Chapter 347: Tractor Beam

Initially, the humans didn't care about this inconspicuous Death Star.

Because of the powerful harvester mothership fleet, the humans are already highly inflated, but what happened before has made their hearts sink to the bottom.

Under such circumstances, Jarvis controls the entire human galaxy fleet.

He commanded all the siege saucers to attack and even mobilized the powerful plasma star destroyer to attack.

On Earth, everyone watched this scene, and the plasma star destroyers of all harvester motherships lit up simultaneously.

The light of the plasma star destroyer shone through the entire space.

At this moment, they are like the brightest stars in space.


Even after seeing this scene, Tost's tone did not change at all.

The countless miniature artillery turrets on the Death Star shined at an amazing speed in a very short period, and the direction they aimed at was the fuel tanks of the harvester motherships.

Although the harvester mothership is powerful and has a super defensive energy shield, it is as ridiculous as a living target in front of Tost's power.

In this 1/10,000th of an instant, the charging of the particle beam turret has ended and then bombarded out!

The particle beam turret is the weakest weapon on the Death Star, but it is very effective against the harvester mothership.

Above that space, a series of beams flashed, and then part of the harvester motherships was destroyed again.

But Tost's attack was far from over.

"It seems that you bugs cannot be eliminated quickly because there are too many."

Tost sighed, as if pitiful, and then activated a more powerful weapon on the Death Star.

That is another type of weapon on the Death Star.

Unlike the particle beam turret, this turret is significantly larger and has a longer charging time!

Compared with the energy storage time of the plasma star destroyer. The energy storage time of this type of weapon is obviously much shorter.

When everyone has not yet reacted to what kind of weapon it is.

This time, there is no light.

But everyone knows that the attack has come.

Everyone on Earth looked at everything that appeared on the screen, and the shock in their hearts could no longer be described in words.

Because they saw an unimaginable scene.

"It's over! It's over!"

"What is this? Why can't you see it? But all it encountered on the way were torn apart?!"

"Mars is about to be torn apart!"

The humans are all wide-eyed.

On the screen, countless waves that were invisible to the naked eye emanated from Tost's spaceship, passing through space and causing destruction.

From the part of the Death Star to the human galaxy fleet, all the siege saucers in the middle position were destroyed in the first time.

The destruction is appalling.

All the siege flying saucers shrunk in an instant, or crashed into a position, like cannibalism, turned into fragments, and dissipated in space.

But it's not over yet!

Those siege saucers that were torn to pieces, the wreckage continued to hit others.

Before they could get close to the Death Star, the siege saucers were cleaned up!

"This is... a tractor beam?!"

On Earth, some scientists stared wide-eyed and were almost scared to death.

It was a wave that they couldn't see at all.

It's gravity!

This turned out to be a gravitational weapon coveted by humanity.

Unexpectedly, has even the most ubiquitous gravitational force in the universe, the Elkanza Empire, successfully mastered it?

"The tractor beam has always existed only in the fantasy of human beings. I didn't expect the Elkanza Empire to turn it into a reality!"

On Earth, the hearts of countless scientists have been half cold.

Under the gravity attack, the siege saucers could not get close to the body of the Death Star.

What scares people even more, is that the gravitational attack came to the area of the harvester motherships.

"The motherships collided!"

People found in horror that countless harvester motherships collided at this time.

The harvester mothership also has its own gravity system but compared with Tost's Death Star; it is obviously insignificant.

So under its powerful tractor beam, they collided with each other.

One after another, flames erupted in the collision and dissipated among the stars.

But at this time, when the human galaxy fleet had been destroyed by half, the plasma star destroyer also successfully completed the energy storage.

The light shone on the whole galaxy again!

The energy gathered together and headed towards the Death Star.

"The second wave of attacks is needed to destroy the shield of the Death Star!"

There is calmness in Jarvis' tone.

But the hearts of a group of captains are already bleeding.

Even if they were victorious in this war, humans suffered heavy losses. They never thought their proud harvester motherships would be so vulnerable in front of Tost.

The blue beams of countless plasma star destroyers hit Tost's spaceship.

And then...

The Death Star is obviously trembling slightly, and its black shell seems to have faded a little.

Its color is not so deep anymore.

Seeing this situation, the spacemen were delighted.

The plasma star destroyers started storing energy again.

Tost's Death Star also continues to store energy, and the tractor beam attacks the entire human galaxy fleet with a fearless attitude. In less than a minute.

Thirty harvester motherships were destroyed again, and they collided together. The countless mothership wrecks flew to outer space and became part of the planetary belt beyond Jupiter.

The hearts of the humans are heavy, but at this moment, the second round of the plasma star destroyer is almost finished, and the energy storage will be completed.

Everyone can see that the Death Star in the center of the screen, the deep black on the surface, has completely dissipated at this moment.

It turned into a metallic color instead.

After that, more plasma star destroyers hit it, causing it to collapse inch by inch under the attack of the beams.

It finally collapsed completely!


"The Death Star was destroyed?"

And while everyone was overjoyed, they clearly saw that a small spaceship had flown out of the Death Star.

Then, Tost's voice rang out.

"Humans, it really amazes me that you can do all this."

"It seems my galaxy fleet should be dispatched directly instead of sending a probe spacecraft!"