Chapter 303: Unscathed

Toshiki issued a statement on the 17th, less than 24 hours before Zeke destroyed Tokyo.

As soon as his remarks came out, they immediately caused panic and accusations from many parties.

Nuclear weapons are expressly forbidden. Once they are thrown into war, it can be imagined how huge their influence will be.

The most important thing is that once nuclear weapons are used, the attacked party will follow suit and begin to use nuclear weapons as well.

It will not be a matter of simple war confrontation at that time. On the contrary, it will evolve into a situation of mutual death!

"Is this Toshiki's confidence?"

"I thought there was something new, but after a long time, he was still singing the old tune from decades ago!"

Zeke grinned, facing Toshiki's nuclear weapon threat. He was unmoved.

The harvester mothership has been built by him. Although it is only a miniature version, the level of technology it has, plus the energy provided by the Cosmic Cube, is simply not something that the earth's current technology can compete with.

Unless these countries can create nuclear weapons that are more advanced than laser weapons and nano-worms, they will always be just cattle and sheep to be slaughtered in front of Zeke!


Two hours after the public speech to the world, a large number of fighter jets entered the airspace of Tokyo carrying nukes.

In order to demonstrate the strength of Country J and regain the confidence and support of the people, Toshiki also deliberately contacted all the broadcast platforms in the world, like Zeke. He asked them to broadcast the war scenes of using nuclear weapons again after World War II. In front of people worldwide, they have to earn back the image and dignity of Country J!

Television stations big and small all over the world agreed without saying a word.

Such a magnificent war scene can be said to be a rare occurrence in a century. So, of course, they have to seize the opportunity and make good use of this opportunity to explode the ratings!

People all over the world have no heart to work and study at this time.

Once a nuclear weapon war breaks out, no matter what the outcome is, it means that the fate of the whole world will be changed entirely in the future.

Everyone was nervous and uneasy, staring at the TV and computer screen.

"Country J really used nuclear weapons!"

In Phoenix Kingdom's palace, all the ministers, generals, and elders gathered here with solemn expressions.

When they saw that the fighter jets of Country J were all carrying numerous nukes, they all showed a worried look.

"Don't worry, Zeke will be fine."

Grace said softly.

Despite what she said, the big stone hanging in her heart could never be put down.

After all, those are nuclear weapons.

And judging from the fighter group dispatched by Country J, there are a lot of them.

It is evident that Country J is going with a desperate momentum.

"Zeke! This is the last warning! Leave the airspace of Country J immediately!"

"I repeat, leave the airspace of Country J immediately! Otherwise, we will destroy you at all costs!"

A loud voice came from the fighter jet. These were Toshiki's warning words.

He also understands that the nuclear weapon explosion is not a joke. Once Zeke is killed, Tokyo will be significantly damaged. Even if they aim at the part of the giant flying saucer, the residual nuclear radiation will also make Tokyo an uninhabitable polluted place.

Therefore, as a last resort, Toshiki wants to keep Tokyo and the dignity of Country J at the lowest price.

"Toshiki, don't bother me, just throw your nuclear weapons at me!"

Zeke's voice suddenly spread through all the live broadcasts, and everyone clearly heard it.

" forced me!"

Toshiki's voice became ruthless, "Launch the nukes! Bring down that damn iron plate!"

"The order has been issued. Arrange to launch the nuclear weapon order, BZC8466!"

"Target locked! Entering effective range!"

As the pilot of one of the fighter jets in front pressed the button, the hatch under the fighter jet opened outward, revealing a huge hydrogen bomb.

"Have entered the effective range, launch!"

The hydrogen bomb was launched, dragging long white tails, heading straight for the giant flying saucer.

In the live broadcast, you can clearly see the white exhaust that cuts through the sky approaching the giant UFO quickly in the sky.

At this moment, everyone can't help holding their breath, their hearts racing, and they are more serious than ever.

After two seconds.

The hydrogen bomb accurately landed on top of the giant flying saucer, the next moment.


All live broadcasts turned white, and nothing could be seen.

rumbling rumbling~~~~

There was a loud noise that almost shattered the speakers!


"Long live Country J!!!"

In the command room, many cabinet ministers couldn't help jumping up from their chairs with excitement!

They never had any doubts about the power of a nuclear weapon. Whether they can hit the target is what they worry about. But obviously, their worries are superfluous, and it is too easy to hit something that won't move.

"Prime Minister, the target has been hit!"

The operator in the command room reported.

"Very good! But don't take it lightly. Zeke is not an easy guy to deal with. Maybe we can't take his life with this blow!"

Toshiki said ruthlessly.

He is now learning how to behave and no longer blindly believes that a single blow will kill Zeke. But it doesn't matter. He has prepared enough nuclear bombs.

At the same time, people's heartbeats have accelerated to an unprecedented level.

Even if the pictures are white, everyone is still staring at the screen, not daring to move away, for fear of missing this crucial moment.

North, the Prime Minister of Country U, Powell, the President of Country F, Grace, the King of the Phoenix Kingdom, and the leaders of the eight countries of the Anti-God Alliance are all serious at this moment, waiting for the final result to be announced.

After a full minute of white screen, something else finally appeared. The mist gradually became clear, but the first thing that became clear was a black curved outline. Seeing this, the leaders of the Anti-God Alliance were all heartbroken, but they didn't panic too much.

It is possible that the giant flying saucer was not wholly destroyed, maybe part of it?

But as the image became clearer, the panic in their hearts intensified!

Finally, in a time when the whole world was almost silent for more than three minutes, the live broadcast screen was fully presented——


Everyone in the world couldn't help but gasp.

The leaders of the eight countries held onto the handles of the chairs for fear that they would fall to the ground if they were unsteady. Their faces became terrified, and their eyes were full of horror.

"It turned out to be... unscathed?!"

In front of this scene, Grace slightly opened her red lips in surprise, revealing an unbelievable look.