Chapter 162: Proposal!

According to the content of the emails returned by the info broker, Zeke learned that the Prime Minister of Country G, Klaus Fischer, was the main culprit behind the assassination of his last speech at Phoenix University. He is also involved with internationally banned secret weapon development and research.

Among them is a project under development, and the target material being studied is nothing but Starry Sky Steel.

The info broker clearly stated in the email that he had gained the trust of an underling close to Fischer. He learned that five years ago, a meteorite had fallen in a small town in Country G. Although the incident caused a great shock in the city, the military quickly covered it up. As a result, the reports came to an abrupt end. All online information about the incident was taken down or deleted overnight.

The military did this because they found a lot of starry sky steel on it.

Now Fischer is trying to use the characteristics of this steel to develop corresponding weapons for use in the military armament of Country G.

"Jarvis, let Paulo select ten super soldiers, have each of them equipped with a certain number of microbots, and immediately set off for Country G and bring Fischer to me."

Zeke gave the order directly.

"Yes, sir."

Jarvis immediately passed the order on.

"Last time, I had to do a good measure against him."

Zeke's eyes flashed coldly.

He never easily forgives those who attacked him.

Fischer dares to find a killer to find trouble for himself. Zeke will naturally not have any mercy. Originally he planned to have some waiting period after the end of the Phoenix military exercise. Until this matter gradually faded from people's memory, and found another opportunity to take a shot on Fischer.

Fischer is the Prime Minister of Country G, a big man who holds the real power in the court and the opposition. Therefore, if anything happens to him, it will cause colossal attention and shock.

So Zeke kept holding back.

But Fischer was very unlucky.

A large amount of starry sky steel in his hand made Zeke abandon all vigilant thoughts and choose to shoot Fischer on the spot.

Zeke's purpose is straightforward: a large amount of starry sky steel. And accepting Fischer's life is just a pass.

"The next step is to see how lucky he is. I hope that Fischer has saved enough starry sky steel, don't let me down."


On the other side, Grace had just left the conference center through a secret passage and was just about to get in the car——


Suddenly, the phone in her pocket vibrated.

Grace glanced back at Prime Minister Deron and then walked to a corner. At the same time, Prime Minister Deron nodded knowingly and took a step forward, blocking the way of the elders and ministers.

"Prime Minister North."

That's right, and it was none other than North, the Prime Minister of Country U.

"Your Majesty King Grace, on behalf of Country U, I sincerely apologize to you for what happened just now."

North apologized, "You also understand that in that case, I have no choice."

Hearing this, Grace smiled clearly: "So what? Prime Minister."

Grace didn't say anything.

Just an apology to erase the evil deeds done to the Phoenix Kingdom before?

Even if Grace's bearing is broad enough, it does not mean she has no


Grace called the leaders of these world powers countless times to find a solution, wanting them to come up with solutions and conditions happily. But the other party ignored her.

Now that he knows that the kingdom is powerful. He admits defeat and comes back to apologize, and that's it?

Grace is not such a fool.

"I will ask a representative of my country to issue an apology for this matter publicly. Then based on restoring all the Phoenix Kingdom's companies' economic power in my country, I will give them more assistance. The Phoenix citizens will also receive preferential treatment. Better than people from other countries. I will do my best to compensate for the fault this time."

North's words made Grace look surprised.

Country U is a powerful country in the world. But, because it used to be the empire on which the sun never sets, which was more substantial than any country in history, it remains arrogant and never bows its head to others, even Country A.

But now, they will publicly issue an apology statement to the Phoenix Kingdom and are willing to give some privileges to its people. This is not in line with Country U's arrogant temperament.

"Prime Minister, you must have other ideas, right?"

Grace smelled a conspiracy.

"Haha, as expected of Your Majesty. Since you have already noticed it, I will no longer hide it."

North smiled, "My daughter Elena, you should know her. She is 25 years old this year and is the oldest princess in the Country U royal family who is not married. For her sake, my wife has already searched for her many suitors, but Elena rejected all of them. My wife and I are quite distressed about this."

"Do you want me to help your daughter find a partner?"

A hint of surprise appeared in Grace's eyes.

Grace has heard of the name of Princess Elena. She has a beautiful face, and she is regarded as the number one beauty in Europe, but she also has achieved remarkable achievements in her country's politics.

Such a prominent, knowledgeable, and beautiful princess of Country U would come to the Phoenix Kingdom to find a partner to marry.

This matter is even fresher than Phoenix Kingdom becoming the head of Country U.

But on second thought, this is not a bad political marriage, and the other party is the royal princess of Country U, the daughter of Prime Minister North. Therefore, if the wedding is successful, it will significantly benefit the kingdom.

"Yes, Elena told me she fell in love with a man in your Phoenix Palace, so I would like to ask Your Majesty to help my poor daughter."

North said.

"Oh? Princess Elena fell in love with a man in our Phoenix Palace?"

Grace's eyes flashed.

Grace thought North wanted to pick out some of Phoenix Kingdom's outstanding talents to introduce to his daughter. But she didn't expect him to present his daughter to the kingdom.

"You name him, and I will try my best to convince him."

"Of course, Princess Elena is so good. He will be pleased if this man knows that Princess Elena favors him."

Whether in terms of interests or respect for marriage, Grace is delighted to help.

"Elena doesn't like other people, except this man. He just embarrassed me, so I had to hang up early."

North said with a smile, "That's right, it's Zeke."


After hearing this, Grace's face changed slightly, and an inexplicable thunder rumbled in her mind.