Chapter 381: Antimatter Weapons

Kaiz stretched out his tentacles, picked up the Droplets, and placed it on a small metal table.

It's like putting a pearl on a candlestick.

Then a translucent shield was raised over the entire area, and a technologically sounding turret rose from the ground.

The barrel was aimed straight at the Droplets on the small table.

"Antimatter weapon!"

A piece of ammunition flew out of the barrel, and at this time the whole picture turned slow-mo, and everyone on Earth could clearly see the ammunition slowly approaching the Droplets.

In the shot, the space in front of the ammunition is slightly distorted.

They don't know how many times Kaiz has slowed down this process, and people are tormented.

The Droplet is a weapon to protect the Earth, and now everyone is watching it face the experiment of the Elkanza Empire.

In fact, many people already have guesses in their hearts. People in the Elkanza Empire dare to broadcast such a picture directly. Obviously, they dare to broadcast it only when they are sure that they can cause damage to the Droplets.

Otherwise, if the Droplets were still unscathed by then, the pre-war demonstrations of the Elkanza Empire will have the opposite effect.

Instead, humans will have more morale because of the strength of the Droplets.

Everyone was reluctant to think about that aspect, and they still had to pray silently, hoping that the Droplets could resist the opponent's attack.

But it didn't go as expected. The moment the ammunition touched the Droplet, a layer of ripples flashed in that space, and the Droplet, along with the table below, was completely annihilated.

The Droplets were completely annihilated under this ammunition, leaving no trace.

Even the metal table below is left with a circular arc.

This ammunition directly destroyed everything within the explosion range, but the damage was still very concentrated, and it didn't hurt anything outside the explosion range at all.

This is the antimatter weapon in the opponent's hands. Listening to the name means to directly wipe the matter from this world.

In the final analysis, Droplets are nothing but substances with strong interactions, and as long as they are substances, they cannot escape the power of this antimatter weapon.

Unless the density of the matter exceeds the damage limit of this antimatter weapon, it can't survive this attack.

In the final analysis, this antimatter weapon is not as good as the one-shot planet destroying weapon shown by the Elkanza Empire, but the damage of the antimatter weapon is very concentrated.

Unless the Elkanza Empire can develop a large-yield antimatter weapon, which is absolutely impossible, then it is like an unstable bomb.

Zeke did not expect that the Elkanza Empire could not only imprison the Droplets, but also found a way to destroy them. It seems that the idea of building a large number of Droplets was unnecessary.

However, Zeke knew that he did not only have the trump card of Droplets in his hand.

"This is your Earth's biggest trump card, isn't it? It gave you the confidence to challenge the majesty of the Elkanza Empire? Now it is completely destroyed in front of your eyes."

"In the end, isn't this thing you rely on a strong interaction space probe? Among the weapons my army is equipped with, there are antimatter weapons that can easily destroy your proud weapons!"

"Do you feel uneasy now that the weapons you have depended on for a living have been destroyed so easily?"


"Stupid Earthlings, wait for the trial of my Elkanza Empire! See you on the battlefield!"

At this point, the Elkanza Empire has completely cut off the control of electronic equipment on Earth, and everything has returned to normal.

However, those who have watched the live broadcast cannot return to normal.

The Droplets have become the solace in the hearts of the people before, no one doesn't know this weapon that destroyed all the Death Star battleships in the last war.

So much so that Droplets have their current status in the hearts of the people, providing people with a lot of security.

Now that the Droplets are in front of them, destroyed by the enemy's anti-material weapons, the hope of most people is destroyed along with them.

If the Elkanza Empire attacks again, can Zeke come up with new weapons to save their lives?

The conference room fell into silence again, no one dared to disturb Zele. He stared at the black vortex in the sky and stood motionless by the window.


"Hey, Yvette, you have also seen the live broadcast of this alien."

"Yeah, there's still half a month left before the aliens attack the Earth, and the other side can destroy the Droplets. How can we fight this battle?"

"You should believe in Zeke, he will definitely be able to wipe out all these aliens again!"

"Eric, you are still young. This time the attack on the Earth is the regular army of the aliens, unlike last time."

"Brother Guo, I'm not too young. All we can do now is to believe in Zeke. He will definitely protect us."

"Yvette, take care of your brother, what we have to do now is not to wait for death, since there is still half a month to live, the brothers will join hands to vote, get some girls, and live this half well."

"Okay, Gatz, I'll listen to you, you know I don't have any hope for Zeke."

"However, it's inconvenient to take your brother with you. After all, your brother's words are all Zeke this, Zeke that, and it's not easy to follow a few brothers."

The young man named Dill frowned, put all the food in the house in the storage room, and then locked his younger brother Eric directly in it.

"I'm sorry, brother. I will come back every day to bring you delicious food. There are tablets and computers for you, and there are stand-alone games on them. You can play games and wait for me to come back."

Yvette cut off the internet at home and went out with Gatz.


Human beings have always had the fear of the end of the day, and some people have chosen hedonism. To revel in this last time, to put it bluntly, is criminal enjoyment.

They plunder the interests of others and build their happiness on the pain of others.

Anyway, in their eyes, the Earth has half a month of life left. By that time, everyone will not become alien pets but their rations.

Even if their crimes were exposed at that time, who would punish them.

But as long as they can live a good life in this half month, they can live a life of brocade clothes, jade food, hugging each other, and even if the Earth is ruled by aliens, they will also make money.

The peony flower died, and it was romantic to be a ghost. They wanted to kidnap some young girls and relieve their animal desires caused by fear.