Chapter 277: Uncontrollable Nano-worms


About two seconds later, there was a burst of warm applause from the audience.

The leaders of various countries stood up one after another and applauded the power of the Nano Destruction Cannon.

"Judging from everyone's reactions, the power of the Nano Destruction Cannon is very much to your liking!"

Biblandi smiled slightly, "But it should be noted that the use of these nano-worms is far more than that. It can be controlled!"

After saying that, Biblandi signaled Boris behind him. He took out a tablet-like controller and handed it to him.

"As with all nano-worms, there will be a central control system responsible for its on/off, targeting, and actions. With it, we can control where they attack and how fast they gnaw metal. Everything is in our hands when to stop or when to gnaw!"

"Like this!"

Biblandi tapped a few times on the tablet, then looked into the distance.

Everyone picked up the binoculars and followed his line of sight, only to see a kilometer away, not far from the tank that was devoured; there was a larger tank than the scrapped one. But, unlike before, it's moving.

Suddenly, the nano-worms that had been paralyzed on the ground and motionless woke up, danced like a silver mist, and rushed towards the heavy moving tank.

The soldiers in the tank seemed to have been instructed to jump off the roof and escape as quickly as possible.

As soon as they left, the silver mist on the back had already rushed over.


Heavy tanks fired at the nano-worms.

However, the silver fog mass made a circle flexibly, avoiding the bombardment.

"It can take the initiative to avoid weapons?!"

The countries' leaders who saw this scene through the telescope were all surprised.

Soon, the silver fog quickly surrounded the heavy tank. Then, in the blink of an eye, the long barrel melted like ice cream, the track collapsed, the tank sank, and the advancing steps stopped. At this time, the gnawing progress stopped, and the corrosion of the heavy tank suddenly ended.

"The start and stop of the nano-worms are within my grasp."

As soon as Biblandi's voice fell, the gnawing continued.

This time, the nano-worms' gnawing speed is even faster. In just seven to eight seconds, it devoured a heavy moving tank and completely ceased to exist!

"Very good! Very good! Very good! Hahahaha..."

Toshiki was the first to laugh out loud.

As the prime minister of a country, he knows very well what such destructive power means.

A heavy tank was corroded entirely in less than ten seconds, leaving no trace. This kind of destructive ability can be said to be extremely powerful.

If this kind of artillery shell is aimed at cities and towns and the places where human beings live in a large-scale bombardment, it is conceivable how tragic the consequences will be.

If this thing didn't exist for Zeke, it would be impossible for other countries to allow it to appear in the world. The impact it brings is no different from an atomic bomb.

"What an amazing achievement!"

"In this way, Zeke's tin toys are basically finished, right? I can imagine Zeke's face becoming extremely ugly once he saw that scene!"

Schmidt grinned, revealing a triumphant smile.

"With this thing, don't worry that Zeke won't give in!"

Khurbagov, the head of Country MO, sneered with a cigar in his mouth.

"It's time for us to unite and hold a press conference for Zeke!"

Country IY's President Moretti snorted.

After seeing the power of the Nano Destruction Cannon, all the leaders of the Anti-God Alliance present here are full of confidence.

No matter what Laser Iron Man Legion you are, no matter what super soldier team you are, it will be finished in front of such a powerful destructive weapon!

At that time, they will be able to return all the grievances they have suffered for so long to Zeke.

"Can't it be a little more destructive than this?"

Only Moore seems to be dissatisfied with the power of the Nano Destruction Cannon among the leaders.

"Mr. Moore, your requirements are too strict, aren't you? Being able to dodge shells and such an exaggerated gnawing speed, I think it's enough!"

The President of Country EL, Leyton, said.

"You are satisfied; that's because you're short-sighted."

Moore glanced at him indifferently, "Don't underestimate our opponent this time. Zeke has done what you can't do in your entire life. If you want to solve him, no matter how much preparation you take, it's a matter of course!"

The other leaders heard that, although they were a little unconvinced, they had to admit that Moore had a point.

Indeed, Zeke's strength is inestimable. Before, they thought that laser weapons could sweep Zeke. Who would have thought that not only do they have this thing, but he also has it, which is more potent than theirs.

The result is that the Magistrate was wiped out.

If they are not fully prepared, the next time, they will be the ones erased.

For the sake of their own life, no amount of preparation is too much!

"Of course, there are stronger ones!"

Biblandi looked at Moore and responded, then turned his head, "Soldier, put on the largest warhead."


Soon, a missile larger than the previous small silver rocket was brought over.

"This is a reinforced model, and its power is awe-inspiring. However, it has a disadvantage because there are so many nano-worms loaded inside, and the central control system cannot fully control it, so once it is launched, some nano-worms will not be able to stop. If you don't stop it all in time, gnawing energy will provide them with an incomparably large power supply. That means they will eat endlessly!"

"What the consequences of doing this, I don't need to tell you more, right?"

As soon as Biblandi said these words, the eyes of the leaders suddenly became bloodshot.