Chapter 80: The Wolves are the most terrifying!

Country J, Prime Minister's Office.

The office was in a mess, Toshiki sat on the sofa, the anger in his eyes softened slightly than before.

"Mr. Toshiki, you have a phone call"

Hatsuo hurried in.

"Hatsuo, how many times have I told you that you have to knock on the door?"

Toshiki roared, extremely annoyed.

"Mr. Toshiki, this is Prime Minister Fischer's call!"

Hatsuo hurriedly said.

" Fischer?"

Toshiki frowned.

Klaus Fischer, Prime Minister of European Country G.

During World War I, Country J and Country G were still enemies.

But after World War II, the two countries became allies, and the ambition of Country G was greater than that of country J, so much so that many tragic massacres were created, which have been recorded in the history books of various countries. Therefore, even if Country J and Country G are finally defeated, the sanctions imposed on Country J are far inferior to Country G.

Decades have passed. Recently, Toshiki has also heard about some movements in Country G. He seems to be conducting some weapons tests. For this reason, he has also attracted many research talents in weapons. Of course, this is espionage information between countries, so the outside world doesn't know.

But from this aspect, it can be seen that Fischer's ambition must not be small.

"This is the Prime Minister's Office. I'm Toshiki, Prime Minister Fischer. I'm very happy to hear from you again."

Despite holding back his anger, Toshiki immediately put on an unaffected face and mentality, and answered the phone.

"Prime Minister Toshiki."

Fischer said with a smile in the slightly jerky Country J language, "Listening to your tone, it doesn't seem like you're in a high mood, Someone told me just now that your country seems to be in some trouble."

"It's just a small loss, our country doesn't need to care."

Toshiki insisted and said

In three years, more than $100 billion have just evaporated, and Toshiki's heart has long been bleeding.

"Phoenix Kingdom has bullied your Country J so much, shouldn't you make a proper counterattack?"

"Thank you for your concern, Prime Minister Fischer, the cabinet will discuss this matter, and there will be a solution."

Toshiki was expressionless.

"This is a private call, not an official statement, Mr. Prime Minister, don't be so nervous."

Fischer said with a smile, "I called you this time just to ask if Mr. Prime Minister has any idea of making the Phoenix Kingdom suffer a little."


Hearing this, Toshiki sat up straight and his eyes flashed, "Prime Minister Fischer means..."

"Phoenix Kingdom is just a small kingdom with a large population. The economy can't keep up, and the military strength is poor. What qualifications does it have to clamor with your country?"

Fischer chuckled, "Could it be that Mr. Prime Minister is so silent, letting Iron Man and the Phoenix Kingdom go easily?"

"Prime Minister Fischer, are you encouraging our Country J to go to war with the Phoenix Kingdom?"

Toshiki said, "Let's not waste each other's time, just explain your purpose directly."

"Iron Man's technology, is Mr. Prime Minister interested?"

Fischer whispered.

Toshiki's eyes moved when he heard this: "Prime Minister Fischer wants to attack the Phoenix Kingdom?"

"It's not me, it's us."

Fischer said, "I have to admit that the kingdom's Iron Man is indeed very powerful. After forming an army and mass-producing it, its combat effectiveness is even more impressive, but don't forget, no matter how powerful it is, it is just a pile of steel. In front of two countries with strong military strength, they are still vulnerable...isn't it?"

"And Mr. Prime Minister, don't forget, you have a long history of grudges with the Phoenix Kingdom, and its rise is not good for you."

When Toshiki heard this, his eyes flashed with thought.

Indeed, as Fischer said, even though the Iron Legion is very powerful, it is nothing in the face of the powerful military strength at the global power level... Not to mention that the technology of Iron Man is in the hands of the Phoenix Kingdom, once the mass production is increased in the future, the strength of the kingdom's military strength will rise several levels.

This is not what he wants to see.

But Toshiki was not easily persuaded, and narrowed his eyes: "Prime Minister Fischer, listening to you, it seems that you already have a plan to deal with it."

"There is an immature plan, and we have new allies."

"A lone wolf is not scary, a pack of wolves is the most scary...isn't it?"

As soon as Fischer said this, Toshiki's eyes suddenly filled with fierceness.


After the Al-Qaeda incident, Zeke flew over the Phoenix Kingdom with his Iron Man army.

When all the soldiers of the kingdom saw him, they would definitely raise their heads and give him a standard military salute.

When the common people saw it, they happily waved their arms and cheered for him.

So much so that every time he passed, there would be a tumultuous wave. This kind of welcome was like the return of a hero, which made Zeke very happy.

"It seems that this time my decision is the right one."

Zeke also waved his hands to say hello to the people of the kingdom below. As soon as he made his move, it immediately attracted screams from below.

After returning to the capital, the first thing to do is to repair those damaged steel battle suits.

Although the maintenance room for the steel suits is a lot of expenses, compared to the money earned, this is nothing short of sloppy.

"Master! You are back."

Zeke landed on the landing platform specially built for him in the air villa, and the armor on his body was quickly removed automatically. Gael, who had been waiting for a long time, trotted over excitedly and threw herself into Zeke's arms.

"Silly girl, I have only been gone for a few days, as if I disappeared for a year."

Zeke fondly touched Gael's head.

"Master Zeke is so cool."

At this moment, a familiar voice came from inside the house.

"Your Majesty."

Zeke smiled and bowed.

In the house, she is wearing a long dress and red makeup, a beautiful and peerless woman, who else could it be if it wasn't Grace?

"I underestimated you. Your speech surprised the people of the whole kingdom, beyond my expectations."

Grace said, "After the unanimous decision of the council, you have merit, and you can fulfill one of your wishes within a reasonable range. Tell me, what do you want."