Chapter 226: Storm!

Different from Z Cinema.

The movie world has a limited amount of excellent content. So now people feel very fresh and make a lot of money. But this freshness will pass away sooner or later. So even if Z Cinema does not decline by then, it will never be as popular as it is now and will not bring enough income.

On the other hand, Second World wins with a pure gaming experience!

There is no need for Zeke to add new content continuously. Just build a game world, update it occasionally, add some new expansion pieces, and it will allow players to continue playing.

As for the maintenance fee mentioned by Zeke, it is entirely non-existent!

The matrix world is a product that surpasses modern technology. After it was created, it communicated with the space bridge and used the warp drive as a server to carry it. Therefore, it can be said that there is no such thing as maintenance at all.

Of course, since this is an online game, there must be some manual intervention.

For example, the value of the game currency must be strictly controlled. Otherwise, if someone maliciously fiddles with it, the value of the game currency will easily collapse, resulting in inflation!

But this kind of thing does not need Zeke to supervise personally. Jarvis is enough.

Therefore, the point card recharge fee of one Eso per hour is precisely what Zeke wants to earn.

According to the current time flow rate, one hour can be divided into 60 hours, which is 360 Eso. Therefore, if 100 million people play more than four hours a day, it is equivalent to contributing 144 billion Phoenix coins to Zeke daily!

And these are just the money made by Zeke for the online time.

"As you all know, the essence of Second World is a game, so there will be no shortage of recharge channels for players. But don't worry, this will not affect the overall fairness of the game. At most, it will allow people to clearly distinguish at a glance. Find out the difference between top-up players and ordinary players!"

"And I have added a lot of extremely sophisticated trading systems in it. Any equipment, materials, or items... can be sold through the trading system. The game currency can be traded with the world's currency. It can even be used to buy equivalent physical items. The existence of these trading systems means that as long as you spend enough time and effort, plus a little luck, even if you don't recharge a penny in additional channels. You can still have a strong combat power and defeat top-up players, go to the pinnacle of life, and use games to make money!"

As soon as Zeke's remarks came out, many civilian players suddenly became attentive!

In-game currency can be used to buy physical items?

Doesn't that mean that game currency, like the Phoenix Kingdom's currency, Country A's dollar, and Country U's pound, is a currency recognized by the world?

This is bullshit!

"It's exposed...Zeke's fox tail! He originally had this idea!"

"You want to promote virtual currency in the game? Is Zeke planning to dominate the global financial market?!"

"It seems that it's not just about games. Zeke is playing a big game of chess!"


The leaders were shocked when they heard this.

If the virtual world's currency can be used in reality, its nature will be the same as Bitcoin, and it will soon sweep the whole world.

Moreover, Zeke used the Second World as a platform for the game currency and attracted enough people to use and recognize it. Therefore, in the future, the status of the game currency will be more valuable than today's bitcoin and even surpass real money!

It turns out that this is the ultimate goal of Zeke's careful planning. This is where his ambition lies.

"Finally, there is one more thing to explain!"

Zeke seemed to remember something and continued, "Before entering the game, the helmet will automatically check your physical condition and help you choose the virtual level of the game! It ranges from 1% to 99%."

"The higher the level of virtuality, the stronger the authenticity of the game, the more details, and the better your psychological endurance. But the highest level of virtuality is 99%, and the reason for leaving this 1% is not because you guys' willpower is insufficient. But I am afraid that you will not be able to distinguish between reality and virtuality."

"Because even a person with the best willpower that has been in a virtual world for a long time and watched for a long time. The habits of the creatures will make him assimilate! This is the biological habits of human beings, determined by genes, not by will!"

Zeke thought about this very thoroughly.

Everyone's willpower is different.

Some people may be able to endure a particularly bloody picture, but some people become dizzy when they see blood. So before entering the game, a screening will be conducted to help them automatically choose the most suitable virtual level.

"Of course, if some people are not physically fit, but they like high-virtual images. I also have corresponding solutions."

"When making the helmet, I specially cast a batch of biological game capsules. In it, it can greatly reduce the body's ability to respond. So even if you are a severe heart disease patient, you can be free in the Second World and even play horror games! Since your body function is delayed to the point of being almost frozen, you can not excrete for a long time. You only need to rely on the nutrient solution in the biological capsule to be able to go without food or water for a long time."

"This batch of biological capsules is being manufactured. As long as there are no problems after testing, they will be available for sale soon!"

"Okay, today's speech took a lot of time. In fact, there are still many interesting points in Second World that have not been mentioned. For more detailed information, everyone can check the official website of ZTech. The official website will be updated to add these contents."

"Friends who are interested in the Second World, please look forward to the sale of the fulldive virtual helmet in a week!"

After speaking, Zeke smiled and nodded slightly, and there was another cheering applause below.

In reality, it was already a mess.

"Wife! Quickly resign! Don't go to work! What can a clerk with 2,000 Eso a month do? Prepare all the dry food! Go into the Second World and dig for treasures! We are going to be rich!"

"That's great! I have congenital heart disease, and I don't even dare to run, let alone play games. Zeke is awesome! I have to experience this Second World well!"

"Everyone who notified the union is ready. This broken game is no longer played, and the game makers only give so much money. What's the profit?! Let me go into the Second World to mine!"


With the announcement of the second world, the whole world has set off an extremely violent storm in secret!