Chapter 236: Infinite Energy!

In Zeke's vision, a vast uninhabited sea is the answer. The seabed is thousands of meters deep in the Pacific Ocean and uses seawater as a natural barrier to cover everything. Becoming a place that people all over the world cannot fathom.

No one can imagine that Zeke is about to prepare to open up an underground city as big as the Phoenix Kingdom!

This will be his second core base besides the Phoenix Tree.

For this idea, Zeke has already started the layout in advance. First, he asked Jarvis to send a team of steel battle suits specially designed for underwater operations to go to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean to probe and find the best hiding place for the second core base.

As soon as Jarvis' feedback data arrives, Zeke can use the microbots to do a great job.

"And with the infinite energy reserve of the cosmic cube, it has given a lot of help to me."

The idea of building an entire city under the sea is not the first time people thought of it. But so far, they have not found a particularly perfect solution. And countless difficulties and problems are in front of them, making it impossible.

Among them, the energy problem alone is enough to give them a headache.

But now, with the help of the Cosmic Cube, Zeke can not only save a lot of expenses, but basically, he can do whatever he wants!

Infinite energy brings infinite possibilities.

In the Marvel movies, S.H.I.E.L.D. is developing new weapons under the banner of developing new energy sources. But their technology is too low-end, such as those huge sky aircraft carriers.

Now that the Cosmic Cube is in Zeke's hands, coupled with the harvester mothership's technology, Zeke can do almost anything.

Zeke's biggest goal now is to complete the tasks given by the system.

In the current situation, the full version of the harvester mothership is basically impossible.

Plasma star destroyer, the effort required is not much less, and the most important thing is that Zeke has not yet found an asteroid with a diameter of 200 kilometers that he can crush.

If the big goal could not be accomplished, Zeke could only temporarily solve some small plans first.

"Speaking of which, although this system task is very tricky and difficult, I have to say that the rewards are also very rich!"

"Not to mention two random technologies unlocked at one time, but also a movie item!"

"This time, I got a Cosmic Cube, and the next time I'm sure it will be better than this. I can't help but want to know what the reward for the next mission will be!"

The more challenging the system task, the more generous the reward.

Every reward, for Zeke, is equivalent to opening up a new world.

Especially this time, a harvester mothership and a Cosmic Cube shocked Zeke himself. The blueprint that was initially relatively far away in his heart is now so close at hand that it has become no longer hazy and dreamy!

"You can't make a fat man in one bite. So come one by one first."

Although the arrival of the harvester mothership technology and the Cosmic Cube made Zeke fantasize, he knew very well that a meal had to be eaten one bite at a time, and the road had to be taken step by step. There must be a plan to follow!

"The first item is to develop a device that absorbs the cube's energy."

Zeke's eyes flashed, "As long as the energy can be successfully extracted from the cube, all energy problems can be completely solved. In addition, laser weapons, energy shields, the power system modification of the steel battle suit, and the full version of the harvester mothership are also available. It will all be possible!"

Everything must be built based on energy, especially technology, which eats energy the most.

Only when the energy is in place Zeke's previous ideas can be completed one by one!

Otherwise, even if Zeke spends all the money in the end. Collects resources from all over the world and builds a complete version of the harvester mothership, but there is not enough energy to drive it. Is it still the same?

Thinking of this, Zeke stood up from the bathtub. Water drops splashing all over the place.

"Jarvis, we're getting ready for another big fight!"

Zeke laughed.

"I'm always ready to help, sir!"

Jarvis humbly said.


Zeke was thrilled by the new technology and unlimited energy reserves and was ready to fight.

On the other hand, the craze of the second world has become more and more popular as more and more fulldive virtual helmets arrive!

According to Jarvis' data, in just 24 hours since the launch, nearly 200 million people worldwide have entered the second world and started their real experience adventure.

As an office worker, you can find that the morning rush hour, when there should be traffic jams, has suddenly become less crowded!

The subway, which was usually crowded, suddenly became empty!

The most exaggerated thing is that half or more of the colleagues in the company asked for leave for various reasons, and even the boss didn't come to work!

This situation is not uncommon.

Similar scenes are being staged in almost every country in the world.

The school is also quite helpless.

The class of 40 people was empty, and only a dozen or so were listening to the class. By the time of the second class, only a few were left!

The teachers called their homes and asked the parents of the students one by one.

The results were either that the child was sick, or that the child was unwilling to go to school, or they called the parents, and no one answered at all!

Factories are also affected.

In many factories around the world, many workers choose to take leave on the same day, which makes them unable to operate.

And the worst should be the major entertainment venues worldwide, such as internet cafes.

No matter if there are many or few people, whether in a prosperous area or not, they are all cold and desolate. Occasionally, you can see one or two young people online, either cheating money online to buy a fulldive virtual helmet or running to open a camera to sell photos. It has already reached the point where the whole nation has fallen!

Then there are the entertainment venues that are usually very lively, such as KTV, nightclubs, bars, etc. Every night, countless young men and women come out for all kinds of fun.

But on the night of the release of the fulldive virtual helmet, various entertainment venues worldwide were instantly empty by at least half of the people!

Not to mention the gaming industry.

LOL, as one of the most popular games in the world, even if many people go to eat chicken and the popularity has declined, it still cannot shake the throne of the first place.

However, with the advent of the fulldive virtual helmet, the popularity of LOL instantly fell below the lowest point in many years, reaching an unprecedented level!