Chapter 237: Breathtaking

It can be said that the appearance of the fulldive virtual helmet took only one day, and it set off a violent storm beyond imagination in the whole world!

Reality is so warm, of course, and the second world is also very lively.

"World Broadcast: Congratulations to the player 'SmiteOfHeaven' for being the first to create the guild 'Palace of Heaven', received a reward! If you want to join the 'Palace of Heaven' player, please open the guild panel and send a membership application!"

"World Broadcast: Congratulations to the player 'Agni' who reached level 39 for the first time, received a reward!"

"World Broadcast: Congratulations to the players 'Hoosier-Daddy' for being the first to tame the blue monster 'Golden Peacock', received a reward!"

"World Broadcast: Congratulations to the player 'Orange Prince' for killing the level 29 story boss and obtaining the first purple equipment in the entire server! Look forward to making persistent efforts!"

"World Broadcast: Congratulations to the 'Sun Invasion' team for successfully winning the level 25 difficulty level dungeon 'Nightmare' in 17 minutes and 28 seconds, setting a new world record! The system has given a world record gift package to encourage you!"

"World Broadcast: ..."

Although in reality, the Second World has only been developed for one day.

But in the second world, with a sixty-fold time flow gap, 60 days have passed!

During this period, countless players began to run freely in the second world while experiencing the fun of fighting monsters while enjoying the supreme glory brought them by luck and strength.

To be able to reveal a piece of advanced equipment and get the world broadcast means that their name has been recognized by 200 million people worldwide, and the level of vanity is no different from becoming a savior.

Many people who are frustrated and unhappy in reality have found a sense of identity from countless interesting gameplays after coming to the second world. A little praise from a teammate can make them excited all day!

Especially when they succeeded in getting the highest honor of the world broadcast, they were so excited that they jumped up and laughed in the sky.

Needless to say, richling players are so happy that it is a joy!

Although the gap between civilian and richling players is not apparent in the second world, as long as there is a little luck or a little level of strength, even civilian players can easily overcome the richling players. But the reason why the richling are called richling, of course, is because they have enough money!

They have no luck, no strength, it doesn't matter!

Go to the trading market, as long as they can afford the money, they can instantly own the most powerful equipment at this stage.

Chasing after others in the wild, it is not a problem for one person to cut ten people!

Not only that, but richling players can also form groups. In reality, they can't blatantly gather their own people, but in the game, money is king. So they will respond immediately with a raised arm and a shout, dozens or hundreds!

When a richling gives an order, let them go east, they will never go west. Let them beat dogs, they will never kill chickens!

And because the second world also sells all kinds of exterior clothes without attribute bonuses, the visual effects are exceptionally cool and gorgeous. For example, a golden armor, priced at 9998 Phoenix coins. The whole body exudes a bright golden light. The dazzling level of it made countless richlings take a fancy to it at a glance, and they bought it without saying a word. After wearing it, it immediately attracted exclamations and shouts from the surrounding!

Especially those female players who came to "fish" for richlings with their arms, when they saw such a tall and handsome richling appear, they naturally swarmed up. All kinds of "Brother is so domineering!" "Brother is amazing!" "Brother, this is my Chatme! Let's have a date!"... The commotion made the surrounding players sigh, and the richling players' vanity was infinitely satisfied, and the corners of their mouths were almost grinning to the ears!

It can be said that the second world meets all the requirements of richlings who want to buy everything with money.

Naturally, the richlings are investing more and more, and they don't hesitate to spend a lot of money to show off in the second world.

As for the money they threw. Needless to say, all of it must have flowed into Zeke's wallet.

"In just one day, the overall recharge amount of the Second World is as high as 873.2 billion pounds?!"

After hearing the report from his subordinates for a day, North, the prime minister of Country U, couldn't help but take a deep breath.

What is the concept of 873.2 billion pounds?

For Country U, this is several years of financial revenue!

And this is just the recharge amount consumed by the people of their country on the first day in the second world!

This level has already surpassed the 24-hour consumption record set by Z Cinema!

"How can it be so high?"

North wondered.

"Sales of fulldive virtual helmets account for a relatively large proportion."

"The rest is the consumption generated by the second world itself."

"Our investigators have entered the second world to inquire, and there are many consumption channels in the entire second world!"

"The first is a fixed time consumption of 1 Eso per hour, and then the normal game mode of the second world contains a lot of clothes and accessories, but the most is the market trading system. Currently, the highest-level piece of equipment is listed at 8,000 pounds. It was successfully photographed before submitting this report to you."

"In addition, the various novel experience modes in the game are bought out. After 1 hour of experience, you can choose whether to buy out or not. The price of less is 12 pounds, and the price of more is 36 pounds! After the buyout, there are also various consumer in-app purchase stores among these independent modes, and the consumption amount of all independent modes should not be underestimated!"

"The above are all obvious consumption channels, and other more obscure consumption channels are selected according to the player's experience, so they are not listed in too much detail."

After listening to his subordinate's description, North sighed in his heart.

A Z Cinema was enough to change his perception of Zeke.

The appearance of the second world raised Zeke's image in North's mind instantly, becoming like a giant, like a cloud, mountain, and fog, and he couldn't see through it!

What kind of person can create such miracles one after another?

Or even more accurate... is this guy still human?