Chapter 305: Tokyo’s Destruction

These laser siege saucers are the flying saucers of the aliens in "Independence Day 2", but unlike in the movie, that was controlled and instructed by the Queen, which is relatively stupid. Instead, it was Jarvis who handled the multi-line process directly.

Whether it was troop formation or tacit understanding, it had much higher strength than the ones under the Queen's control.

The first wave of a thousand laser siege saucers directly shot down more than ten fighter jets from Country J.


"What about the hydrogen bombs? Why are the fired hydrogen bombs gone?!"

"Did you see it just now? Those hydrogen bombs were smashed! They all disappeared!"

"A lot of flying saucers! Country J's fighter jets are no match at all!"

"Hey? What's the matter? Why is the live broadcast gone?"


As more than a dozen fighter jets of Country J were shot down directly after the explosion in the air, the global live broadcast was forcibly cut off and suspended.

Obviously, no matter how thick the skin of Country J is, it is not thick enough to continue to lose face in front of people worldwide.

After being interrupted for nearly three minutes, the screen resumed.

However, this time, it was not Country J who took the initiative to restore it, but Zeke. He hacked into all the internet signal equipment in the world once again and showed the image of Country J's fighter jets being massacred by the laser siege saucers in blue-ray quality.

"Toshiki, why aren't you live streaming?"

"Isn't it just resisting your hydrogen bomb and destroying more than a dozen of your planes? How can you be the leader of a country if you're so stingy?"

"Since you don't want to continue the live broadcast, I'll help you. It's just a little effort, don't thank me!"

Zeke's every sentence pierced Toshiki's heart.

But Toshiki is no longer about to vomit blood but about to go crazy!


When he heard the report from the cabinet minister that none of the hundreds of hydrogen bombs hit, all of them were destroyed by Zeke's lasers. Toshiki was sluggish on the spot, with a look of despair.

The nuclear bombs were Toshiki's last resort, and even this method is useless to Zeke, so what other weapons in the world can kill him?

At this time, an officer rushed in, and when he saw Toshiki, he shouted anxiously.

"Prime Minister, the 225 fighter jets dispatched... just now, the entire army was wiped out!"

Hearing this, Toshiki twitched all over, rolled his eyes, and passed out on the spot.

"Prime Minister!"

"Prime Minister!"

"Quick! Quickly call a doctor!"


In just a moment, all the fighter jets in Country J were destroyed by the laser siege saucers and fell. It seemed that there was a rain of fireballs in the skies of Tokyo.

All the fighter jets were fleeing while being hunted down, except for a few fighter jets belonging to the kamikaze team, shouting the slogan of Long Live Country J with the hydrogen bombs that had not yet been launched. They desperately pounced on the giant flying saucer, trying to use this suicide attack to realize the great ideal of perishing with Zeke!

However, when they cleverly bypassed the laser siege saucers, they were mercilessly hit by the oncoming laser cannon beams, instantly turning into a pile of blue scum and dissipating in the sky.

When all the fighter groups were eliminated, a thousand laser siege saucers returned to the harvester mothership intact with zero loss.

The massive disparity in combat power has amazed everyone who has witnessed it all over the world.

The dignified world power, Country J, even used nuclear weapons but failed to bring Zeke the slightest damage. Instead, Toshiki lost his troops. Not only the naval fleet was utterly destroyed, but now even the air force fighter group was destroyed. Their army is utterly annihilated!

In addition to Tokyo, which is about to be destroyed, the image of Country J is completely lost in the world.

Wars come and go quickly.

Tokyo regained its tranquility before the storm.

The live broadcast was cut off, and people all over the world were discussing the war between Zeke and Country J. No matter where you are, you can almost hear someone talking about "Zeke", "Country J", and "Nuclear Weapons" keywords like that.

18th, exactly noon.

The live broadcast screen was opened again, and the scene was the quiet Tokyo.

At this time, Tokyo has become a dead city. No people or moving vehicles can be seen on the streets or on the road. Only those scrapped cars are left quietly there. The strong wind blows the newspapers, and the fallen leaves on the ground are rolled up as if there were countless images of zombies attacking in the movie. There was depression everywhere, and almost no living creatures could be seen.

Finally, 12:35 arrived.

"It's time!"

With the words, Zeke spoke out. Suddenly, the surface below the harvester mothership dented, and then, like a Transformer, the smooth and flat surface transformed into a vast circular muzzle in the blink of an eye.

The azure blue light slowly lit up from the muzzle, becoming more and more dazzling, until the intensity of the light was as strong as the sun.

"Anti-gravity traction, start!"


A dull loud noise came from below Tokyo.

The next second, a magnificent scene was presented in front of everyone.

The whole of Tokyo seems to be uprooted from the same place. In just a moment, all the buildings, bridges, roads, everything... is pulled away from the ground!

The building collapsed from it, and shards of window glass flew in the sky.

The road broke into pieces, and the gravel flew up... The scrapped cars on the side of the road were also pulled upwards.

Like a swollen bag, the adjacent ocean level bulges up a little bit, and the entire earth tilts and shifts instantly.

The spectacle is beyond words.

Witnessing the destruction of an entire city with your own eyes, the visual impact, even across the screen, you can feel the grandeur of it!

And those people of Country J, located on the edge of Tokyo, raised their heads and looked out the distance, the ocean overturned, and the earth collapsed.

Suddenly, the hatred for Zeke in their hearts instantly dropped to a freezing point. This is no longer between people. The gap between the two, with this kind of Zeke who can destroy an entire city in just one turn, is like a god in their hearts!