Lights came to life suddenly. The room was spacious but empty. It was painted entirely white. The lights were all LED and the ceiling was full of them. There, on a raised platform sat a man dressed in all black. His hair was jet black. I couldn't see his face; he was wearing a mask that covered his whole face. Something about his sitting posture radiated authority. This felt like intuition.
Then addressing me, he said in a low growl, "I see you enjoying the game." My doubts confirmed I said, "Yes,". I decided to keep my answers short and accurate. The conversation started.
"Hmm, I assume you want to stay?" he said.
I did not reply quickly. That was a tricky question. Yes, I liked my post, the respect I had, and also my newfound friends. But I was a human, after all, I didn't belong here. I had to go back to the real world someday.
"We don't have all day you know," he said. This triggered me. But I chose not to express any of that.
"Umm...I'm not sure." I said, failing and both keeping answers short and accurate.
He let out a rough laugh.
"There's no way back now, you should've realized. I expected you to be smart." he said.
I froze in horror. Suddenly I was filled with homesickness. I wanted to go back. I didn't care if people hated me or ignored me. All I could think of was escaping this place.
"I believe I don't need your consent to stay or leave." I said.
"You do as a matter of fact,"
"I don't want to stay here."
"Well, consider yourself stranded here for a lifetime. Also, you agreed to the game terms. This makes it all legal"
Silence. He was right. Even if I didn't want to admit it. He had undoubtedly manipulated me into this. My panic was rising. I knew he could sense it all. And also that he was enjoying it. Then after he let the silence hang for a long time and was assured that I won't answer, he spoke:
"I'll put forward my conditions: earn 200 badges and you will be free to go."
"I'll do it," I said emphatically. Although the task wasn't small yet, there seemed something assured in it. He laughed slightly again.
"You're not the first one. It won't be easy. I have my opponents against you. If they reach the number of badges before you, you belong to me. You'll stay here. You'll act on my orders." One thing was clear. It wasn't a deal, it was a slave contract. And I had to win. I had to. There's no choice apart from that.
"Fine then, the deal is done. You may go." he said.
"WAIT!" I yelled, forgetting to keep my cool.
"Yes?" he said.
I could practically sense him amused. He was enjoying me sort of begging him. Arrogance could've dripped like sweat from him. I was sure of that.
"You said I'm not the first one. Are there humans stuck here? Can I help them?" I asked as calmly as I could.
Again, I could feel him smirking behind that mask.
"As true as it can get, that's true. You've met Audra you see," He continued, "As for help, spare that for yourself. You'll need that."
I had more questions I would've liked to ask but everything around me went blurry. Yet again, I found myself swirling into nothingness and finally, ending up in the middle of the Cyberpunk city.