Chapter 302: Super Martial Arts!



"This bastard!!!"

Toshiki angrily smashed things in the office, venting the thunderous rage in his heart.

Now people are fleeing everywhere; even the police have left their posts without permission and fled with their families. The chaos has turned into a pot of porridge. As the prime minister of Country J and the head of a country, this kind of event that shook the world occurred during his term of office.

"Prime Minister Toshiki, the citizens have already started to escape. Therefore, let's also leave as soon as possible! After we leave, we will discuss the matter of Zeke. We will definitely find a way to deal with him!"

"Yes, Prime Minister Toshiki! Zeke won't do it until three days later. So we still have time!"

"Everyone is already on the run. We have to go immediately and gather with the other ministers who are coming to discuss!"


The cabinet ministers are trying to persuade Toshiki.

"Get out! Get out!"

Toshiki directly pushed all the cabinet ministers out of the office door and closed the door with a bang.

Sitting slumped on the sofa, Toshiki was shaking with anger and gasping for breath.

After calming down a little, he opened the mechanism and entered the secret conference room of the Anti-God Alliance.

"Mr. Toshiki."

As soon as he turned on the holographic projection, the leaders of the other eight countries were already discussing.

"Everyone, I need your help!"

Toshiki understood directly, gritted his teeth, and said, "You have also seen Zeke's strength. He actually wants to destroy Tokyo! This is simply inhumane. The people and gods are outraged! We can't shrink back. We must unite to eradicate this great scourge!"

"We were just discussing this matter."

"Zeke's crisis has come. It turns out that we underestimated his strength, and he has created a more powerful weapon than we imagined."

Biblandi's eyes flashed, and his tone was faint, "You need to use nuclear weapons to maintain the peace of your country, Mr. Toshiki."

"That's right, Mr. Toshiki, the nano-worms do not affect Zeke. So now you can only rely on atomic bombs!"

Schmidt said coldly.

"I do have the capital to create nuclear weapons now quickly."

Toshiki's voice was low, "But it is impossible to break through all technical limitations and create a qualified nuclear weapon within three days!"

Although Country J has always been explicitly prohibited from researching and developing or possessing nuclear weapons after its defeat in World War II, as one of the ambitious world powers, how could they not secretly develop it?

For Country J, the technology and capital for research and development of nuclear weapons have already been prepared. As long as an order is given, nuclear weapons can be rapidly developed within half a year, thus becoming one of the countries with it in the world!

But in just three days, what can Country J develop?

If Country J had been developed, the east would have been razed to the ground.

"I can sell nuclear weapons to you."

Moore took the initiative and said, "1,000 hydrogen bombs are equivalent to 2 million tons of TNT. So if you want, these hydrogen bombs can be delivered at the fastest speed within 36 hours!"

At this moment, Country A fully reflects the capital of the world's largest power.

The nuclear weapon was the first one owned by Country A. Therefore, the number of nuclear warheads held by them can be said to be astonishing, enough to blow the entire surface of the earth back and forth several times without a problem!

No one knows the specific number of nuclear weapons that Country A possesses. The only certain thing is that they currently have as many as 1,600 nuclear weapons in a state of combat.

Taking out a thousand pieces in one breath shows how eager Moore is to deal with Zeke!

"Okay, Mr. Moore, I have more confidence in the alliance with your words!"

Toshiki was overjoyed.

A 2 million-ton hydrogen bomb may not be outstanding in terms of power of hydrogen bombs, but it is promising.

A thousand such hydrogen bombs, not to mention Zeke's weird giant flying saucer, would not be a problem to blow up the entire earth!

Of course, in this way, Tokyo will definitely be gone, but in Toshiki's eyes, instead of letting Zeke raze it to the ground, it is better to destroy him and the city with his own hands.

Exchanging an abandoned city for the dignity and future of Country J, this price is worth it!

"Zeke, wait for me! I want you to really die this time!"

Toshiki's eyes flickered with wickedness.


Toshiki finally left Tokyo obediently with the cabinet ministers.

Country J still hasn't given up the attack on the giant flying saucer. Every day in Tokyo, the deafening roar and explosions can be heard.

The whole of Country J is immersed in a sad atmosphere at the moment. Even if there is no shadow of a giant flying saucer over their heads, there is a lingering gloomy haze in their hearts.

There is no need to say more about the world's perspective of this situation. Basically, except for the people of the Phoenix Kingdom who firmly stood on Zeke's side, people in other countries feel outraged and reviled by his act of destroying a city.

Zeke was unmoved by this, drinking coffee while leisurely admiring the unfinished Great Escape.

"Sir, this is the 100th call from the crazy woman? Are you not going to give a reply?"

Jarvis said.

"I know what she's trying to say."

Zeke took a sip of coffee and said lightly, "She is a woman. No matter how noble she is, she can't hide the kindness in her heart. There must be only one reason for her to call me, to stop me. But has she never heard the saying, 'If we lose our human nature, we lose much, but if we lose our bestial nature, we lose everything.'"

"Benevolence and mercy, that's a comparison. If there is no evil, where can kindness come from?"

Jarvis was silent.

After a while, Jarvis spoke again.

"Sir, Toshiki is broadcasting a speech to the world in real-time. Your name is mentioned in the speech. Do you want to check it?"

"A good show is finally about to appear?"

"Let's look at how the people of Country J are struggling."

A holographic floating window popped up, and Toshiki was shouting passionately in front of the camera.

"...Zeke is not worthy of being a human being! His actions have violated the bottom line of humanity! Destroying a city is such an inhuman thing. We must not allow this to happen!"

"Therefore, after careful and profound consideration, we decided to use nuclear weapons to attack Zeke!"

Toshiki stared at the camera angrily, his eyes ruthless, "Zeke, I know you are watching. Listen carefully! If you don't want to be bombed by nuclear weapons to the point where you don't even have any ash left, just leave the sky over Tokyo! If not, we will let you experience the anger of our country, which you absolutely cannot bear!"