Chapter 79: Changes in the attitude of great powers

"Completely resolved?"

The elders and ministers looked at each other, and they all saw puzzled expressions in each other's eyes.

Oil supply is something they have been worrying about for many years. In order to find a more suitable oil supply channel than Country J, they have put in a lot of effort... But as a result, they still have to rely on Country J to ensure the import of oil.

But the problem that they have been worrying about for so many years, suddenly said that it has been completely solved, and it was solved by Zeke, which makes them incomprehensible. Could it be that Zeke did not negotiate with the oil powers on their behalf?

"Zeke's press conference just now, not only our Phoenix Kingdom, and Country J saw it, but also Tonda Empire saw the whole process."

"And just when you were excitedly celebrating, I had already received a call from the President of Tonda Empire, Biblandi."

Grace's beautiful eyes flashed, "Lev has personally acknowledged our Phoenix Kingdom's armed forces, and feels that we are qualified to be their collaborators, willing to provide us with sufficient oil supply, and will take the initiative to open up an oil transportation channel, to ensure that we can reach a full cooperation with our kingdom."

Hearing this, the elders and ministers' eyes widened, as if they had heard something incredible.

"Moreover, he is seeking our kingdom's opinion, let us consider the conditions and plans they put forward."

"If there is something we are not satisfied with, we can negotiate at any time."

The corner of Grace's mouth lifted, and a proud look flashed across her eyes.

The arrogance of Tonda Empire is well known to the world. Whether they are military, economic, or technological, they are one of the world's leading powers, and they are comparable to Country A.

Even though they are located in barren land like Country AF, they unexpectedly found a large oil field, whose oil reserves account for one-sixth of the world's oil reserves and are the world's second largest oil exporter.

This is also one of the important reasons why the Tonda Empire can be so prosperous today, comparable to Country A.

However, Tonda Empire does not cooperate with countries that have weak military strength.

Even if you have money, he will not sell oil to you... because you are not qualified.

The previous Phoenix Kingdom was one of the unqualified, and was not recognized by them at all.

Of course, not only Tonda Empire sees it this way, but other countries in the world also think that the kingdom is a small country with no other advantages other than a large population.

But now that the president of Tonda Empire took the initiative to call and put forward a series of conditions to seek the kingdom's opinion. It is conceivable that today's Phoenix Kingdom has been recognized by Tonda Empire in terms of military strength.

And all of this is because of Zeke's demonstration, the power of the Iron Legion.

It was these super weapons that solved Balson's three-year war in just three hours, and raised their kingdom's military strength to several levels.

"Hahaha! Great! Great!! In the future, we will no longer have to be restrained by Country J."

"I didn't expect... I really didn't expect it! Zeke helped us a lot this time."

"I thought Zeke was acting recklessly this time, but I didn't expect to get a miraculous effect."

"Phoenix Kingdoms's embarrassing situation can be completely reversed because of one person. It's incredible!"

"Technology changes the world, it's not a lie."


While the elders and ministers were excited, they couldn't help but sigh.

They never thought that they just chose Zeke to be the spokesperson for this press conference to appease the excitement of the people. However, Zeke gave them an answer sheet with an excessive score.

Not only did he succeed in making the Phoenix Kingdom feel bad about it, making Country J feel aggrieved, but he was also recognized by the military force of Tonda Empire and contacted them to provide them with oil supply.

"Your Majesty, you received a phone call. It is from Prime Minister of Walik himself."

At this time, the secretary in charge of Grace's daily affairs walked in quickly and handed the phone to Grace.

"The Prime Minister of the Walik Kingdom?"

Grace's eyes flashed, and she got up and left the conference room to answer the phone.

The elders and ministers were all in a commotion, and they were whispering there.

If Tonda Empire is the second largest oil exporter in the world, then the Walik Kingdom, which is located in the oil-rich region in the Middle East, is the world's largest oil exporter.

Walik is not as arrogant as Tonda Empire, and is willing to cooperate with them in the oil trade, but the price proposed is far more expensive than that offered to other countries.

No matter how they talk, how they negotiate, Walik just doesn't want to compromise.

Obviously, Walik is just raising the price here.

Every year, the Phoenix Kingdom takes the initiative to contact, visit, and try to convince Walik.

But now that Walik is calling, there must be something wrong.

After a while, Grace came in.

All the elders and ministers immediately stared at Grace with curiosity in their eyes.

"Just now, the Prime Minister of the Walik Kingdom personally called me and expressed his willingness to discuss the details of the oil trade contract with us last time."

Grace's mouth twitched, "And if we are willing to use Iron Man's technology in exchange, they can not only compress the price of oil to half that of other countries, but they are also willing to transport it to us for free, with a bonus of 300 million barrels of oil as cooperation sincerity."

The elders and ministers suddenly realised.

It's no wonder that Walik put down his arrogance and contacted them actively. It turned out that he was interested in Iron Man's technology.

"Your Majesty, how did you respond?" an elder asked.

"Response? Do you need a response for this kind of thing?"

Grace's eyes flashed, "Iron Man is now our kingdom's biggest support, no matter what the conditions, we will never compromise."

"In addition, inform Zeke that he must attend a decision-making meeting. Some things need to be explained to him in advance. Wait, I have something to ask him, so I'll go in person."