Chapter 78: A Wave of Counterattack

"Yes! That's right! Isn't the brain wave controller of a microbot the best control method?"

Zeke's eyes shine brightly.

Micro-robots respond according to human thinking, and the brain wave controller is a bridge. As long as a person sends out brain waves, the microbots can immediately receive it, and then start to operate according to the human's thoughts.

In the same way, Zeke can completely inject a brain wave into the subject's head before injecting the super soldier serum. This behaviour is equivalent to writing a piece of code in the program, which may not have any effect in normal times, but as soon as it is "activated", it will immediately act according to Zeke's ideas.

In this way, he can completely control everything within the scope of his own will.

"So... can't I create an absolutely perfect army?"

Zeke's eyes flashed.

With complete control and means of preventing accidents, coupled with the ability to create a Captain America with a bottle of super soldier serum. In this way, Zeke can completely create a person who is loyal to himself, obeys all his orders, and never will betray, an absolutely perfect super soldier army.

If this idea is realised, Country J, and the so-called world developed countries will no longer be a problem.

Of course, the idea is very beautiful, but the reality is not so simple.

"The only difficulty is that when the brain waves are injected, the subject must be completely relaxed and completely obey."

"The spirit must not have the slightest resistance, the slightest distrust, the slightest hesitation. Only in this case will the brain waves be truly injected into success."

This is the hardest point in the whole plan.

This means that someone needs to be willing to become someone else's puppet without any doubts, no resistance, and no hesitation in a sober state.

Normal people, even if they knew that they could become a super soldier, they would probably not agree to such a request.

I would rather have nothing than be bound.

Therefore, if Zeke wanted to find 100 such people, the difficulty was not unusually high.

Not to mention the desire to build an army of super soldiers with tens of thousands of people, it is even more difficult than reaching the sky.

"Let's take it step by step."

"No matter what, let's make the super soldier serum first, and turn myself into Captain America."

His current body is not healthy. After all, he is usually busy with technology and does not want to waste time and effort to exercise.

But as long as he becomes Captain America, his body will become healthy.


After the Al-Qaeda was uprooted and wiped out, Zeke cut off the live broadcast, and the entire press conference ended.

Also from the moment the press conference was terminated, Phoenix citizens started a grand "counter-attack".

The well-known forums, official websites of government agencies, and various video websites in Country J have just recovered from the nightmare of being bombed in a series.

"The sons of Country J! Aren't you awesome? Jump, jump, jump, and show me again, I will break your legs!"

"You say that our Phoenix Kingdom is an ordinary kingdom? Believe it or not, one day our ordinary kingdom will directly send hundreds of Iron Man to your prime minister's residence, so that you can relive the fear of World War II!"

"Look at the forces you support, wow! It's really amazing! It's really amazing to actually support under Iron Man for three hours!"

"Hahahaha... I'm dying of laughter! After cultivating a force for so long, they were completely uprooted in three hours, and not even the root hair was left. The Country J government is now expected to vomit blood."

"I came out to pick up the guests! Didn't you sound quite energetic before?"

"Why did the star of Country J delete the tweet? Don't! Keep hanging it! Isn't it very honourable?"

"Hey! This hacker is too much! How can you write something like 'you guys are rubbish' on the official website of someone else's kingdom? It's too shocking, it's not good!"

"Country J, come out! It's so lonely without an opponent~ So lonely!"


After the event of the press conference, the people of the Phoenix Kingdom were obviously more excited and energetic than before.

Even the number of blasters has doubled.

Many people who originally wanted to join in the fun and didn't plan to participate in this internet war, after reading the news of the press conference, they also left messages and mocked Country J mercilessly.

Of course, the nationals of Country J also have counterattacks, but there are very few people who counterattacked, and their strength is pitiful. Often a person comes out to make a statement, and there will be hundreds of more counterattacks from Phoenix citizens in an instant.

In response, the onlookers from other countries shook their heads.

"Country J lost so badly."

"The fact that the armed forces were directly eliminated by the Phoenix Kingdom, Toshiki must be vomiting blood now, right?"

"Iron Man is so powerful! When hundreds of Iron Man came out, it really shocked me!"

"Country J probably didn't expect that the loss would be so big this time!"

"If such a powerful country is publicly slapped in the face, Country J will definitely not let it go. I wonder if it will go to war with the Phoenix Kingdom?"

"Country J is really pitiful, so many Iron Man... I'm afraid they won't dare to be so arrogant to the Phoenix Kingdom in the future, right?"

"Iron Man saved the Phoenix Kingdom again, he is really the kingdom's lucky star."


The eyes of the onlookers were sharp.

But they don't seem to be very clear that sometimes the means of one country against another country is not only war.

At the same time, the king, the elders and ministers had returned to the palace and were celebrating what had just happened when an elder suddenly came over.

"Your Majesty, the Minister of Finance of Country J just called to inform us that they will no longer provide us with oil channels in the future."

As soon as these words came out, the smiles on the faces of all the elders suddenly solidified.

When the oil supply is cut off, it means that they need to find new oil supply again. At that time, they will definitely be ripped apart by sharks, which will cause great damage to the kingdom's economy.

"Reply to the cabinet finance minister of Country J, we no longer need to cooperate with them."

The corner of Grace's mouth lifted, "Zeke has helped us solve this problem completely."