Chapter 276: The Power of the Nano Destruction Cannon!

"Everyone, I kept you waiting for a long time."

At this time, a figure walked up to the soldier who was debugging the Nano Destruction Cannon and said loudly to the leaders of various countries on the observation platform.

This is a black man with thick lips, wearing a pair of single-sided glasses, a golden chain from the frame to his ear, from the face it can be seen to be about forty years old, wearing the Tonda Empire's only king's costume, with a dignified manner and sharp eyes, the most prominent feature is the black beard that looks like a braid on his chin.

This is the king of the Tonda Empire, Biblandi.

If it is someone who does not know him, they will only think that he is a learned scholar and will not associate him as the king of the Tonda Empire at all.

He would never have thought that he was the wealthiest man in the world a year ago.

"I am here, on behalf of the Tonda Empire, to thank you all for your help! I am also very grateful to the scientific research talents from all over the world. Because of them, this technology can be successfully developed in two months!"

On the other side, hundreds of top scientific talents from various countries are standing there, all looking at this place.

After hearing Biblandi's words of thanks, they all applauded.

"At such an important moment, you probably don't want to listen to me saying some meaningless nonsense. Now I just want to say the last sentence. Everyone, the most difficult time is over!"

Hearing this, the eyes of the leaders sitting on the observation platform flashed, and the eyes of the top scientists on the side were fiery.

For the leaders, these two months have been tormenting and uneasy.

They are worried all the time. If the research is unsuccessful, Zeke will discover their intentions and dispatch a large army.

Even if he doesn't start a war, he just needs to kill a few scientists, destroy a few experimental results and make the research project on nano-worms impossible.

In particular, the various countries continuously sent spy agents lurking in the Phoenix Kingdom to spy on Zeke. But unfortunately, all the information returned was "any trace of Zeke could not be found", which made these leaders worried and uneasy.

But over time, they finally found something strange.

Zeke seems to have disappeared.

That's right, since the press conference launch, Zeke seems to have evaporated from the world, and they can no longer hear any news about him.

Even the paparazzi, who are even better than spies, couldn't take a photo of Zeke.

To test their finding, they sent an application to Grace to visit the Phoenix Kingdom and asked to meet Zeke, but Grace said he had very important things to deal with behind closed doors. He sees no one.

No one knew what Zeke was secretly planning.

Is he researching new super black technology, or has he discovered the signs of their plan and is brewing some kind of plan? Or something more mysterious?

Totally no way to know!

Therefore, in the past two months, the leaders of various countries did not dare to relax at all, and even more than Biblandi took anti-monitoring and strengthening measures.

Finally, everything is sunny!

The success of the Nano Destruction Cannon shows that Zeke did not find it and did not make a move. As Biblandi said, the most difficult time has passed.

Therefore, when the leaders of various countries heard this, they were all very excited.

As for the frenzy in the eyes of those top scientists, it was because they finally worked together to create a weapon that could rival Zeke or even surpass him.

Zeke, as a rising sun in the world's science and technology world, has radiated light everywhere on the whole earth!

They don't have to know that the President of Country A is Moore or who their country's leader is, but they must know Zeke's name.

This dazzling brilliance overshadows the top scientists who were originally proud!

They are the top figures in various fields, have struggled all their lives in their respective fields, and have made significant contributions to the progress of human science and technology.

But now, they have been crushed to pieces by a young man in his twenties, and they have no power to fight back other than an exclamation. Can they not be aggrieved?

Therefore, everyone wants to surpass Zeke from the bottom of their hearts, hoping that one day, they can create a technological product that Zeke can also marvel at.

The Nano Destruction Cannon is such a technological product!

"Come on, let's witness this great moment together!"

"Soldiers, let's get started!"

Following Biblandi's order, the soldier beside him nodded respectfully and immediately began to load ammunition into the weapon.

The ammunition of the Nano Destruction Cannon is different from ordinary ammunition. It is a small silver rocket the size of a ping-pong ball.

If you just look at the exterior, you won't find any abnormality at all, but if you cut it open, the trillions of nano-worms sleeping inside will wake up directly and then swarm out crazily in a short period. All contact with metal and energy substances that have been obtained are eaten up!

Therefore, what really has the power is this small silver rocket. The so-called Nano Destruction Cannon just sends the small silver rocket exactly where it should arrive.

After the ammunition was loaded, the soldier carried it over his shoulder and turned on the electronic sight on the Nano Destruction Cannon.

The electronic sight was aimed at a tank that had been scrapped about a kilometer away.

"The target is locked, fire!"

The soldier pulled the trigger suddenly, and with a violent recoil, a small silver rocket burst out of the air, dragging a long white mark in the air.

All eyes on the scene were closely following this small silver rocket, streaking across the sky and heading one kilometer away.

Some leaders couldn't help standing up and took out their binoculars to watch.


A silver mist spreads everywhere as the tiny silver rocket silently explodes on the abandoned tank.

The next moment, everyone saw a shocking scene.

They saw that on the abandoned tank, from where it was hit, a silver fog mass began to frantically "corrode" the tank's skin at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In less than a breath, the tank's outer shell has been corroded, a large hole has been made, and all the components inside can be clearly seen.

Everyone held their breaths, and all eyes widened.

In their line of sight, this abandoned tank melted a little bit and became smaller until, after more than 20 seconds, even the last bit of dregs disappeared, leaving only a pool of silver objects on the ground.

At this moment, the whole scene was silent!