Outnumbered Out-gunned and Exalted Form...

Kayle lifts her shield and observes her surroundings notices footprints made of ice and backs away.

Hela unsheathes Frostmourne and uses a defensive stance and also notices the footprints made of ice the twins look at each other and nod... They both take calm and careful steps toward the forested area that might contain some Frost Giant Camps.

Kayle has personally seen the Barbarism of early humans and she felt a fire within her heart demanding that she bring justice to the mortals by wiping out a few cities and many towns to put the fear of justice in them...

Kayle has done everything she can to control these impulses. Kayle knows what these impulses are... In her past life as Joseph, she played League of Legends and knows of Kayle's backstory and now knows that she has the same problems as the video game character.

Kayle struggles with the same problem of self-righteousness and the ability to blind herself to her flaws and mistakes... Now that she knows she has the same issues as Kayle from the video game she makes a concerted effort to keep track of these character flaws and has made Hela promise to help her with this.

"&^*%^$#@($" An unknown language echoes around the forest causing Kayle to move in front of Hela... Meanwhile, Hela puts her back to Kayles and now they are back-to-back.

"This isn't good Hela... We are surrounded... You can smell it too can't you?" Kayle narrows her eyes and growls. While Kayle doesn't like humans she doesn't hate them either... Merely seeing them as a young race that is no different than savages this thought process has caused Kayle to have a few extreme views.

"Yeah... It smells like they have been slaughtering humans... Humans that were supposed to be under our protection... We failed these mortals..." Hela who hasn't been turned into a killing machine and was given love and affection is different than the movie version of her and now she can show warmth/love/care.

Hela cares for humanity as she feels that they are her 'people' Kayle is of a different mind and doesn't see the humans as her vassals hell she doesn't even see them as good people... Kayle has a terrible habit of only seeing the worst in humans and none of the good. This causes Hela to smack some sense into her little sister as a part of their agreement so that Kayle doesn't become the video game version of Kayle.

~Roar~ A frost Giant roars and nearly cuts Hela in half but Kayle saves the day...

"Divine Judgement!" Kayle makes Hela invulnerable to all attacks for 10 seconds and holy fire spreads from Hela's location to the surroundings. If it were the original Kayle she would only be able to make an ally invulnerable for 2.5 seconds... But Joseph who was reborn as Kayle is a Godlike version of the playable character... 10 seconds isn't even the limit.

Kayle and Hela can only use their Holy Fire and Death Waves when they are alone or together... Hela is highly resistant to Holy attacks but not immune since it feels like she gets sunburned and Kayle is completely immune to Hela's attacks. They don't have to worry about hurting each other which is why they are now using their birth-given laws without restraint right now.

"Celestial Blessing!" Kayle gives a huge power-up to Hela making her abilities deal 1000% more damage... The result... The Frost Giants die from diseases and curses within a matter of seconds... Hela would not be able to do this on her own without Kayle... One day Hela won't even need Kayle's Celestial Blessing take make people die within seconds.

"I AM EXALTED!" Kayle becomes an unstoppable juggernaut for a short period and starts killing these Frost Giant foot soldiers like they were ants.

Her movement speed which was hampered by the Uru and Adamantium that were combined into heavy armor now feels no different than if she were wearing leather... Not only is her movement speed no longer impaired by armor that weighs over one ton but her attacks are heavier and faster if life was a game it would show that her attack power and DPS became fixed at 1000 while every Frost Giant foot Soldier was at 500 Attack power and DPS. Her Exalted mode lasts for a total of half an hour... The battle took much longer though.

"Huff... Huff... These were just foot soldiers? What would happen if we encountered someone higher up on the food chain among the Frost Giants?" Kayle shivers.

Kayle thought she would have an easy time and breeze through the battlefields but now she knows she can only go up against an Officer for a limited amount of time in her Exalted Form... She won't be able to win against the Officer either! sure she gained quite a bit of Exp points just now but it only filled her Experience Bar halfway.

"You should only use your Exalted ability when going up against an Officer Sis... We could have gotten through these fodder on our own... though it would have taken much longer than an hour..." Hela is thinking tactically... If Kayle's Exalted mode can go up against an Officer for half an hour that would buy themselves enough time to regroup with anyone who could kill said Officer.

"Understood Sis..." Kayle nods since she just came to the same conclusion.

'How is level 354 only Foot Soldier level!? I worked hard for over a decade to get those levels and now I find out I'm only as strong as a Foot Soldier and when in Exalted Status an Officer!? This is seriously messed up man!' Kayle roars within her mind but on the outside, she is calm as water.

Only Hela can sense Kayle's inner turmoil so Hela hugs her little sister.

"It's going to be okay Kayle... We can overcome anything together!" Hela pats Kayle's left shoulder Pauldron and smiles. Kayle nods her head and takes the lead onward to the Armies Head Quarters on the ground.

"Two hundred gold says the Midgardians will call their planet Dirt... They will call this planet Dirt..." Kayle smirks.

"I'm so going to win this bet! You're on!" Hela grins.

"May take a few centuries but it's just a drop in the ocean for us... So when Humans start calling this planet after Dirt... Then I win..." Kayle is confident she will win.

"If humans start calling this planet after water I will win!" Hela smirks.

Odin who is spying on his daughter's through crystal ball starts to sweat drop at their nonsensical bet... 'These children...' Odin coughs and stops supplying the crystal ball with magic.