Chapter 374: Qualified Treatment

In the letter:

Battlefield No. 27,954

Congratulations on getting first place for survival on the battlefield! You will be directly selected for the Starship Trooper Reserve without needing to participate in the subsequent knockout rounds!

The first place for survival? Wyatt, who voluntarily died under his beam saber, must be the first to kill on the 27,954th battlefield!

That's right, it must be the case. The first place in the survival and kill of each battlefield will be directly admitted. If the two are the same person, then only one would be accepted, and there are at least 30,000 of the 1 million places. One place was directly occupied. As far as Daniel thought, these 30,000 people would definitely be the elites of the Starship Troopers.

"Daniel, is it written that you will become a starship trooper directly in the future?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, Daniel. Can we go back to the past?"

The middle-aged man beside her heard these words, and the smugness at the beginning instantly turned blue and black.

"You little bitch! When your ex-boyfriend became a soldier, you want to go back?!"

"So what? I'm not happy with you!"

"But Daniel is now a starship trooper! So I feel honored to follow him!"

"You're used goods! Do you think people will still want you?"

After the establishment of the Zaft Federation, the status of the soldiers has risen, and even the treatment of the military members has improved, not to mention the interstellar ships that the Earth is preparing to focus on.

Everyone is now saying that if you can marry a soldier, your future life will be full of beauty and glory.

But is it possible to return what was once thrown away? It is entirely impossible here with Daniel. What's more, he was the one who was abandoned.

Looking at the pair performing to their heart's content, Daniel didn't have the time to continue wasting here, and his eyes were dirty when he watched too much.

"Miss, I'm sorry, you've got the wrong person."

He also has to hurry home, put incense sticks for his mother, and tell her the great news that her son did not disappoint her!

Hearing Daniel's words, the expression on the woman's face instantly froze. You must know that Daniel was always obedient to her, and he would do whatever she says.

In her vision, as long as she shows that she wants to return to the past, he will immediately come back to her as before.

But the man who turned his head and left directly made her feel unfamiliar. Daniel was no longer the innocent big boy with a pure heart.

Daniel didn't think about his ex-girlfriend anymore, this kind of person was no longer worth his effort.

"Yo, Daniel is back! You don't know, but the community just received the news that you were selected to be a Starship Trooper!"

"Yeah, I have long seen that Daniel is a promising kid!"

"Hey, have you forgotten what you said before?"

"Shut up! Daniel, my aunt, made a mistake, so I'm sorry!"

Daniel came back all the way, and people greeted him everywhere. He has always been a little transparent in this community. Almost no one noticed him when he walked by.

Now, these neighbors suddenly seem to know him very well, and he is really not used to it.

But when others greeted him with a smile, he didn't have the face to coldly reject them. So instead, he returned home with a smile all the way.

This is a feeling he has never felt in reality, and this highly anticipated feeling can only be experienced in the game.

Zeke gave him this opportunity, so that he, a game fan, now has the opportunity to become a much-anticipated hero.

"Mom, have you seen it? They all envy me! Your son is about to become a fighter to defend his family and the country!"

"Mom, you can feel at ease in heaven."

While Daniel was paying homage to his deceased mother, the door rang loudly.

As soon as the door opened, all four of his uncle's family squeezed in, and the house that had always been empty for a while became noisy.

After his father gambled and his mother brought him to his uncle's side, he and his mother did not have a good life.

They lived in his uncle's house when Daniel's mother was still alive. At that time, his mother paid the rent to his uncle's family, and after going out to work, she had to clean up the house for his uncle's house.

When his mother died of illness, they were the reason for her overwork, so he greatly held a grudge against his uncle's family!

He didn't know what purpose his uncle's family had come to visit him in the house he rented.

"Daniel, how are you? Leaving your uncle's house alone and coming to this crappy place to hide. I, your aunt, feel distressed!"

"Yeah, Daniel, you should sell this house, then go home with your uncle. Then, you can take over your household registration and move out after you get married."

"From now on, you can treat us, your uncle and aunt, as your own parents!"

Daniel was stunned by what his aunt and uncle said. What is this?

He never forgot that on the day when his mother died, the smiling aunt in front of him forced him to move out quickly, saying they were unlucky.

The scenes and words at that time were clearly stored in his mind, and he can't forget them to this day!

His dear uncle and aunt drove him out when he was in the most difficult time and needed help. In the end, his mother was buried in the mound without even being cremated.

It is not an exaggeration to say that these two people are his enemies. But, is this their true nature?