Chapter 383: Wait!

"Zaft Federation statement: The people do not need to panic because of the threat of aliens. The leader of the Earth, Zeke, said that the Elkanza Empire is not to be afraid of. In the next half month, the Earth will enter the preparation period for war, if anyone dares to do any criminal activity within the month, you will be sentenced to death!"

This decree has to be said to be very strict, but there is no doubt that it is a special policy during wartime, and it has been like this since ancient times.

It's okay in peacetime, it's okay if you talk nonsense or make a small mistake, as long as you correct it. But in wartime, a little problem can lead to a big disaster!

If the laws of war are not enforced, the whole planet will be a mess and it will be impossible to control the situation.

However, as soon as the wartime laws were implemented, all human beings on Earth calmed down instantly.

They realized that the Zaft Federation was still believing firmly in Zeke, and there was no need to worry about the safety after half a month.

Even the escape strategy appeared in their minds, so it was impossible for the top officials of the Zaft Federation to not think of it.

Since this direction has not been adopted, it proves that Zeke, the leader of the Earth, has abandoned this direction.

Zeke didn't have the slightest intention to escape. He was obviously prepared, so he didn't have to worry at all.

The sky is falling but Zeke is still standing on. If the Earth is destroyed, he will suffer the most. Ordinary people have absolutely no reason to worry about it.

After Zeke ordered "wait" to all the high-level executives in the conference hall, he broke through the void and left.

According to his elusive habit, he must be researching again.

Zeke was not idle and when he left, he looked as usual, with a calm expression on his face.

But the problem of pacifying the people had to be solved quickly, so there was the electronic communication device that later controlled the world, and then pacified all of humanity.

The Earth has just been unified, and the monarch of the Zaft Federation has just become busy. How could Zeke not care about his land and his people.

"Jarvis, how's the Stellar Iron Man going?"

Zeke's eyes flickered, the Stellar Iron Man was undoubtedly his big trump card, and he could predict the expression of the Elkanza Empire army led by Kaiz once they saw the Stellar Iron Man.

"Sir, the materials have been prepared and are being assembled."

"Let's go and see."

Zeke was a little excited when he thought of the Stellar Iron Man in front of him. Even Tony Stark, who created Iron Man, would not have thought that his Iron Man could achieve such a level.

Zeke's face was full of pride, and he only felt like he had accomplished a feat, combining two technologies from different worlds to create the Stellar Iron Man that far surpassed the two technologies.

If someone took a picture of this scene next to him, and then sent Zeke's appearance to the internet, then the people all over the world could feel at ease.

After all, Zeke's expression doesn't look like he is worried about the battle that will come half a month later.

He came to the base for the construction of the Stellar Iron Man, which is very far from Earth, because a lot of dead planets are needed to make it. A lot of dead planets were even obtained from outside the solar system, so they chose a place outside the solar system as a base for the construction of the Stellar Iron Man.

By the time he got there, Zeke had already seen several assembled Stellar Iron Man.

"As soon as this thing appears, I think that Kaiz of the Elkanza Empire may want to go back directly, right?"

"Sir, why don't you bring back a Stellar Iron Man and show it to the people so they can settle down?"

Zeke really wanted to bring a few completed Stellar Iron Man back for his people to see. The regular army fleet displayed by the Elkanza Empire was simply not enough.

However, Zeke didn't do this. First, he didn't need to sacrifice a treasure to take back the Stellar Iron Man just to appease people. In the future, what the Earth needs is elites, which can be used to clear some unstable criminals.

Second, good things must be taken out at just the right time to achieve the greatest effect.

Now is definitely not the best time to bring out the Stellar Iron Man.

"Don't worry, it's not time yet."

Jarvis is afraid that he will never understand these twists and turns. Unless Zeke instills a lot of material in him, he may be able to analyze it rigidly. There is still a long way to go before being flexible.

Artificial intelligence is a very dangerous thing. Once it is not used properly, it is very likely that robots will try to replace humans in the future.

However, if Zeke gets technology related to AI's in the future, he will definitely give Jarvis a new life.

The Stellar Iron Man project is only a small part of the completion, the newly developed anti-gravity system and gravity system is waiting for Zeke.

Combining this newly developed anti-gravity system with a Stellar Iron Man is absolutely invincible.

A Stellar Iron Man that can fight freely and flexibly is what Zeke needs.

Otherwise, it is difficult for a Stellar Iron Man to move based on the quality of the compressed materials.

It is not enough to describe how heavy it is. The power of thousands of planets bursting out from the Stellar Iron Man's gestures!

Zeke installed gravity systems in every part of the Stellar Iron Man, and then connected these systems to the neural network in the central control room to ensure that the pilot's actions could fully control Iron Man.

Before everyone knew it, half a month passed quietly, during which the entire solar system was unusually calm.

Since Zeke disappeared from the conference hall half a month ago, he has never shown up again. If it wasn't for the fact that Zeke had turned the tide when the Death Star invaded the solar system before, the high-level officials would have to worry about whether he had escaped alone.

Such rumors are already spreading in some dark corners of the Earth. .

But the rumors stopped at the wise ones, and on this day, Zeke reappeared in people's field of vision, and took away some of the newly selected 50,000 excellent starship troopers.

This made people realize that Zeke has been preparing for the past half month since he disappeared.

In fact, as early as half a month ago, Zeke ordered to strengthen the training of the starship troopers, and found that the outstanding ones should be more focused on training, and the global resources should be used for training.

The 50,000 Starship Soldiers personally awarded by Zeke even have their own doctors and nutritionists to tailor their training plans in order to achieve the greatest training effect.