Chapter 163: Proposal Galore

Grace was still guessing which minister or noble in the palace would be favored by Princess Elena or which minister or noble's son.

She thought about it, but Zeke didn't cross her mind.

Even though Zeke's title in the Phoenix Kingdom is an Elder since he was promoted, he has only been to the palace once so far, so naturally, Grace did not count him in it.

But this unexpected person is precisely the most suitable, most coincidental, and most intriguing person.

The smile on Grace's face collapsed on the spot.

Her expression slowly became bitter, her lips shook, she frowned slightly, and there was an unpleasant look in her eyes.

"Elena has been following him for a long time. I just saw Zeke's performance at the press conference, so I want to try to get in touch with him again. I hope Your Majesty can facilitate this marriage. As Prime Minister of Country U, I give you my gratitude."

Prime Minister North did not realize the changes that happened to Grace here and continued.

"Prime Minister North, with all due respect, you should know Zeke's status in the kingdom and his significance to its entirety, right?"

Grace asked back.

"I understand. Now Zeke is the Phoenix Kingdom's greatest hero."

"But because he is a great hero, he needs a woman worthy of him even more."

North laughed loudly, "Elena will never disappoint Zeke in any way."

For his daughter, North has always been very proud.

Any aspect of talent, beauty, knowledge, etiquette, character, and background is superior.

Elsewhere he dare not say, at least in Country U, and even in the whole of Europe, Elena is the best goddess in the eyes of all men.

Although Country U and the Phoenix Kingdom have cultural differences between East and West, North is still very confident in Elena.

"I don't have much contact with Zeke, but I know him well. So what you think is beautiful may not be so in his eyes."

"I'm sorry, Prime Minister North, maybe I can't help you with this one."

Grace directly chose to refuse.

"Don't jump to conclusions so quickly, Your Majesty."

"Whether Zeke will accept Elena or not, you should give them a chance to meet, right?"

"What's more, this matter is not only a personal matter of Zeke but also a matter between our countries."

North said meaningfully.

Grace's eyes flickered.

She pursed her lips, and her eyes were thoughtful.

If she followed her heart, she would like to hang up the phone right now.

But as the kingdom's king, her reason made her calm down, and she started thinking about the kingdom's overall interests. Because of the economic sanctions, the Phoenix Kingdom has a terrible relationship with many world powers. Its international status will inevitably rise a step further.

This is an era of mutual restraints and checks and balances. A nuclear weapon can only play a role in self-protection, ensuring that the kingdom will not be divided up by those coveting it. But there is no guarantee that these world powers can genuinely accept them and put their domain as a world power.

The marriage between Country U and the Phoenix Kingdom can do this.

"Prime Minister North, Princess Elena is coming to the kingdom. Of course, I'll welcome her infinitely and personally go to meet her."

"But I think you can understand that Zeke is a genius, and a genius has a weird personality. So if Princess Elena doesn't get a good result, in the end, I hope it won't affect the relationship between our two countries."

Grace said.

"Hahaha... Of course, but please also believe in my daughter. She is better than you think."

North laughed happily.

He knows very well that his daughter Elena is a stubborn paranoid girl. As long as she makes a decision, she will do her best to realize it.

If this marriage can happen, the benefits to him and their country will be too great.

Thinking of this, North couldn't help the joy in his heart, and his laughter became more hearty.

Afterward, the two chatted for a few more words and hung up the phone.

Grace didn't say a word, turned around, and went to where the car was parked. Then, without talking to anyone, she went straight into the Rolls-Royce.

The elders and ministers looked at each other in dismay. They don't know why the king, who was still happy just now, immediately turned severe and cold after answering the phone. Could it be that there is another big problem?

But they didn't hesitate, and they quickly returned to their cars.

"Let's return to the palace and prepare for Zeke's celebration feast."

Under Grace's order, the Rolls-Royce motorcade set off in a mighty manner, heading for the palace.


At the same time, all the events at the launch of ZTech's new products and the upsurge caused by the controllable nuclear fusion hydrogen bomb and the warp drive have already spread out through the crazy information explosion.

Previously, the advertisement for ZTech's new product launch carried out a round of overwhelming publicity so that 100 million people in the kingdom, even a three-year-old baby, knew about the launch of ZTech's new products. However, at the press conference, as soon as the incident happened, it also formed an explosive effect that was more terrifying than ever before, overturning the entire kingdom's network.

SearchMe, Fambook, News websites, Ichat, Chatme, etc. You can see "Zeke", "Warp drive", "66666", and "Phoenix Kingdom Savior" everywhere. SearchIt's top 20 search rankings are all occupied by these related terms.

The keyword "ZTech Conference" has created a historical record of SearchIt's search index. In just a few hours, the search volume has exceeded 100 million, reaching an appalling level.

Many software's pop-up reports also quickly removed the headline reports and replaced them with statements related to the ZTech Conference. As soon as the ZTech news replaced them, the number of clicks on the headlines increased more than ten times usual.

Now is the era of the eyeball economy. The more attention the websites get, the more they are paid.

So three hours after the ZTech conference ended, no matter what app you use, video stream sites, news sites, watching live streams, reading comics, or even reading e-books in an app, you can see reports related to the ZTech Conference.

Even more exaggerated is that some peach-colored android playback software even joined the report video of this event.

It can be seen that this time the report has spread so widely that it is simply terrifying.