Chapter 157: Admit Defeat!

"Of course, you can find all those warp drives and tear them down."

"But don't worry, I have marked each warp drive. Once the number is cleared to a certain level, I will make up a little more. After all, the warp drive is also within the range that can be teleported."

"And the Phoenix Kingdom will be very generous, right? Your Majesty?"

Zeke turned his head to one side, looked at Grace under the stage, and said with a smile.

The eyes of the audience immediately converge on Grace.

Grace hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly.


"This is awesome!"

"The infinite warp drive is almost impossible to guard against."

"With such an invention, what kind of sanctions does the kingdom worry about in the future? As long as they make a move, they will be finished."

"This wave of operations is invincible!"


The people at the scene and watching the live broadcast were excited.

In terms of bragging, Zeke is not targeting anyone.

What welcome gift, what hundreds of warp drives, what was cleared and sent inside to make up the amount? But, of course, all of them were made up by him.

Anyway, there is no need to pay taxes for bragging. Isn't Zeke just saying what he wants?

As for whether the leaders of the world powers believe it or not, it is their business.

"Oh! God! Phoenix people are terrible!"

"The controllable nuclear fusion hydrogen bomb, the warp drive...he can turn these two things into reality... Is Zeke really a human? What kind of brain does he have?"

"Zeke, you bastard! I hope this guy didn't put the warp drive under my feet. Otherwise, I won't let him go even if I become a ghost!"


The foreigners watching the live broadcast are all confused and messy, and many people are grabbing their hair and looking like they have seen a ghost.

Among these people, many of them are from major world powers. In addition, Zeke has placed hundreds of warp drives in their countries, which means it will be unknown once the kingdom starts attacking—instantly turning them into a pile of cannon fodder.

But while terrified, they were also shocked and amazed by Zeke's creativity.

Everyone is human, and he keeps creating all kinds of transcendent miracles, MicroBots, Baymax, Iron Man, Phoenix Tree, and Super Soldiers.

Now even the Warp Drive has been created by him.

Is he still human?

Could he be an alien?

"Zeke, do you know what you are doing?"

Suddenly, the hot-tempered President of Country MO, Khurbagov, shouted.

"Threatening so many countries simultaneously and causing panic among the people of many countries, you are not only provocative but also threatening. Therefore, all our countries declare war!"

"No, no, no, Mr. Khurbagov, don't get me wrong."

Zeke's eyes flashed, and he waved his fingers leisurely, "The warp drive itself is not offensive or threatening, and we need capital to transmit anything, not to mention that I know these quantum spaces better than you. The meaning of the portal's existence. If it weren't for the kingdom's desperate situation, these warp drives would be permanently covered in dust. They can't play any role. So you don't need to worry about the warp drives."

"Of course, if the kingdom faces a difficult situation and is forced to the point of nowhere... For example, what you are doing to the kingdom now, and you don't give it anyway to live, then I'm very sorry."

As soon as these words came out, many Phoenix citizens turned solemn.

As Zeke said, the economic sanctions imposed on the Phoenix Kingdom by those world powers have caused the kingdom to suffer severe financial losses and ultimately hindered its development. If it goes on for a long time, it will probably only take a few months. After that, the Phoenix Kingdom will be completely disintegrated. Those world powers will take advantage of it at that time without scruples. Like more than a hundred years ago, they will plunder everything they see.

The world powers are not benevolent, so naturally, they cannot blame the Phoenix Kingdom for being unrighteous.

After hearing these words, the world powers' leaders fell silent.

"Mr. Zeke, our Enamel Kingdom immediately revokes any economic blockade, territorial sea blockade, and trade suspension on the Phoenix Kingdom and resumes all previous economic and trade exchanges... In exchange, can you withdraw all the warp drives?"

Rowan Powell, the head of Enamel Kingdom, was the first to speak up.

Hearing this, the eyes of the people present lit up, and the people of the Phoenix Kingdom watching the live broadcast were all shocked.

Did they hear it right?

As one of the world's powerhouses, the Enamel Kingdom took the initiative to withdraw.

"The matter of economic sanctions is just a misunderstanding. As we all know, we will hold the Queen's Ceremony in the country soon. Of course, we have to take all protective measures. What do you think, Mr. Zeke?"

William North, the Prime Minister of Country U, continued.


Many people took a deep breath.

After the Enamel Kingdom, Country U also followed.

"Zeke, you are indeed very powerful. Since the words have already been said, I will not embarrass your Phoenix Kingdom anymore, but I hope you can eliminate all your damn warp drives in my country. Otherwise, I will be rude to you and do what I say."

Natsagiin Khurbagov, the head of Country MO, wanted to save his image.

The heads of other world powers have also chosen to lift the economic sanctions against the Phoenix Kingdom in exchange for the condition of removing the warp drives.

Until the end, all the world powers except Country A have withdrawn.

All Phoenix citizens were stunned.

The next moment, everyone was instantly excited, and they waved their arms fiercely as if they were venting their grievances these days. Then, many people roared directly to the sky, shouting with all their might to vent their depression.

In the face of economic sanctions by more than a dozen world powers, this silent war ended with all the world powers withdrawing and the Phoenix Kingdom having the absolute upper hand and winning it.

"Mr. Moore, how about you?"

Suddenly, Zeke said.

The audience's voices immediately weakened, and everyone's eyes flashed severe anticipation.

"Mr. Zeke, I still say that Country A does not accept provocation."

Moore said a word, and everyone's heart immediately hung up.

Country A is the world's most powerful country, with countless younger brothers. However, the Phoenix Kingdom will surely suffer if he is serious and hardened.

"But our country is an institution that advocates peace, has always believed in the idea of peace, and will not provoke unnecessary wars for no reason."

"I hope the Phoenix Kingdom does the same."

After speaking, Moore said these words expressionlessly and hung up the call.

All of a sudden, everyone couldn't help showing a knowing smile.