused a lot of discussion on the Internet.

Some people say that the person here should be the richest man in the world, and also the world's largest weapons manufacturer, Browning...because other than Country A. It is recognized that in terms of weapons manufacturing, only Browning is the most powerful. After all, he only achieved the status of the richest man in the world today by relying on arms and weapons.

Some people say that Iron Man should be from Country A's military. The study of aliens in the eleventh district of Country A has always been no big secret. As for why they didn't show it in their country first, but ran across the entire Pacific to Phoenix to be a superhero, perhaps to test whether this thing works. And to show off to be a force in front of the Phoenix people.

Some people also say that the real face of Iron Man is the scientists of those powerful European countries. Only those tech lunatics can create such crazy cool things.

Of course, many of them speculate that the maker of Iron Man is likely to be Zeke, the hottest new technology star.

The hot sales of Baymax in the world, and the repercussions they have caused have not subsided, many people think of Zeke, thinking that this steel armor is probably a new thing made by him.

In addition, Zeke has not been active in the public eye for so long, and it is said that the reporter paparazzi could not find Zeke himself after repeated inquiries, maybe he is developing this new type of technological weapon.

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately attracted the approval of many people.

But not long after this statement was identified, it was instantly shattered.

Just three days after Iron Man's last appearance, it reappears.

But this time, the place where it appeared is no longer the capital, but in the Municipality of San Andres of the Bicol Region, which is thousands of miles away from the capital.

In the Municipality of San Andres, there was an extremely vicious street gang fight. The two gangsters, out of hatred, gave up the usual rule of only using steel pipe knives, and blatantly used firearms to deal with each other on the street.

Even after the police arrived, they had no intention of retreating and shot at the police without hesitation.

During the rush battle, three police officers were killed and more than ten police officers were injured.

Many innocent civilians were implicated and were shot to death mercilessly by them, and they even threw grenades at the shops on the street.[They are probably terrorists, not gangs]

The severity of this incident can be said to be unprecedented.

But at this moment, a steel figure descended from the sky, and as soon as it raised its hand, it knocked out a gang member with a submachine gun.

"It's Iron Man!"

Under the intense firepower, Iron Man stepped forward firmly under the stunned eyes of the police. As long as it raised its hand once, a gang member would inevitably be knocked away and lose his combat effectiveness on the spot.

When the gang members saw this, they bit the pin and threw a grenade at him, only to be stomped on by Iron Man.

The gang members panicked and fled in a hurry. Iron Man rose directly into the air and launched a brutal pursuit of them with absolute flying speed.

Whether they are driving to a remote suburb, trying to blend in with a crowd, or hiding in a residential area and hiding in a closet in a room, they will be hit by an impeccable tracker round, turning around and avoiding all the crowds. It hit their eyebrows precisely and killed them on the spot.

In the end, the two gangs had a total of 239 people and 78 gunmen.

These people were either killed or injured, and no one was able to escape successfully.

"Too...too powerful."

"Long live Iron Man!"

"Thank you! Thank you, Iron Man!"

"Iron Man, I love you!"


Amid the thunderous applause and surging cheers, Iron Man rose into the air and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

However, when Iron Man was fighting with the gang members, Prince Zeke, the CEO of ZTech, was confirmed to be having a high-level meeting in the company.

Not just this time.

When Zeke was choosing to buy his private jet, because he was not satisfied with the existing aircraft models, he proposed to customize a more luxurious private jet that is more in line with his thoughts.

Since all of the equipment that Zeke chose is the best in the world, the fuselage of the aircraft has to be the most expensive of the aviation materials. The interior space of the aircraft is very large, including a swimming pool, and the interior is even more dazzlingly luxurious. The cost of the plane coming down is nearly 2 billion US dollars.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately hit the headline search list, and netizens bluntly said that Zeke was "inhuman".

But at the same time when Zeke purchased the plane, Iron Man appeared again in another province and city of the Phoenix Kingdom, successfully destroyed one of the largest drug cartels by himself, and packed all the drug cartels from top to bottom and sent them to the Police Bureau, shocking the whole kingdom.

As a result, Zeke's conjecture that he was Iron Man was completely broken. No one said Zeke was Iron Man anymore.

However, the Internet's speculation about Iron Man has also become more and more enthusiastic.


"Sure enough, the person in Iron Man is not Zeke."

When Grace got the news, her eyes lit up, and while she was a little relieved, she also nodded for her wise judgment.

"In the news from Colonel Amante, I haven't found any clues that Zeke has a connection with Iron Man... This matter is this old minister's clumsy eyes."

Prime Minister Deron also had to admit that he guessed wrong this time.

However, none of them knew that this was Zeke's plan for the people of the whole kingdom.