Chapter 339: Free Gift

Was it too small before?

And accidentally do more?

After hearing Zeke's words, the Phoenix Kingdom's elders and ministers did not know what to say.


Grace was also speechless for a while, shook her head, and had a new understanding of Zeke again in her heart.

Zeke smiled and said, "Why, are you excited to see my large harvester mothership? How about I send you a few?"

Hearing this, Grace's heart jumped, and her expression was slightly excited, but she still said, "This is no good. It should be difficult for you to manufacture this battleship, right?"

But Zeke shook his head with a smile and said, "I can build as many spaceships as I want."

At this moment, some of the surrounding elders and ministers were shocked when they heard Zeke's words. They all gestured for Grace to agree with a wink.

If the Phoenix Kingdom can have such a high-level battleship, even if it is only one, it will not be difficult to deter the entire Earth, let alone a couple, at the same time.

"How much do you want to make?" Hearing this, Grace's beautiful eyes immediately showed a little shock, but she quickly recovered: "Would you really give it to me?"

"I will ask Jarvis to hand over the control of the mothership to you."

Zeke said lightly. This matter seems to be insignificant to him.

But for the entire Phoenix Kingdom, this is a milestone event.

"Thank you..." Grace's beautiful eyes flashed with brilliance. She wanted to say something to Zeke but looked at the elders and ministers next to her and hesitated.

"What's wrong? Is there anything else?" Zeke said.

"No, everything's okay, that's it." Grace hung up the phone.

The elders and ministers next to her are still in surprise and excitement!

"Oh my God, can we, the Phoenix kingdom, also have a space battleship? We are satisfied even with Zeke's small battleship before, let alone such a big one!"

"This kind of battleship has interstellar navigation capabilities. Does this mean that our kingdom can also enter space and go to other planets?"

"Elder Zeke, isn't this too generous, such a big battleship, can you really just give it away?"

The surrounding elders and ministers looked at each other for a long time, speechless.

They are so excited!

The benefits and strategic significance of having several space battleships are simply unimaginable.

Even if Zeke doesn't want it and it is broken, if they hold it in their hands, the Phoenix Kingdom's technology can take off again.

"This kind of battleship stays in outer space. If we want to take over, we must also go to outer space!"

"I'm going to experience this heaven-defying technological strength for myself!"

Countless elders thought of this, eager to try.


"Jarvis, what's the current situation on Earth?"

Zeke asked.

"Sir, your Galaxy Fleet caused quite a stir after returning to Earth, and now almost all humans in the world know that you have a fleet of this level."

"They are also full of confidence for the future of mankind."

Jarvis said.

"It seems that the effect is good!"

Zeke had a purpose in arranging the harvester motherships to return to Earth first.

The fear that Tost brought to humanity was too great. These days, he casually looked at international reports, and there were rebellions and gun violence everywhere.

The dark side of mankind is erupting in despair and fear.

In order to prevent human society from continuing to be chaotic and completely falling into despair, these full-scale harvester motherships are the light of hope for the people!

"Jarvis, you draw five ships from the fleet and hand over their control to the Phoenix Kingdom."

"The second thing is to immediately announce that all countries in the world can get the right to use a full-scale harvester mothership. But the number of motherships is insufficient now, so let's start with some large countries."

Zeke's eyes flashed.

When Jarvis heard this, he was silent for a moment.

"Sir, if you give them the right to use it, it is almost the same as giving them a weapon, which may bring you great inconvenience!"

Jarvis said humanely.

Even an AI understands that humans will do many things beyond imagination once they have weapons. So giving the right to use the full-scale harvester mothership is equivalent to letting other countries deal with Zeke's capital.

Zeke quickly chuckled and said, "Jarvis, since I intend to give the right to use it, am I still afraid that they will use it against me?"

"What's more, Jarvis, you must remember that although humanity's inferiority is ugly, but when a foreign land comes, human beings will collectively act together!"

"This is why human beings can become the masters of the Earth."

"And more importantly, the technological potential of humanity in a critical moment will be beyond imagination! So I also want to know what interesting technologies humans can do to develop the harvester motherships in a situation that their about to be destroyed."

Speaking of this, Zeke's eyes flashed, "However, you are also responsible for supervising. Once they have any special actions, you don't need to report to me. Just deal with them!"

"Okay, sir!"

After receiving Zeke's instructions, Jarvis began preparing the gift of the right to use the motherships.

On the Second Earth, Zeke was still thinking about something.

"The full-scale harvester motherships are still being manufactured in the cosmic base factory, but I am not worried that it will not be enough."

"At the moment, we still have to work hard to overcome the Droplet technology!"

Zeke's eyes were shining brightly. After checking the factory situation, he threw himself into research again.


Currently above Earth.

Jarvis also made an announcement that shocked the world!

"The enemy is about to invade. To resist the invasion of foreign enemies, Zeke will give all the countries in the world the right to use a large harvester mothership!"

"It will be distributed to the large countries tomorrow."

This news of Jarvis immediately caused a thousand waves in the political arena or on the internet worldwide.

"What, giving the right to use a large mothership? Is the Zanarkand Kingdom so generous?"

"My God, what kind of space battleship is equivalent to a planet? So every country can use one?!"

All over the world, everyone doesn't know what to say.

Zeke is too generous, isn't he?

This level of space battleship is actually being given for free!

They still feel like they are dreaming about seeing this super technology product in their lifetime.

The leaders of the eight countries, who had evil intentions before, were very annoyed after learning the news.

Their former leaders' stupidity is to blame for making an enemy of Zeke. The eight countries think they will not have the right to use the harvester motherships due to past grievances.

But they quickly got the news that their eight countries could also have it!