Chapter 348: The real fleet!

The Death Star was successfully destroyed!

Before the humans had time to celebrate, they heard Tost's words.

Immediately afterward, a part of the human beings who had just managed to get out of despair, their heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the sea.

"Tost didn't die?"

"And there's a galaxy fleet!"

The spacemen, who just cheered collectively, learned the news that made them panic.

They lost almost half of the harvester motherships to destroy a Death Star.

If Tost's galaxy fleet comes, the humans will be destroyed the first moment they arrive.

The humans are almost desperate.

But now, they know that it is not the time to despair because as long as the remaining Tost and the wormhole are destroyed, humans will still have a chance to survive.

"Siege saucers, go and attack that small flying saucer!"

"Kill Tost!"

The spacemen can see that Tost is not dead and is riding a weird flying saucer as if trying to escape.

But at this moment, as if he knew the thoughts of all the humans, Tost let out a few disdainful sneers.

"Too naive!"

"Our power, you can't imagine!"

Immediately afterward, everyone saw that Tost's flying saucer turned into an afterimage, heading towards Jupiter.

The speed of Tost's spaceship can reach half the speed of light!

So humans can only watch him escape.

There is a wormhole near Jupiter.

That wormhole refracts light and looks mysterious, and now, from it, it seems that something is about to come out.

"Detected that there are countless powerful energy fluctuations in the Jupiter wormhole!"

"And every energy fluctuation is similar to that of the Death Star!"

Above a surviving mothership. A spaceman reports it all.

Hearing this sentence, all the spacemen fell into silence.

Tost has now reached a safe position and can enter the wormhole anytime. And now, it seems more alien spaceships are eyeing them from the wormhole.

They can't believe it!

Are they really going to fail miserably?

They want to listen to Jarvis' arrangements.

Jarvis was also silent for a while before speaking and said, "All spaceships get in a defensive position, hold out as long as you can! Mr. Zeke is currently researching new technology. So as long as we can hold out until he comes back, we have the hope of winning!"

"Yes, Zeke is still here!"

"But... can we really hold on?"

At this time, something has begun to come out of the wormhole, and all the spacemen know it very well. It is precisely because of it that they have almost lost confidence in this battle.

But fortunately, Jarvis' remarks rekindled their will.

Even if the battle is lost, Zeke is still there.

Know that the human galaxy fleet is made by Zeke. As long as he returns, maybe he will have a solution!

As the greatest man on Earth, Zeke, who has saved the Earth once, will definitely not sit idly by humanity's impending demise.

"Hold on, wait for Zeke to come back!"

At this time, the people in the galaxy fleet have begun to despair.

The galaxy fleet in the new era of humanity has really become a glory, and at the same time, it has also become a synonym for self-control.

They know their chances of surviving in this battle are already very small… almost 0!

But as long as they hold off the battle and wait until Zeke returns, there is hope that the war's outcome will be rewritten.

"Activate the plasma star destroyers."

"Prepare the siege saucers."

Under Jarvis' command and control, a large number of siege saucers flew out around all the motherships again.

And the plasma star destroyers also shone amazingly.

Once upon a time, they were something that made human beings proud, but this pride is now so pale and ridiculous in the face of absolute power.

While manipulating these spaceships to attack, Jarvis also began to try to contact Zeke.

He sent a series of messages directly to him.

Because it has been calculated that in this battle, the odds of winning for humans are almost 0.

Now the hope is all on Zeke.

But what made Jarvis feel bad is that Zeke did not reply to his message, so now he must be still in the process of researching the Droplet.

And just as he expected.

Right now, Zeke's research on Droplets has entered the most critical moment, so he has temporarily blocked all information from the outside world to avoid being disturbed.

Just as the galaxy fleet was preparing for the final battle, Tost's galaxy fleet arrived as scheduled.

Among the wormholes, the first thing that appeared was a giant planet.

This planet is bigger than a harvester mothership.

Compared to the Earth, it's not even that much smaller.

It is like a Death Star that has been magnified countless times. It is a deep black color as if it can directly absorb light. It is invincible across the starry sky.

And around this giant Death Star, countless small Death Stars are flying around, each of which is bigger than the previous Death Star that the humans destroyed with all their might.

Densely packed, the number is probably in the hundreds!

"This is one of our Elkanza fleets, the Destruction Star Fleet!"

"The one sent before was just a probe in this fleet. Our Death Star mothership will also take your sun away, and then it will become a nova that has lost its energy!"

Tost's voice suddenly rang out.

Then, countless small Death Stars flew out from around the giant Death Star.

The diameter of each Death Star is several times that of the previous Death Star spacecraft.

And those Death Stars soon came around the human galaxy fleet, floating in space.

At this moment.

All the spacemen trembled involuntarily because they clearly felt that the Death Stars had locked on their motherships.

"Humans, keep your eyes open and see how the galaxy fleet you hoped for was destroyed so easily."

Tost made a sound.

Then, there were some slight changes above all the Death Stars. They were getting ready to start the attack.

This is the fleet of the Elkanza Empire.

In the face of such a force that seems to be able to destroy everything, all the spacemen are almost suffocated.