When an Innocent person takes a life...

"My daughters... How does it feel to be blooded?" Odin speaks with a solemn voice.

"I think I feel sick... I killed people... I don't feel too good..." Kayle can finally put her walls down... She staggers feeling dizzy.

In her past life she was a nurse because she wanted to help people and in this life, she continues to help people... But killing a person? It makes her sick to her stomach... Kayle has never wanted to hurt anyone... But she had no choice... it was kill or be killed... But she regrets it.

"My daughter... Kayle... You are a truly kind child... But kindness has no place on the battlefield... Rest up... Asgard needs you at your best... If it helps I'll be here to listen to you..." Odin has a sorrowful smile. Kayle staggers out of the command tent and goes to her quarters and throws up in a bucket before passing out on a cot.

'Kayle has always been too kind for her own good... She has an idealistic desire to do good and protect the innocent no matter what race they are... She truly takes after Jord... The most kind Giantess in all the realms.

Jord for all her power wouldn't hurt anyone as it's not in her nature... Kayle is much the same but at the same time different... Kayle does have some rather biased views on humanity though... I'm just grateful Hela puts her in her place to prevent Kayle's kindness from going cold...' Odin has tears in his eyes as he reminisces on days long past.

"...I feel anger... How dare those Frost Giants to slaughter an innocent young race like the Midgardians! I promise not to take their souls... However Frostmourne hungers... She will feast upon the Frost Giant's for their crimes!" Hela truly loves and cares for the Midgardians and is enraged that the Frost Giants would dare do such a thing on her watch!

"...Kayle has truly created a good sword for you... It allows you to strengthen yourself by devouring souls but instead of the souls being devoured by you the sword devours them and strengthens you in return... I don't have to worry about you going mad as long as you only let Frostmourne devour the souls..." Odin sighs in relief.

'Kayle is truly a legendary blacksmith on par with the Dwarven Kings... However, she refuses to make weaponry and armor for our soldiers... She said she doesn't want Asgard to become a military-ruled world... She is truly too kind... I shudder at the thought of a Stratocracy... Asgard is a beautiful world and must not become such a thing...' Odin's beard shivers in rage at the thought of Asgard becoming a Stratocracy.

Odin has seen planets that are ruled by Stratocracy and it disgusts him... He refuses to subject his people to such a terrible thing. Ever since his daughters have come into his life he has started thinking differently and thus he refuses to even think of making Asgard a Stratocracy... He'd rather shave his beard!

The reason why Kayle refuses to create weapons for the army is because she only gets weapon and armor rewards once a year... She can't possibly supply enough weapons and armor for an army as big as the one on Asgard... However, her lie was very believable.

"Rest up Hela... And give some comfort to your sister... Taking a life has caused some harm to Kayle... Kayle values all life and treasures it... This will be Kayle's most difficult trial to date... And she will need someone to have a shoulder to lean on..." Odin gives a sad smile to Hela.

Hela also has tears in her eyes that go down her face. 'Kayle... How much pain were you in when you were forced to kill a Frost Giant? I'm your big sister... You could've told me...' Hela wipes her face and nods.

Hela enters Kayle's tent and sees Kayle looking very pale while shaking erratically as she sleeps. Hela's lips tremble she starts crying. Hela gets into Kayle's bed and offers her little sister what little warmth she can muster. Kayle calms down slightly but is still having a nightmare.


Kayle wakes up screaming and her holy flames turn the surroundings into ash... The tent is gone and Odin runs toward Kayle and hugs her tightly.

"Shh... It's just a bad dream... I'm here baby girl... I'm here..." Odin bolted out of bed at the sound of his baby girl's scream saw the look of dread and regret on her face and hugged her tightly.

"...I killed a person... A person... He probably had a wife and children... What have I done?" Kayle cries mournfully into Odin's chest.

'It seems that it was much harder on her than I thought...' Odin pets Kayle's milky white hair and he is sad that those beautiful and vibrant golden eyes are now filled with so much pain and suffering.

'What have I done?' Odin rubs Kayle's back and starts to regret his decision to allow Kayle on the battlefield.

Hela's death energy heals her burns and she hugs Kayle from behind and softly strokes Kayle's wings... Hela manages to calm Kayle down. Kayle always calms down when her wings are petted. However, this time the effect took a lot longer.

To Be Continued...