New shield and jumper...

"Hela I'm scared..." Kayle has never been In a war in either life and is scared.

"Me too..." Hela shows a face of fear which is very rare as usually she doesn't show emotions and has a cold face but when with Kayle all her walls are down and show all of her feelings.

"I'm going to the Treasury to get that Shield!" Kayle scampers away with Hela speeding up to be beside her. Kayle and Hela are inseparable and go everywhere together.

/// In the treasury...

"My daughter... Why are you taking Svalinn?" Odin arrives and sees Kayle in her heavy armor with her greatsword wielded in one hand and the mythical shield Svalinn in her other hand. {Img}

"I require more protection not just for myself but for my older sister..." Kayle's face can't be seen since her helmet is on. But you can hear the fear and concern in her voice despite it being muffled by Uru/Adamantium's heavy plate helmet.

"Very well... You may have Svalinn... Use it well and never tarnish its reputation as the Sun Shield..." Odin smiles kindly at Kayle and walks away.

'According to mythology Svalinn protects Midgard from the Sun and prevents the oceans from boiling... But in reality, the Shield absorbs the Sunlight and strengthens its wielder with the energy from any Sun within the galaxy giving them endless stamina and is immune from both extreme heat and extreme cold... I wonder how the dwarves created it since it can resist the heat from a Sun's Core...' Kayle starts pondering how the Dwarven King created this great shield two thousand years ago.

"Hela pick a weapon or armor! We need all we can get to survive against the Frost Giants! Get something that makes you resistant to the cold or immune!" Kayle urges Hela to use something anything to resist cold damage from Frost Giants.

"Got it! This chest plate and dress will make me immune to their cold attacks but not their piercing damage... I will rely on you to save me from whatever sharp things they make with their ice..." Hela puts on the breastplate and finally uses the iconic green and black dress she uses and they both walk out of the treasury and lock the vault up.

Instead of a Warrior Hela has become more like a spellcaster/Necromancer who uses a Necro-Scythe as a conduit for her power... She doesn't shy away from melee combat but most of her spells require her to fight at close range... some of her abilities are just like a Death Knight from WoW thanks to Kayle... But in the end, a Death Knight's abilities aren't what Hela focuses on.

Hela's abilities in gamer terms cause Status effects and damage over time... When she reaches the peak of her power she will be able to kill anyone with DoT damage within a matter of seconds... but that day is not today.

Whenever she is desperate Hela uses Frostmourne the Rune Blade of the Lich King... Thanks to her being a godly existence with the true power over death the Rune Blade hasn't harmed her soul in any way It's almost like the Rune Blade is finally being wielded by its true master and it thinks of Hela as its home.

Kayle however can never wield Frostmourne... it rejected her very existence... Kayle's power source/Law is purely Holy and is the antithesis of death and thus Frostmourne who has a will of its own turned its blade on her and nearly beheaded her so she gave it to Hela.


"The Nine Realms are in a state of Chaos due to war! And I can no longer turn my eyes away from the suffering of Midgard therefore... We shall go to war! For Asgard! March!" Odin roars.


Hela and Kayle sit on the drop ship chairs ready to fall from the stratosphere. They both give a squeeze to each other's hands and nod.

As of right now in the Timeline Asgard is not a city made of Uru and gold and has not created the Bifrost yet... As of right now, they don't have all the advanced technology that was seen in the Movie... Instead, they have spaceships for now instead of the Bifrost.

The spaceship starts to shake as they enter the Thermosphere. Kayle closes her eyes and starts breathing heavily inside her helmet. The heavy breathing is heard by Hela and the Valkyrie who are waiting for the hatch to open so they can jump out of the ship.

'No parachutes... No parachutes... this is insane! I know that I have angel wings but they would break from gravity... My wings are mainly to allow me to fly in the vacuum of Space not on planets!

I can fly on planets but that doesn't me my wings are strong enough to resist the gravity of falling straight from the Stratosphere to the ground... I'll be falling... Not flying... I'm quite scared...' Kayle feels Hela grab her gauntlet-clad hand and it calms her down... Kayle gives a grateful nod to her sister.

"Let's Go!" The Valkyrie jumped from the hatch and started falling feet first making Kayle and Hela blanch but they still jumped after a few seconds of psyching themselves up. Kayle and Hela grasp each other's hands for comfort and they don't dare look down.

'What is father thinking!?' Hela nearly screamed this out loud.

'We're just children in Asgardian years... To think I would become a child soldier in my second life... Whoever reincarnated me is a right bastard...' Kayle and Hela finally land causing a shockwave of dirt and rocks.

'We landed without taking damage?' Kayle looked at her health bar and it showed a -2 which is pretty much nothing.

'Status just says my legs are a little numb from jumping... It's when an athlete jumps off a 1 story house... They will feel a numbing sensation from their legs giving them some pins and needles...' Kayle sighs in relief.

To Be Continued...