Chapter 304: Instant Destruction!

That's right, it's unscathed!

There was no trace of damage to the entire body of the giant flying saucer.

It was like a hydrogen bomb never hit it.

"How is it is this possible?!"

Toshiki sat down on the ground on his ass. His whole body seemed stunned, his eyes were as big as copper bells, and he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

That was a 2 million ton TNT equivalent hydrogen bomb!

Even if it can't blow it up all at once, it can still make a crack, blow up a gap, or something?!

They can't even leave a scratch on the surface. What kind of international joke is this?!

"My god..."

"Nuclear weapons can't even break Zeke's defense? What kind of technology is that?!"

"Why did Zeke's force increase so much all of a sudden? What did he research in half a year!"

"It's terrifying... It's crazy... There are things in this world that nuclear weapons can't destroy. It's unbelievable!"


All the people in the world were either covering their mouths, grabbing their hair, or their jaws were falling to the ground in shock. This scene in front of them is destroying their worldview, making them feel that "Nuclear Weapon = Destruction" is a thing of the past. Their common sense collapsed little by little.


North took a long sigh, and there seemed to be some excitement in his eyes that was confusing his thoughts. He glanced around a little dazed and saw his daughter Elena not far away.

He walked straight forward, hugged Elena hard, kissed her forehead hard, and said in a slightly trembling tone.

"Elena, you are right. Dad wants to apologize to you. Your eyes are better than mine. Elena, it is the greatest luck in my life to be able to give birth to you!"

North was already a little incoherent with excitement.

In the past, he thought that Elena was chasing Zeke at all costs and refused to disclose even the slightest information. So naturally, this kind of elbow-turning behavior made him cold towards her. But at this moment, he realized how much he was short-sighted and how wise Elena's vision was.

Elena recognized Zeke with just one glance in the vast crowd and pursued him desperately.

At that time, Zeke had already shown the world his potential and brilliance, but who would have thought that one day, he would be able to create something that even nuclear weapons could not destroy.

The world's people didn't expect it, Grace didn't expect it, North didn't expect it, and neither did the nine-country leaders of the Anti-God Alliance.

And now, Country U is the Phoenix Kingdom's firm ally and friend, and his daughter Elena has a close relationship with Zeke. So based on these two points, their country will prosper from now on.


"Toshiki, is this what you call a nuclear weapon that will blow me up to the point where I don't even have ash? It looks a little brighter and more suitable for fireworks, but I can't feel the power you're talking about!"

Zeke's joking voice came from the screen.


Toshiki's face flushed with anger, his throat suddenly tasted metallic, and a small mouthful of blood could not help but spit out, splashing on the ground.

The leader of a country was so angry that they vomited blood!

"Prime Minister!"

The cabinet ministers hurried over to support him.

"All fighters, ignore Tokyo! Fire all nuclear weapons!"

"Kill him! No matter the means! Kill him!!!"

Toshiki thumped his chest and shouted hysterically.

At this moment, Toshiki has become furious to the extreme!

It is no different from Zeke killing his father.

"Yes, sir!"

The fighter group of Country J received the order, directly pulled the control lever, and quickly approached the harvester mothership.

Fwoosh! Fwoosh! Fwoosh! ...

As soon as they entered the range, the fighter group launched a hydrogen bomb bombing on the harvester mothership without hesitation.

From all directions, the hydrogen bombs in the sky dragged the long white exhaust to the harvester mothership, drawing a spectacular picture in the sky.

This is an unprecedented moment.

Even during World War II, Country A just dropped two atomic bombs on Country J. But this was the first time a hydrogen bomb was actually put into war, and it was also the first time it was launched on such a large scale.

It is conceivable that if such an excessive number of hydrogen bombs explode simultaneously, what a terrifying picture will be produced, let alone Tokyo, the entire Country J will be implicated.

"Crazy! Toshiki is crazy!"

"So many nuclear weapons were launched all at once. Does this guy want to kill the entire country with Zeke?"

People worldwide couldn't help but feel their hearts palpitate. With such an exaggerated nuclear weapon lineup, no country could resist it!

Densely packed, the sky is full of hydrogen bomb explosions.

However, Zeke did not seem to continue to suffer the hydrogen bombing silently.

"After preparing for so long, it can finally come in handy!"

"Jarvis, laser cannon group mode adjustment."

"Change from Hot Flame Mode to Space Mode!"

With Zeke's order, the hub of the harvester mothership - that is, the Cosmic Cube, was stimulated again, and an incredibly massive amount of energy was extracted.

The initially smooth and flat surface of the harvester mothership was opened, revealing thousands of laser muzzles with black holes.

Aim, track, shoot!

The whole process is done in one go.

Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! ...

The azure blue artillery beams about the thickness of an arm burst out of the air, and at the moment of contact with the oncoming hydrogen bombs, they were directly decomposed in space, smashed into ashes, and completely disappeared in the air without a trace.

In just one breath, as the blue artillery beams flew out of the sky, those hydrogen bombs that were about to exert their power were all beaten into "powder" and were all gone.

"Jarvis, release a thousand laser siege saucers!"

At the edge of the harvester mothership, a large crack appeared, densely packed, and laser siege flying saucers about the size of a tank flew out of it.

"Not a single fighter from Country J is allowed to live. Destroy them all!"

Zeke's eyes flashed.

In an instant, under Jarvis' precise control, all the siege flying saucers ferociously headed straight for those fighter jets!