Chapter 338: Accidentally overdoing it!

Above the sky.

As if it were the projection of a planet, a layer of hazy black was revealed in the blue sky.

When these black objects gradually approached, people saw the metal shell with distinct layers above and the crisscrossing dense electronic patterns on the metal exterior.

At this moment, all human beings in the southern hemisphere will never forget this scene.

A vast expanse with no end in sight.

The top of their heads is no longer the scene of the sun and clouds. Instead, the full-scale harvester mothership floats in the sky above them like an alien planet but never gets close.

Under the terrifying size of the full-scale harvester mothership, all the objects on the ground are as inconspicuous as dust!

"Is doomsday coming? Is this the messenger's space fleet?!"

The countries were shaken, and countless people were terrified. They looked up at the sky with despair in their eyes.

They only felt the corners, but the tremendous pressure brought by the messenger made them subconsciously think that these super-giant battleships were the masterpiece of the messenger.

They can only have such a terrifying space battleship if the sun is used as a battery.

After all, the size of the full-scale harvester mothership is unimaginable, an entire 3,126 kilometers!

What is the concept of 3,126 kilometers?

If you stand it up, it will be taller than the Earth!

What's more, one hundred and eight ships appeared at the same time.

One hundred and eight full-scale harvester motherships surround the Earth like a miracle. Although they are not close, their figures are like planets surrounding the Earth, no matter from any angle of the world. Looking at it, you can see the vast and boundless size of the full-scale harvester mothership.

This made countless witnesses widen their eyes and were shocked to the point where their breathing slowed several times!

In the city, everyone pointed to the sky.

Some people simply knelt and bowed to the full-scale harvester mothership in the sky. This is a miracle, a symbol of the coming of the gods!

"Wait! Why do I feel this thing in the sky looks like the spaceship Zeke had before?"

"Yes, it really does! It's exactly the same!"

"That's right! It's Zeke's spaceship, that's right! I remember what it looked like, and it's like this iron spider!"


When Zeke slaughtered the capitals of the nine countries before, the mini harvester mothership appeared so frequently that many people had already remembered its appearance.

When they looked a little more closely, they were sure!

It's all made according to the mold of Zeke's harvester mothership. But the size is enlarged by N times, almost comparable to a planet.

More and more people are discovering this, and the media, newspapers, and magazines are all rushing to report it, showing the harvester motherships in the live broadcast and comparing the photos. It's exactly the same!

After learning this news, they were shocked.

How is this possible?

Zeke had only left for a few months, but he brought back such a fleet. How did he do it?

"This turned out to be Zeke's Galaxy Fleet. Oh God! It's not difficult for such a powerful fleet to destroy a planet!"


"Is this our king's space fleet?"

"We are still looking up at the starry sky, but he is already standing above the starry sky!"

Whether in the Zanarkand Kingdom or other countries, everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but sigh.

Before humans could even build an aircraft carrier in the sky, Zeke had already created an unimaginable space battleship. He even destroyed the capital of the nine countries in one go.

Now humans can finally use anti-gravity technology to create a little sky battleship, but Zeke has effortlessly created a planetary battleship comparable to the size of Earth.

A planetary battleship is enough to destroy the Earth N times easily!

It is conceivable that the combat power possessed by these 108 battleships can destroy the solar system!

"It's definitely right! This is the weapon Zeke will use to resist the aliens!!"

"Saved! Humanity is finally saved!!!"

"With such a space fleet, we humans will win! Bastard aliens, die! Haha..."

This spectacle is being discussed in countless languages on the major information forums on Earth.

Humans all yearn for the starry sky.

From childhood to adulthood, they could only see alien battleships and the like in movies and novels, but they saw it for real this time. Apart from being amazed and shocked, they didn't know what to say.

Various websites on the internet have begun to circulate the videos returned by satellite shooting.

One hundred and eight identical super battleships are quietly floating in space next to the Earth, like one hundred and eight giant iron spiders, crawling and weaving their webs patiently, only waiting for the moment when the prey comes and instantly shoots everything. Then, the enemies will all be wiped out!

And these all belong to Zeke, the king of the greatest kingdom on Earth.

Countless countries on Earth, especially the previous eight countries and a leader of the SK citizens, after learning that these 108 motherships belonged to Zeke, they couldn't help but sigh for a while.

Looking back on their decision at that time, you don't know how much they regretted it.

Zeke is really horrifying. He has created such a powerful fleet again in such a short period. Even if only one of them is sent, it can easily crush all the countries on Earth.

Under such a fleet, no one dares to raise any resistance!


On the ninth day, when the harvester mothership fleet returned to Earth, Grace finally called Zeke.


Zeke's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"You finally answered the phone!"

Grace was angry.

"I've been busy with something recently, so it's inconvenient to communicate with the outside world."

Zeke took a sip of the drink and said casually, "You are lucky. I just finished a little project and took a rest. Do you need something?"

"Nine days ago, there were 108 enormous battleships around the Earth, each of which is a planet-level space battleship, and the shape is exactly the same as the one you drove to destroy the capitals of the nine countries."

Grace said sternly, "Did you make those space battleships?"

The surrounding elders and ministers of the Phoenix Kingdom all held their breaths and listened.

"Yeah! I thought it was too small before, so I made a bigger one on purpose. I just accidentally made it a little too much!"

Zeke said easily, "And this is only the first batch. There are more to come!"

Hearing this, the Phoenix Kingdom's elders and ministers' eyes almost popped out!