Chapter 227: Fate

A super-large online game that can accommodate players from all over the world!

An excellent experience that can perfectly pass through reality, fight monsters with your own hands, and release skills!

A perfect world that can combine tens of thousands of people, fight with the country, and conquer the world together, all-inclusive!

Is there anything more attractive than these?

The internet has already exploded. All social apps and websites have been filled with screenshots and reports of the Second World early on.

The most explosive among them must be the official website forum of ZTech.

The official website forum of ZTech was not open at first. It was not until later that the warp drive began to be sold, and this communication community was gradually opened. With the popularity of Z Cinema and the fact that the Phoenix Kingdom itself has no network barriers. Many people from all over the world poured into the forum!

ZTech Forum has become a global forum that can be compared to Twitter and Facebook. So you can see the languages of various countries everywhere. And many can't afford the items posted. Because only a small number of people can see things on Facebook or Twitter, but if you post here, people from many countries all over the world can see it!

Due to the surge in users, ZTech Forum has been specially upgraded many times.

This time Zeke released the Second World, the ZTech Forum undoubtedly exploded again!

Because Zeke was promoting in front of people all over the world this time, the number of people who poured in was greater than all the people in the past combined.

Maybe the post you still see this second, refresh the next second, it disappears in the lengthy homepage, submerged in the sea of posts. Countless people from various countries are expressing excitedly, "I am looking forward to the second world", and "I loudly appeal to Zeke to sell helmets as soon as possible and open the second world!"

The outside world was full of joy and excitement, and the voices were of people.

In the banquet hall of the palace, Zeke's "Second World Press Conference" had just ended. He returned to the leader below and continued drinking and chatting with them.

But this time, the leaders' performance is obviously more enthusiastic than before.

"Oh! It's incredible! Elder Zeke, I still can't believe that I can actually see such technology appear in my lifetime!"

"It is indeed an amazing and shocking invention. Second World, the name is very appropriate. Elder Zeke, congratulations!"

"I was frightened by the big wolf just now, Elder Zeke. I am a loyal game fan! Your Second World has brought me a huge surprise!"

"Elder Zeke, congratulations! It can be expected that the future of Second World will be even more powerful than Z Cinema! This time, don't worry. I will immediately open more restrictions for you when I return and ensure that your helmet can enter my country sooner! I believe that the people of my country will be delighted to hear about this!"


The world leaders were all around Zeke, congratulating him. Z Cinema, plus the Second World, Zeke was equivalent to monopolizing most of the global film and television industry and the game industry in his hands.

The monopoly will indeed cause their countries to suffer some losses, but as long as Zeke's Second World enters, they believe these losses will soon turn into profits and become a critical fiscal tax for their country.

Naturally, they had to curry favor with Zeke so that he could see that they had enough sincerity for cooperation.

Zeke smiled and used his powerful calm aura to meet these leaders.

After a while, with the melodious jazz dance music playing in the banquet hall, the atmosphere gradually became lively, and the object of conversation was no longer limited to Zeke. He was finally able to escape and leave the center of the storm.

"Zeke, congratulations!"

Zeke was not far away when a shadowy figure stopped in front of him.

It was Grace.

At this time, Grace's expression returned to her previous indifference. With a smile on the corner of her mouth, she picked up the wine glass and looked at Zeke with complicated eyes.

She didn't hear Zeke's explanation and introduction to the Second World but just happened to be startled by the giant wolf and diverted all her attention, so she could barely ease the heavy emotions just now.

"Thank you for the blessing of Your Majesty."

Zeke smiled and touched Grace and took a sip.

However, Grace directly drank the red wine in the glass with her head up.

"Your Majesty, although this wine is cheap, only a few hundred thousand a bottle, you don't need to drink it like this, right? You have to drink it slowly like me."

Zeke did not notice the strangeness in Grace's expression and joked with a smile.

"Today is to celebrate and be happy for you. Of course, you need to drink more!"

Grace's eyes were slightly red, and she forced a free, easy smile, "Are you still drinking?"

"No, Gael is still waiting for me. If you are happy, Your Majesty, drink more yourself. Bye!"

Zeke smiled and passed Grace directly.

Grace looked at the back of Zeke's departure, tears flashing in her eyes. She blinked gently, and a crystal tear fell down her face. She quickly reached out and wiped it away, raised her head, and tried to suppress the flood in her heart—a feeling of sadness bursting out of the embankment.

This was the first time that Grace cried for a man.

She knows that her relationship with Zeke is completely cut off at this moment.

She is willing to become Zeke's concubine, and she can completely let go of her identity and face as a king, but this does not mean that she can let go of the dignity of the royal family!

The dignified King of Phoenix Kingdom, condescending to marry someone else as a concubine?

If this kind of thing happens, the royal family will be wholly swept away.

This is the most insurmountable gap between Grace and Zeke!


The celebration party is over.

The grand ceremony finally came to an end.

All the leaders returned to the rooms arranged by the palace for them to rest, and two bodyguards were guarding the entrance.

In the room, Moore was talking to the senior officials about the Second World and their views on it.

Suddenly, there was movement from the door, and the door was opened.

"Mr. Moore."

The visitor was Khurbagov, the president of Country MO, with a serious expression.

"President Khurbagov, it's so late. What's the matter?"

Moore took a sip of water and asked indifferently.

"I want you to come with me and discuss something."

Khurbagov glanced at the others in the room and said solemnly, "About Zeke."