Chapter 156: One Sentence creating Chaos!

As soon as Zeke said this, everyone suddenly felt a chill on their backs for no reason.

Too cruel!

Zeke set up a shocking "quantum portal" in Country A without making a sound.

Hydrogen bombs, Iron Man, and microbots are all items that can be teleported.

Once they are teleported, everyone can imagine the encounters faced by Country A.

And let's not talk about the hydrogen bombs. After all, this thing belongs to the scope of mass destruction and nuclear weapons. Once it is used, it will be the problem of death. Zeke only needs to transmit a few Iron Man silently or a lot of microbots.

Occasionally causing a few disasters to Country A is enough to cause a headache for its government.

Of course, this was the conclusion everyone came to after hearing Zeke's one-sided remarks.

Zeke was talking nonsense to scare Moore.

He got three kilograms of starry sky steel and only made three warp drives. There are already two on the scene, and the remaining one is still at home.

Where are there other warp drives? In Country A?

Not to mention it's for sale.

Zeke is so boastful and arrogant about this because he is playing psychological tactics with them.

Anyway, how many warp drives are built, how they are made, what materials are needed, etc. No one knows except Zeke.

Everyone only knows that Zeke really created this kind of magical thing and successfully carried out the experiment in front of everyone. He indeed detonated the hydrogen bomb in Country A. But, even to this extent, is there still anything he can't do?

Naturally, Zeke could blow as much as he wanted.

"It's no wonder Zeke dared to provoke the President of Country A. But, unfortunately, it turns out that he has already prepared this big killer!"

"Wow! I didn't expect this move! It is estimated that Moore is also stunned now. Who would have thought Zeke could make something like a warp drive? Country A will usher in a hydrogen bomb if they want to fight. Now I can't tell who is more awesome than who."

"Suddenly, mines are buried everywhere in his country, and they may blow up at any time. So now the president of Country A is probably panicking to death."

"Zeke is awesome!"


Everyone was amazed.

They thought this new product launch of ZTech was just a launch event.

But who would have thought that Zeke would bring out the pollution-free hydrogen bomb made by controllable nuclear fusion technology when he came up, and then he took out the super black technology of warp drive. So now he has given Country A a humiliation.

Zeke's actions, one by one, were beyond everyone's expectations. But, of course, this is because all of them were shocking.

If they want to select the top ten people who shocked the world now, they will vote for Zeke without hesitation.

"Mr. Moore, why aren't you speaking?"

Zeke waited for a while but did not wait for Moore's response and couldn't help but lift the corners of his mouth.

At this time, Moore, who was in the office of the White House, covered the microphone with his hand and said nothing. The whole office was so quiet that even if a needle fell to the ground, everyone could hear it. He doesn't seem to see it as a big deal. But there was bottomless anger hidden in his eyes.

Others silently delivered a hydrogen bomb to their territory.

Quietly, an unknown number of warp drives were buried under their feet.

One minute, no, maybe even one second, it will instantly send countless hydrogen bombs to their feet, and once detonated, they will completely raze the entire country to the ground.

The most powerful country in the world has been threatened and provoked to such a degree.

And the most hateful thing is that he couldn't find any words that could refute Zeke.

This makes Moore, who has always been known for being cruel and fierce, feel highly aggrieved.

"Unexpected situation... Moore was left speechless by a hairy boy."

There was an extremely solemn look in the eyes of Khurbagov, the head of Country MO.

"This just a lunatic!"

Toshiki, the Prime Minister of Country J, looked extremely ugly.

"Using the warp drive, you can make all weapons and bombs silently cross any obstacles... Just one move can easily bring immeasurable disaster to Country A. It turns out that he is not a clown. What people don't notice, he grows into a giant."

"He dares to contend with Moore."

Powell, the head of the Enamel Kingdom, took a deep breath, and from Zeke's words, he has captured how much trouble the warp drive will bring to Country A.

The heads of other world powers are all aware that they have seriously underestimated the Phoenix Kingdom, no, more accurately, Zeke's creativity.

To be able to create so many appalling things in one month, Zeke is simply a monster among monsters.

But at the same time, the leaders of these world powers were also slightly relieved.

Now Zeke's most prominent target is Country A. But, at least in this regard, they are much luckier than them.

"Oh! By the way, I almost forgot to say, Mr. Powell, Mr. Khurbagov, Mr. Toshiki, Mr. North, and other gentlemen because I made more on a whim. There are quite a few of these things, and I want to try the effect. So I also put about a few hundred in each of your countries. Well, yes, just a few hundred, not much. Just treat it as my gift to you. It's our first meeting on the phone."

As soon as these words came out, the heads of all the world powers immediately stared blankly.

"Quick! Quickly notify the Security Bureau and investigate it for me immediately! Even if the entire country is turned over, find all the warp drives for me!"

"Damn bastard! Is he planning to destroy the world?!"

"Crazy! Crazy! This guy must be crazy! What are you still doing? Are you going to sleep with their hydrogen bombs for your birthday?! Why don't you go search for those warp drives for me?!"


In a word, all the world powers' upper-level troops were in chaos instantly, causing a panic.