Chapter 320: The Rush!

With the live broadcast screen closed, many people around the world are excited at this moment.

Zeke really wants to build a kingdom!

And to recruit top talents in various fields from all over the world.

As soon as the news came out, it could be said that some people cried and some people laughed.

Laughing, it is naturally those who have a skill and are top-notch in their respective fields. They are the powerful candidates to enter the Zanarkand Kingdom and are qualified to participate in the competition.

Once they enter the Zanarkand Kingdom, there is no need to say much about the benefits of the new kingdom. Their status will be instantly elevated to the point where they overlook all living beings.

Therefore, they will be reckless. Even if they break their heads, they will enter the Zanarkand Kingdom.

Not only that, in addition to his identity as the savior and the wealthiest man in the world, Zeke's more important identity is that of a scientist, and his knowledge and information technology surpass everyone on earth.

Zeke alone is enough to attract top talents from all over the world to join him!

As for those who cry, they are mediocre people with no skills. They know very well that they have no hope of entering the Zanarkand Kingdom with their abilities. Missing such a great opportunity makes them so sad that they almost cry.

But even so, after Zeke's advertisement was finished, countless people still poured into ZTech's official website to sign up.

On the day the news was announced, reports from various countries were also overwhelmingly publicized.

"The savior Zeke builds a kingdom and is recruiting top talents from all over the world! "

"The talent crisis of all countries in the world has come! "

"Analyzing how to enter the Zanarkand Kingdom from the perspective of war! "

"The world's most powerful kingdom, Zanarkand Kingdom, has arrived! The six talents most needed by the kingdom! "


All countries reported on it simultaneously. In addition to touting it, the Phoenix Kingdom even showed off Zeke's origin!

And the Phoenix citizens who saw this report were sincerely proud.

Even the eight countries were all honest, and there was no voice of opposition. It is eight because the territory of Country SK has been destroyed.

All major social networking sites on the internet have already been captured by all the news related to Zeke and Zanarkand Kingdom!

Zeke's popularity is so high that it breaks through the sky, and his prestige has reached an unprecedented level.

Zeke is also the first true savior in human history. Before him, no one has really done such a thing.

"Wow! Isn't this too demanding? I just got my Ph.D. in my heart!"

"I thought it was useless to study agriculture. I regretted it before. Now I feel that the opportunity has come. Compared with other occupations, I feel that my competition should be the least, hahaha!"

"I heard that Zeke has the most advanced technology in the world. So if you can learn a little from him, you will benefit greatly! And the treatment of the Zanarkand Kingdom is also excellent. As long as you achieved something, even relatives can be treated, free of charge! So I will enter the Zanarkand Kingdom!"


All over the world, discussions about the Zanarkand Kingdom can be heard everywhere.

Now people's cognition has been entirely subverted by it. In the past, everyone thought going to Country A was the best. The welfare benefits and the country's status were all world-leading.

Even if the first choice is not Country A, there is Country G, Country J, and other world powers.

But as soon as the news of Zanarkand Kingdom came out, everyone turned their attention to it. Neighbors, relatives, friends, and colleagues, if anyone were qualified to enter the Zanarkand Kingdom, that person would become the center of attention.

The world's emphasis on talents has risen to a peak!

"Still playing games?! Hurry up and do your homework! It's up to you whether you can enter the Zanarkand Kingdom in the future! You are the hope of our whole family!"

So many parents began to "persecute" their children.

They have no hope of entering the Zanarkand Kingdom in their entire lives.

But there is still hope for their child.

As long as the children are good enough, they can also become members of the glorious Zanarkand Kingdom before they die!


"Yes, it seems that the advertising effect has come out!"

Zeke nodded in satisfaction.

The most direct impact of the live global broadcast is that the number of registration forms on ZTech's official website is constantly refreshing and climbing.

In just one day, more than 50 million registration forms were delivered from all over the world!

This number is equivalent to one out of every 150 people who sign up to enter the Zanarkand Kingdom.

And this number is still rising. Therefore, it is conceivable that if Zeke did not set the threshold, he's afraid that many people in the world would already be citizens of Zanarkand Kingdom.

"Jarvis, you can start screening the registration form!"

"According to my set, I will leave the best talents in various fields. For mediocre or slightly outstanding, exclude them. This time our quota is only 20,000 people. It must be done efficiently."

Zeke ordered.

With a quota of 20,000 people, countless people are destined to be eliminated from this brutal competition!

There is no doubt that the remaining ones are all the top elites in the world.

Zeke wants to build a kingdom of absolute quality, and it will become a great symbol of Zanarkand Kingdom's superiority over all countries!

"Yes, sir!"


Day three.

When the time came, Zeke destroyed Country A's New York City as promised.

The residents of New York City evacuated early, and Country A authorities could only watch this situation without daring to complain.

The current Zeke is already at a level that cannot be provoked. When the Zanarkand Kingdom is established and all top talents absorbed, Zeke's power will only become stronger and stronger!

"Sir, you received a call from the cabinet of Country J."

Not long after the destruction of New York City, Zeke was still admiring the scene of the abyss crater below, Jarvis suddenly said.

"The cabinet of Country J?"

Zeke's eyes flashed, "Connect it."

Soon, a floating window popped up.

A group of cabinet ministers from Country J respectfully bowed ninety degrees to Zeke.

"Is there something wrong?"

Zeke said indifferently.

"Mr. Zeke, we just finished an internal meeting and decided on the new prime minister. Please take a look!"