Chapter 319: Publicly Recruiting Citizens

Recruiting citizens is a new thing.

Modern countries pay attention to their ethnicity and heritage, East belongs to East, West belongs to West. Some people can even tell at a glance which country you belong to.

It also increases the attachment of the people towards the country, which can better unite the people.

Of course, this kind of thing can't be done overnight. They must undergo a long integration period and slowly change to adapt to their new home—the Zanarkand Kingdom, as a rising star and the domain of Zeke.

Moreover, the citizens recruited in this way may not be the best.

"The Zanarkand Kingdom is at the top of the world, and my citizens must also be top-notch talents!"

Other countries need ordinary citizens for taxation, construction, manufacturing, the army, etc. But for Zeke, ordinary citizens don't mean much to him. What he wants are people from all walks of life who can quickly grasp various fields and are development-oriented high-quality talents.

For manufacturing, construction, and military, needless to say, Zeke has microbots, Iron Man Legion, and Jarvis as substitutes.

However, it is impossible to achieve mechanically in some areas, such as food.

Existing ingredients may be controlled and supplied through automatic mechanization and artificial intelligence, but what about those unknown ingredients?

Machines can only execute plans, not create plans.

Human wisdom lies in creation!

Therefore, Zeke can recruit cutting-edge talents of agricultural biotype to make up for this shortcoming.

And this is just one area.

The fields that a civilization needs are as numerous as stars, and there is always a place artificial intelligence cannot reach, so it must be solved by human brains and manpower!

"Jarvis, switch on the global live broadcast. I'm going to release my plan for recruiting citizens in person."

'I just saved the world, and now my popularity is at its peak, so of course, I have to make good use of it!'

With Zeke's order, the global live broadcast was switched to Zeke.

"Zeke! It's Zeke!!"

"Savior!! Hero!!"

"Look! The savior of humanity has appeared!! What am I talking about? He is Jesus, that is, God! He has done what only God can do!!"

"Long live Zeke!!!!"


As soon as people saw Zeke, they were all excited, some screamed, and their eyes were full of fanatical worship. The most exaggerated one just knelt facing the TV and bowed his head.

People all over the world worship Zeke as a hero and a god.

"The crisis at the end of the day has been lifted, and you don't have to worry about any disaster coming. So, everyone, how do you feel about being reborn?"

Zeke said with a smile.

Countless people nod, even if they know Zeke can't see them, but they respond enthusiastically to him.

"Before the war with the Nine-Country Alliance, I had already declared that I would break away from the Phoenix Kingdom and establish my own Zanarkand Kingdom."

"Just now, my kingdom has officially set its position, and within a month at most, you will be able to see the true face of Zanarkand Kingdom."

Zeke said.

"But as I said, this is a kingdom, so I need not only territory but also people!"

"I am here, on behalf of the Zanarkand Kingdom, to openly recruit citizens of my kingdom to the world!"

Hearing Zeke's words, countless people worldwide immediately became excited.

As the savior of the world and the owner of a star-killing weapon, his kingdom's status is bound to be higher than other countries.

In this way, if they became citizens of the Zanarkand Kingdom, wouldn't it mean they ascended to the sky in one step and became the highest human beings?

Everyone has a mentality of comparison.

No one wants to be the poor at the bottom. As long as they have the ability, everyone wants to prove that they are the most powerful, the luckiest, and the best!

"Because the Zanarkand Kingdom implements a refined national policy, it will only publicly recruit top talents from various industries worldwide."

"First: Once you pass my test and successfully obtain the nationality of Zanarkand, you, as elite talents, can enjoy various privileges in the city. Including all medical expenses, travel expenses, energy expenses, and per person, I'll give a hover car and a Baymax!"

"Second: The kingdom will provide you with the most appropriate and suitable positions, with a minimum annual salary of $500,000, and there is no upper limit!

There is no shortage of materials in my kingdom, so all your living expenses are from it. The contribution that people make every year according to various fields, the minimum is $200,000 per year, and the maximum is $1 million per year!"

Oh! ! ! ! !

Some people exclaimed that the annual salary of scientists has not been very high, unless they have made notable contributions, talents with their patents are really popular. But here, the yearly wage starts directly at $500,000, with a minimum living allowance of $200,000. So it is equivalent to a huge salary of $700,000 a year as long as you pass it!

If Zeke is replaced by others, some people will definitely feel that they are bragging.

But this "bragging person" is Zeke. He is not only the savior but also the wealthiest man in the world.

"Third, if you make outstanding contributions in the field, the kingdom will directly give you a permanent piece of land that belongs to you. Yes, you heard right, it's not a house, it's a land!"


Hearing this, countless people were already flushed with excitement, and they were about to jump up.

If salary privileges are not enough to impress some high-end talents, but when it was about getting land, it instantly impressed many people.

Zanarkand Kingdom's current status, how valuable will the land be in the future?

This is where the land is divided, which is not as simple as dividing money.

And as the Zanarkand Kingdom becomes more prosperous, the land also becomes more valuable.

Being a billionaire by the minute is no exaggeration!

"Of course, other welfare policies exist, such as the warp drive, which will be permanently open for free use in the Zanarkand Kingdom. It is swift and convenient to transfer any items!"

"There is also the issue of children going to school. So among the talents I recruit, including the top teachers, I promise to give children the best and most cutting-edge education!"

"Every household's network is the world's top satellite network, free to use!"

"As for the public safety issue, I don't need to say more. Everyone has a deep understanding of this."

"All in all... as long as you pass the screening of Zanarkand Kingdom and become a citizen, you will be able to have the best policies and benefits in the world!"

"Those who want to join the Zanarkand Kingdom can now enter the official website of ZTech to register. The time is one week. After one week, the screening will officially begin."

"Remember, the first batch of Zanarkand Kingdom is 20,000 people. So those who want to join, hurry up!"