Chapter 375: Personal Praise

"Daniel, aunt knows that you have been selected for the Starship Trooper. Go home with your aunt and uncle, and you can set an example for your younger brothers and sisters."

"How did you know I was selected?"

"The federation has released good news to all the relatives of the selected soldiers, and now you have become a celebrity! You can't forget your aunt and uncle when you become famous!"

"Okay? Is it good to kick your nephew out of the house when your sister dies? Is it good that you don't even want to pay for your sister's cremation?"

After listening to Daniel's questioning, the expressions on the faces of his uncle and aunt contorted, but they still held on to their smiles.

"Daniel, your uncle was in trouble at that time. Your younger brother and sister still had to go to school, and the family and Ben couldn't make any money. The reason why you would go out and live alone was to allow you to become independent as soon as possible."

"Yeah, it's all your aunt's hard work!"

There is no doubt that the words of his aunt and uncle only make Daniel feel disgusted. It is not the dazzling military service that can make the snobby aunt bring the whole family over to lick his feet and say such words.

Military family members from top to bottom, within three generations, as long as Daniel moved his back to his uncle's house, then his uncle's whole family could enjoy the care of the Zaft Federation.

Now that he has succeeded in life, this cold-blooded couple knows how to talk about family affection.

Don't even think about it!

"Get out."

Daniel said directly.

"Daniel, you are a white-eyed wolf. When your mother died and lived in our house for so long, now you turn your face and don't recognize anyone, you beast..."

Without waiting for her to continue scolding, Daniel said without any emotion.

"You can continue talking and see who suffers tomorrow."


Daniel's aunt pointed at him angrily, but she didn't dare to do anything to entangle him anymore. The status of the other party was different now. If Daniel used his power, she would have no choice but to walk around.

"I won't say it a third time. Get out!"

When Daniel said it forcefully, his aunt and the others shuddered, stopped talking, and left from there sadly.

Seeing his aunt and the others leaving in embarrassment, Daniel breathed a sigh of relief.

He understands that all this is an opportunity given to him by Zeke. If he hadn't seized this opportunity, he wouldn't be able to straighten his back and drive these vicious aunt and uncle out of his home, nor would he be able to gain so many envious eyes.

It can be said that Zeke changed his life, and it is foreseeable that he will have a completely different life in the future!


Meanwhile, Zeke was immersed in the laboratory researching the replication method of the Droplets. The Droplets were completely a weapon in his hands. The absolute smoothness of the surface could break through all defenses.

If multiple Droplets attack simultaneously, the speed of ending the battle can be shortened many times, making it even more difficult to guard against and unavoidable.

There are ten Droplets suspended in front of him. It is expensive to make them, and the material is very rare, so at present, it is the limit to make nine more Droplets.

But ten Droplets are enough, enough to overturn the balance of the war.

"It's time to get out and relax!"

Zeke made a swipe, the Cosmic Cube activated, a void gap appeared in front of him, stepped in, and returned to his home on Earth.

"Master, is your research completed?"

As soon as Zeke came back, he saw Gael at home. Seeing her curious appearance, he directly summoned the ten Droplets.

Gael stretched out her hand and wanted to touch it, but found that she couldn't grasp it at all.

Ignoring the curious little girl, as long as Zeke doesn't manipulate the Droplets to attack, it will not cause any damage to Gael.

He now wants to know how the selection of the starship troopers are going.

"Jarvis, how's the selection of the starship crew going?"

"Sir, both the pilots and the commander have been completely selected, and a team of one million has been formed, of which 50,000 are elite teams. The awarding ceremony will be held today."

"Okay! Just in time, I'll go see these recruits. In the future, they will be the pillars of our earth's defense."

The square of the Earth's Zanarkand was overcrowded. Only 50,000 people selected in advance from one million people were eligible to receive the conferment ceremony here.

For the other 950,000 people, they could only accept the conferment ceremony in their sub-state.

The conferment ceremony on Zanarkand Square was broadcasted directly to the whole world, and they were all watching this event.

Zeke came directly to Zanarkand Square in this way, and people all over the world were excited for a while.

Usually Zeke is a person they don't see often, and it is difficult for ordinary people to see him. The 50,000 outstanding soldiers in the square were very excited.

It turned out that their sovereign will be the one to award them titles. What a high honor this is!

The first leader of the Zaft Federation, the person who led the entire Earth, will personally award them the title. This is enough to see the importance they receive.

Everyone's face was full of blood, and everyone shouted the word sovereign in their heart.

"Comrades, you will be the starship troopers of the Zaft Federation in the future, and its highest military force. You will be the heroes of defending your home and the country in the future, and the glory of the Federation!"

Daniel never thought that he would have such a day, standing with the top leader of the Zaft Federation and accepting his title.

None of him and the soldiers around him are not full of tears. Whoever says that a man does not cry easily is because he has not experienced the feeling of being recognized by the whole world.

There were 50,000 people, Zeke didn't think too much, and went down to the square to commend them one by one.

"Is your name Daniel Laroko?"

"Yes, I am Daniel Laroko."

Zeke's question made Daniel suddenly feel flattered. So many people only gave him a symbolic praise. It was an honor for the sovereign to know his name.

The people around him looked at him with envy.

"After listening from the examiner in charge of the selection. Your fighting style is very stable, your ability is very good, and have performed well."

Daniel clenched his fists and gave Zeke a standard military salute.

He knew that all these honors were given to them by the man in front of him, and for the sake of the sovereign and the people, he would perform well.

The people watching the live broadcast were also full of envy. The sovereign praised him personally, which is heavier than any award.

Presumably this young man's family will be very happy!

In fact, seeing Daniel being praised by the sovereign in the live broadcast, his aunt and uncle even regretted their actions.

"You stinky bitch! You had to drive my nephew out at the beginning, but now you regret it? Look at the treatment of the military family, it will not be a problem for our children to go to the best school in the future, and there will be a lot of money every month!"

"How dare you! Didn't you agree with what happened back then? Now you know how to scold me?"

The two of them got angry as they talked, and Daniel's aunt slapped his uncle's face with a slap, and the two of them hit each other, regardless of the fact that the child was beside them.