Chapter 233: Harvester Mothership and Cosmic Cube

"I just saw someone running out in big pants and shouting, 'Where is my head?' 'Where is my head?' 'Who saw my head?' I thought he was mentally ill. I laughed to death!"

"The most spectacular scene, 1,139 of the 1,452 households in the entire community bought fulldive virtual helmets. Let me show you the spectacular scene of ZTech boxes all over the place. It's absolutely amazing!"

"How can the box actually decompose itself and run away? It turned out to be made up of microbots! Zeke is so awesome!"

"My home is in a particularly remote rural area, and the order status on the official website shows that it has been shipped, and airdrop delivery is in progress. After waiting for a long time, I thought the airdrop would not arrive, but the box came knocking on the door in the middle of the night and almost scared me to death!"

"Wow! There is a richling in our community. He bought ten fulldive virtual helmets, and the ZTech boxes are stacked higher than two floors!"

"What is a two-story building? Look at this richling. They bought 100 helmets directly and built a ZTech box tower directly on the spot!"

"Hahaha... I laughed so hard! Just now, a guy wanted to move the ZTech box to his car, but he was warned twice, and he was directly shocked the third time!"

"Stealing things in front of ZTech? It doesn't exist! Whoever steals this stuff is an idiot. Do you really think Zeke's awesome technology is simple?"

"Sleep? Get some sleep! Hurry up and have a good time in the Second World! I want to be the first to change jobs!"


Although it was already late at night, the entire Phoenix Kingdom was ecstatic because of Zeke's unique delivery method!

After receiving the fulldive virtual helmet, many people took it home excitedly and could not wait to start the journey to the Second World.

And people from abroad, who received it relatively late, still aroused their exclamations!

"Oh! My God! It's been less than an hour since I placed the order and paid for it. It's already in my hands!"

"What did I see?! A running iron box?!"

"Security! I'm going to call the police! Several iron boxes ran past my window just now! Yes! I was right! They're iron boxes!"

"Helmets! It's ZTech's helmets! Hey! Dude! Stop watching the movie. Come with me to the second world!"

"Yahoo!! It came! It's faster than I expected. I'm going to play the second world version of PUBG. This mode is so interesting!"

"Fantastic! I've never seen such a fast delivery method! Long live Zeke!!"


The foreigners are also full of joy, and a lively atmosphere is everywhere.

Everyone started calling friends, showing off their selfies everywhere, and entering the second world for the first time to enjoy a pleasant journey of upgrading and fighting monsters!


Time turned, and it was noon.

Zeke slowly opened his eyes and woke up from the bed.

"Sir, I've been waiting for you to wake up for a long time."

Jarvis spoke with joy in his voice.

"Oh? Any good news?"

Zeke glanced at Gael, who was still sleeping beside him. Her delicate face was so innocent that Zeke couldn't help but kiss her.

"According to statistics from a minute ago, more than 129 million players have entered the second world."

"The number of players who have stayed in the second world for more than 300 hours has reached 94.24 million!"

"According to the analysis, just wait for another 20 minutes. After that, you can reach the standard of 100 million players who have been online for more than 300 hours without accidents!"

Jarvis replied.

"That's excellent news!"

Zeke's eyes lit up.

The task given by the system is to accommodate 100 million players, and these 100 million players need to be online for more than 300 hours.

Zeke adjusted the flow of time, one minute in reality and one hour in the second world, so 300 hours in the second world is equal to 5 hours in reality.

Now there are 94.24 million people who have reached this standard, which is infinitely close to the goal.

"Jarvis, ready some hot water. I want to take a good bath."

Zeke raised the corner of his mouth, "Let's welcome the exciting moment later."

"Yes, sir!"

Zeke soaked in hot water, and the steaming heat made him extremely comfortable.

From time to time, he glanced at the time frame projected by the holographic projection. There was a countdown to the completion of the task calculated by Jarvis.

Watching the numbers get closer and closer, the thoughts in Zeke's mind began to run.

"In this mission reward, there is an additional reward of an item from the movie. What will it be?"

Zeke couldn't care about the next unlocked technology and was thinking about the new item he could get from this reward.

Anyway, it's an item in the movie, so it's definitely not bad.

"Give me a particularly awesome weapon."

"No, if it's a weapon, it's useless without technical knowledge. Unless this thing has infinite bullets, and if it can't be damaged."

"A spaceship or something?"

"No, the energy problem can't be solved, and it won't fly very far."

"Maybe just give it a power source... This thing isn't feasible!"

"But it doesn't seem to belong to the item category."


Just when Zeke was still thinking about what kind of movie items the system would give him, the countdown on the holographic projection time frame suddenly changed from the last minute to zero.

[Ding! Congratulations! Successfully completed the sixth technological mission!]

The ethereal voice of the system suddenly brought Zeke, who was immersed in fantasy, back to reality.

'It's coming!'

Zeke sat up straight from the bathtub, his eyes full of anticipation.

[You get a chance to unlock a movie tech and an additional movie item.]

[Unlocking new movie technology randomly for you, please wait.]

[Ding! Unlocked successfully!]

[Congratulations, you have obtained the technology in "Independence Day 2": Harvester Mothership!]


'Harvester Mothership?!'

Zeke suddenly widened his eyes.

Of course, he remembered the Harvester Mothership from "Independence Day 2". It was so huge that when it landed on the earth, it was like a spider lying on a ball, which was outrageous!

And as soon as it appeared, it instantly destroyed several cities, setting off a storm and tsunami. That terrifying and incomparable destructive power could be considered a god!

[Ding! Random movie item is being unlocked for you. Please wait.]

[Ding! Unlocked successfully!]

[Congratulations, you successfully obtained the movie item in "The Avengers": Cosmic Cube!]