Chapter 234: The Seventh System Mission!


When he heard this sentence, Zeke took a deep breath.

'Cosmic Cube!!!'

The space gem is one of the six infinity gems in the Marvel movies!

It has an extremely powerful space power, and as long as you know how to operate it, you can open a space door connecting the two ends of the universe anywhere!

The warp drive is very similar to its function. However, the warp drive can transmit limited items at a time and takes a lot of energy. The cosmic cube itself stores an extremely enormous, almost infinite energy!

Of course, more importantly, the Cosmic Cube is a magical item in Marvel movies, and any scientific reason cannot explain its existence. Even in Marvel's comics, it is a top-level cosmic treasure, which has caused a lot of big fights!

"Among the Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D. used to develop powerful new weapons with the energy in the Cosmic Cube under the banner of developing new energy."

"Also, in "Captain America", the Red Skull used it to create many powerful laser weapons."

"Aside from the use of the Cosmic Cube in the movie, I can also learn from it."

Zeke thought of this, his eyes flashed with a light of wisdom, and he had already thought about the application scenarios of the universe Cosmic Cube.

There are no avengers, super villains, cosmic gods, or the like in this world. So, naturally, there are no monsters with frightening force suddenly running out and competing with Zeke for the ownership of the Cosmic Cube!

Therefore, Zeke doesn't have to be secretive like the guys in Marvel for fear of being robbed.

Now he only needs to think about how to fully display the Cosmic Cube's characteristics.

[Transferring [Harvester Mothership] technical data to you.]

Suddenly, a large amount of technical information about the Harvester Mothership came. Zeke closed his eyes and wandered freely in the information in his mind.

This time the technical information was transmitted longer than ever before.

Too many kinds of technical information are contained in the whole Harvester Mothership.

The spaceship's overall architectural structure, the massive anti-gravity engine system, various weapon systems, defense systems, detection systems, etc., are thousands of years ahead of the earth. However, they are all advanced basic knowledge from various fields!

Even for a super soldier like Zeke, if he learns this knowledge without any assistance. He may not be able to finish it in his entire life!

Nearly half an hour later.

The steaming mist covered the whole bathroom. Fortunately, Jarvis helped Zeke to heat the water. Otherwise, the water in the bathtub would have been cold for half an hour.

"I see..."

Finally, Zeke opened his eyes when the information input was over and let out a long breath.

The gleam of wisdom in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"The star-class spacecraft has a diameter of 2,000 miles, which is 3,218 kilometers in conversion. Just comparing the diameter, this thing is about the size of the moon. So the level of technology is at least more than a thousand years ahead of the earth!"

"It is basically impossible to completely manufacture this thing in a one-to-one ratio with the current resources on Earth."

Zeke has already mastered the information technology of the entire Harvester Mothership in his mind. However, he is very clear that it is impossible to create a thing exactly the same size as in the movie. And it can shake the world with a slight movement!

This is not because the technical information does not allow it, but because the earth's current resources cannot do it.

Unless the resources in the hands of all countries on earth are concentrated, it may be possible to succeed. But this idea is obviously more unreliable than creating a Harvester Mothership.

"But if I can make a giant sky ship about the size of the sky carrier in "The Avengers", it's no problem!"

'If I can't make it one to one, I can make a thousand to one first.'

Three thousand two hundred eighteen kilometers is too long, so just do 3 kilometers!

You know, the longest aircraft carrier in the world, the USS Enterprise of Country A, is only 342.3 meters so far.

Even if Zeke makes a small one, it is more than ten times bigger than the USS Enterprise.

Not to mention that it also has an anti-gravity engine and can soar in the sky. Once such a giant ship in the sky emerges, it will shock the world!

"But this thing can be taken down by the people of earth. The people of Country A can throw away all morals to win."

Thinking of this, Zeke couldn't help but complain.

In "Independence Day 2", the aliens completely have the power to destroy the people on earth easily, but they are finally deprived of their IQ by the screenwriter of Country A, and are ultimately defeated!

But fortunately, Zeke is not in the movie world but in reality!

As long as he builds a Harvester Mothership, it must be an invincible existence in the world, enough to overlook any country in the world.

[Ding! The seventh mission was successfully unlocked.]

[Task requirements: successfully create a full version of the harvester mothership, successfully create a plasma star destroyer, and crush an asteroid with a diameter of no less than 200 kilometers!]

[After completing the mission, you can get two random new technologies (including but not limited to the movie category) and a new random movie item reward. Host, please complete the mission quickly!]

At this time, the system's task prompt sound also came over.


"System, are you doing this on purpose?!"

When Zeke heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched.

'I'm terrified of what's coming.'

He just said that it is impossible to make a full version of the Harvester Mothership, and as a result, the system gave him a problem.

Not only that, but also to successfully create a plasma star destroyer and use it to crush an asteroid with a diameter of no less than 200 kilometers. The plasma star destroyer is one of the Harvester Mothership weapon technologies. So it was also clearly included in the mission, and it was also required to crush an asteroid.

"If I want to complete this task, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do it in the short term."

"However, the infinite energy stored inside this Cosmic Cube can come in handy. For example, to make laser weapons."

Zeke raised his hand, holding the Cosmic Cube presented to him by the system.

A cube that exudes a dazzling blue light!