Chapter 382: Escapism!

"Sir, the crime rate across the Earth has suddenly surged, and many people have started to commit crimes because of the doomsday theory spread by the live broadcast of the Elkanza Empire."

Jarvis' voice broke the frozen atmosphere of the Zanarkand Regional Conference Hall, and all the high-level executives breathed a sigh of relief.

They couldn't figure out the attitude of the young leader of the Zaft Federation in front of them. The Elkanza Empire had completely declared war and destroyed his weapon in front of all mankind.

How should the Zaft Federation respond now? All the high-level executives have a big question mark in their hearts.

Grace saw that Zeke had broken away from his previous thoughts, so she stepped forward to ask everyone's questions.

"My Lord, how should we deal with the attack of the Elkanza Empire? Especially in this half month."

Grace also used honorific titles on such occasions, and the two would only call each other more intimately in private.

Others also looked at Grace with gratitude. The leader of the Phoenix region is the woman of Zeke, and if she asks questions, she will not anger him.

If someone else asks, it will inevitably make Zeke feel whether the high-level executives can still resist the distrust of aliens.

"Order to the world first, the Earth enters the first-level preparation mode, and strictly prohibits criminal acts, regardless of the seriousness of the crime. If they are caught, they will all be executed, and the families of the criminals will be settled."

After hearing this order, everyone seemed to feel Zeke's determination, but they had to ask some questions.

"My Lord, what should we do?"

"Why don't we escape! The space fleet they dispatched this time is stronger than before. We can't win!"

"Humans can only have a chance to survive if they escape from the solar system!"

Earth's technology is not as weak as it used to be, and it is now fully capable of escaping the solar system.

Moreover, the harvester mothership built by Zeke has not only an artificial sun, but also instant food and unlimited energy.

Humans can live on the mothership until a habitable planet is found outside the solar system, and then they can complete their immigration.

This project is not big or small, but it is completely feasible to complete it within half a month.

Moreover, with Zeke's technological inventions, if they left the solar system within half a month, they can already be light-years away. By then, if the army of the Elkanza Empire came to the solar system from the wormhole, they would only find an empy galaxy.

Such a plan can completely protect the Earth's humans, and also make the Elkanza Empire gain nothing. In the hearts of the high-level officials of the Zaft Federation, this is undoubtedly the best plan.

Therefore, all the high-level officials present, even Grace advocated fleeing.

Thirty-sixth stratagem, if all else fails, then retreat.

Sometimes it is a tactic to escape when you know that you are lost, to rest in other places, and then fight back when the technological strength surpasses the Elkanza Empire.

As long as the Elkanza Empire is defeated, there is nothing to be ashamed of, after all, history books are always written by the victors.

Those who are defeated can only survive, and have no qualifications to write history and sing praises.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly a very good method for all human beings to flee to the outside of the solar system, which can not only preserve strength, but also avoid disaster.

When Kaiz lead the army of the Elkanza Empire from the wormhole, humans would have already migrated out of the solar system. They could not imagine whether Kaiz, who had a mercury head, would be so angry that it would explode.

But they didn't know that if the Earth moves away, the speed of technological development will be significantly slower.

The task issued by the system bound to Zeke is to destroy the Elkanza Empire. If he decides to retreat, the completion date of this task will be postponed indefinitely.

This is absolutely not allowed by Zeke, otherwise his growth will be curbed. In fact, doing so will benefit the Earth in the short term, but in the long run, without his technical support, the Earth's technological development will definitely fall into a bottleneck.

Then, wanting to turn around and destroy the Elkanza Empire after that is complete nonsense.

Besides, Zeke didn't think that he would lose without the Droplets. The Elkanza Empire had come up with more advanced battleships and weapons?

When the enemy is progressing, he is also progressing, and all the information that Elkanza has about the Earth is sent back before the destruction of the Destruction Star Fleet.

The arrogant general of the Elkanza Empire, Kaiz, also exposed his fleet to the eyes of humanity. The asymmetry of information made Zeke more confident.

"My Lord, what is your decision?"

All the high-level officials in the conference hall are looking forward to it. As long as Zeke nods, they can immediately arrange for people from all over the world to emigrate.

Anyway, the harvester mothership has already been repaired and can be set off at any time.

And everything on it is complete, and everything on the Earth can be completely discarded. Ordinary people don't need to bring anything, just get on the transport spaceship and enter the mothership.

But Zeke answered without hesitation.


Hearing Zeke's reply, Grace must look at Zeke. Her husband must have a way to protect the Earth. Since she re-acquainted with Zeke and fell in love with him, he has never let her down.

Other high-level executives don't think so, they all advocate fleeing, after all, the strength displayed by the Elkanza Empire is not at all safe from hard resistance.

It took so much effort to control the electronic devices on the entire Earth through the prototype wormhole to demonstrate to mankind.

This undoubtedly shows their determination to slaughter the Earth, and then think of Kaiz's insistence that humans will be made into pet rations.

Apparently wanting to create fear in humans and to have a mental breakdown before the war comes.

The destruction of the spirit is the most vicious, and this time the Elkanza Empire is completely holding the idea of enslaving human beings.

But now the supreme leader of the Zaft Federation, Zeke, the supreme will of the autocratic monarchy, has already made a decision.

Everyone must obey, there is no room for negotiation.

Even if everyone except Grace did not understand why Zeke gave up the plan that seemed to be the safest for human beings at present, he chose to wait. They must also follow the his decision.

Because Zeke has the supreme authority of the entire Zaft Federation, he has absolute rights, so others cannot refute.

Many meanings can be analyzed by this word, but they can only believe that Zeke is sure about the war in half a month, not just on impulse.

The criminal incidents happening in various places now, as well as the live broadcast of the declaration of war on the Elkanza Empire, all need to be dealt with by the high-level officials of the Zaft Federation.

Zeke told them to wait, but they couldn't reply to the people like that.

For a time, all the communication equipment on Earth was controlled again, but this time the controller was the Zaft Federation.