Chapter 306: Re-elect the Prime Minister!

The scene of destruction continues to shake everyone.

Wherever you can see, smoke, dust, and debris are floating in the sky everywhere.

To make everyone see it more realistically, the lens was also deliberately switched to several angles, and each angle can bring a new shock to people.

Just like now, people see the high-rise buildings of the whole city "standing" above the clouds, as if forming a city in the sky in the clouds.

Even the clouds and the ocean, which would never have any contact before, were integrated entirely at this moment.

A magnificent image, it can also be called epic!

At this moment, the azure blue muzzle below the harvester mothership suddenly extinguished the light, and in an instant, all the floating objects above the clouds were no longer pulled by anti-gravity. Instead, under the attraction of gravity, they all began to fall to the ground.

This is like when you scroll through your phone at a fast speed.

Above the billowing clouds, the shattered remains of the entire city fell from the sky, stretching for hundreds of kilometers. With no end in sight, the whole magnificent picture challenges everyone's imagination limit.

Boom! Boom! Boom!...

The building that shattered into several pieces touched the ground again with a loud rumbling sound and a huge impact, causing the building to dent, shatter, and collapse like tofu!

Like a heavy object, the ocean's water smashed head-on and shook the entire Country J!

Countless pieces fell, raising the smoke and dust that covered the sky.

After a few minutes, the rumbling sound finally subsided a little.

The entire Tokyo is no longer the prosperous place it was before.

Just when everyone held their breath for several minutes and finally could take a breath, the blue light above the sky suddenly lit up again.

"It's not over yet?!"

People are frightened.


This time, the traction force generated by the anti-gravity is greater than before. But then, a thin crack suddenly appeared at the edge of Tokyo, and the continent was revealed, obviously a step higher than before.

The ruins and wreckage all over the ground were dragged and floated again.

The blue light dimmed again when it reached the same height as before.

The ruins of Tokyo, which had already fallen into pieces, barely have some of the buildings still preserved. It can be seen that there were traces of high-rise buildings, but with the second destruction, the wreckage of the ruins fell, broken. After getting more thorough, you can no longer see any of its original appearance.


Zeke did not stop there.

The second destruction has just ended, and the third destruction strikes again.

This time, the entire earth in Tokyo was raised by hundreds of meters.

For the third time, the ruins fell, the roads and buildings were already mixed with the seawater, and there was no longer any difference.

But Zeke still has no intention of stopping.


The fourth time.


The fifth time.


The sixth time.


After a total of twenty-three destructions, a loud noise came out, and the entire Country J was shaken. Everyone finally saw the real purpose of Zeke – to uproot Tokyo City!

A city of thousands of square kilometers is uprooted from its roots. What kind of scene is that?

It's like digging out a piece from the huge Country J island.

The earth is so naked floating above the sky, surrounded by a lot of seawater, as if it is the sky and the world.

However, the city on it can no longer be found, and this city has gradually been fragmented.

That's right, this is what Zeke said at the beginning, to erase Tokyo from the map!

If it is just to destroy the city, as long as it is rebuilt, the place of Tokyo still exists, which is not in line with what Zeke said.

Only when the entire city's continent is uprooted, and nothing remains can it be truly wiped off the map!

Thinking of this, countless people shudder.

This is the result of provoking Zeke.

No matter your means or method, you cannot escape a tragic end.

Because of losing the naval fleet, the air force fighter group, and Tokyo City, Country J will no longer be one of the world's powers.

And in all the days to come, Zeke will be a nightmare that Country J cannot get around. Every time they mention it, they will think of this tragic moment!

"Toshiki, did you like this gift I gave you?"

Zeke's voice came from the screen.

In the highest-standard ward of Kanagawa's medical center, the cabinet ministers silently glanced at Toshiki, who was lying on the bed wearing a ventilator after hearing Zeke's words.

"It doesn't matter if you don't like it! I'm going to tell all the J people good news next!"

"Now, you must be ashamed of having a prime minister like Toshiki. He can't do anything except bring trouble to your country."

"But you won't have this trouble in the future."

"You guys, it's time to re-elect a new prime minister!"

When the cabinet ministers heard this, their legs and feet were so frightened that they almost sat on the ground!

Re-elect a new prime minister?

What's the meaning of this?

Could it be that Zeke intends to rule their Country J by force directly?!


At this moment, the sound of the window glass shattering came, and the cabinet ministers were startled. They quickly looked in the direction of the sound, and saw in Toshiki's ward, a Laser Iron Man broke in.

The bodyguards in charge of Toshiki's bodyguards reacted immediately, pulling out their pistols and shooting at the Laser Iron Man.

But obviously, the bullets of their pistols didn't even have the strength to make the Laser Iron Man open the energy shield. The miniature laser muzzle on its shoulder appeared, and several small laser projectiles were shot out, instantly solving the battle.

The cabinet ministers were already scared to pee, their eyes widened, and they froze in place and dared not move.

Because they know that even if they run, they will definitely not be able to run away from the Laser Iron Man. So they can only obediently raise their hands and surrender.

But Laser Iron Man didn't seem to have any intention of killing them all, but carried Toshiki on the hospital bed on his shoulder, and flew out of the ward from the window.

Kanagawa is not far from Tokyo.

When the cabinet ministers were still stunned and at a loss, Toshiki's figure had already appeared on the live broadcast screen!