Chapter 3

Genesis is in his hospital room, playing a game on his phone. After getting his check up early this morning, all he does is lay in his room lazying around. The nurse who care for Genesis walks in. She's a short brown hair woman with green eyes.

" What are you doing Genesis ? Didn't you hear the alarm ? There are criminals heading to this hospital, they're armed and very dangerous "

Nurse June ask.

" Why should I care? "

Replied Genesis as he continued to play his game uninterested by the emergency situation.

"These criminals are after you, they even stole a weapon design to kill you, This is a very serious situation Genesis "

Genesis didn't answer but only crossed his leg as he relaxed and played his game. Nurse June looked and him and all she did was sigh.

" You'll probably be alright even if they find you but they'll destroy the hospital in the process, don't you at least care about that "

June explain.

" Huh, if their going to destroy the hospital, then everything will be ruined "

Said April as she heard everything and started to worry. She was in a small apron covered with flour like she was doing some baby.

" Noooo, April will rush back to the kitchen to get the cak...i mean it...."

April runs off in a hurry as fast as her little legs could carry her.

" Hey kid! "

Genesis calls out April but she has already taken off.

" Don't worry, I'll handle her, you should evacuate as well genesis

Replied nurse June as she runs after April. Genesis sat there silent until be felt irritated.

" Tch "

He puts down his phone and turned on his headphones.

In the meantime.

A van arrived and two people came out. A man in a black and green full body armor. With him is a few other criminal wearing bullet proof vest, on there heads was helmets with a gas mask attached to it. The man in armor scan all the hospital rooms and found that his target is still in the hospital.

" Target is located "

He clench his fist and a lazer blade came out of a gadget of his wrists. He swings his hand horizontally and slice the cars before in half. All the cars exploded simultaneously causing one large explosion. Fires and smokes that could be seen from a mile away. Police and fire trucks rushes through traffic to get to the location as fast as they could.

" Genesis ! Today is your last day, now let's go "

Shout the man, Inside the hospital Toshiba and her men has shield and prepared when the criminal arrive. As soon as they enter the hospital. The criminals was confronted by Toshiba and her men that were hiding behind bullet proof shields. The criminals started firing shots from their automatic rifles.

" Open Fire "

Toshiba shouts and her men started to return fire at the criminals that where currently hiding behind the man in armor but it's futile as all the bullets is bounce off his armor. Toshiba and her people realize this and stopped firing bullets.

" Bullets are ineffective against me "

The guy in armor said.

" Tell me where Genesis is, before I kill you ? "

" I'm afraid I can't do that "

Stated Toshiba as she points her gun at him.

" Then die "

The man swings his blade and slices four of Toshiba men in half. Their upper and lower body is separated and fall apart and their blood spill out of their body. Toshiba saw this and couldn't help but panic as she watched two of her men die before her eyes. She looked at their faces and they lay there dead but she couldn't waver on her mission

" Open Fire "

Toshiba and her men retreated up to the second floor. Some of the criminals wearing gas mask was ultimately shot down by Toshiba ,leaving on 2 alive. As they retreated,She continued to fire at the man who remained unmoved the entire time.The bullets kept bouncing off him ripping the walls and the ceiling.

" Hold your fire "

Toshiba said, she looked at the man as there wasn't even a scratch on his armor. Toshiba didn't know what to do, she had no alternative plan for her current situation.

" going to run away ? "

The guy ask as he saw the look of frustration on Toshiba's face.

" That's an option "

Replied Toshiba.

" Commander, we can't retreated "

" hm ? "

Toshiba looks to her right to see a room with five elders side 60 years and older. There was aslo two nurse with them helping them to evacuate. Toshiba looked at the face of the old people fearing for their lives.

" What's going on ? I thought the hospital was supposed to be evacuated ?"

She ask

" What are your orders? "

Ask one of her men. Looking at the childrens Toshiba still her resolve and takes out her baton.

" Who can't retreated, then we push forward and protect the children "

She dash forwards and lower her body dogded the lazer that were fired at her and as Toshiba charge toward the man wearing the armor, she switch her bodily positioning and when after opening for find a chink in his armor. She released something and fall to her knees gasping for air. Toshiba is kicked away by the man in armor. She was caught by her allies and after wiping the blood off her mouth, she explained something that she discovered during her last attack.

" That armor isn't really bullet proof is it "

Toshiba ask.

" You now realising this, my ability is Air compression, I'm ability to compress the air around me to create an impenetrable defense, what you suffered was a bit of oxygen poisoning "

The guy in black explain.

" Now, let's finish this "

He said.

Suddenly one of his partners heard and sound in the ceiling and suddenly it came caving in on the four criminal that was behind the man. The dust blinded there vision but they saw the shadow of a person in the smoke.

" You can't quit can't you ?! how the hell am I supposed to relax in silence when I hear all of you barking over and over again .. Just shut the hell up ! "

Genesis stood on the pile of rocks that collapse on the criminals. He look at the man in armor with a emotionless express and cold eyes deadly eyes. Toshiba and her crew looks up at the sky black haired boy, with skyblue eyes standing before them.

" I take it your Genesis "

Ask the man in armor as he looked at Genesis profoundly.Genesis who had his hands in pocket looked at the man intense.

"Are you the one looking to start a fight with me? "

" No,I'm not looking for a fight, I'm looking to kill you "

He fires a lazer at Genesis.

" Genesis, look out "

Toshiba calls out.

Genesis didn't flinch when the attack approach him, the lazer hit the barrier that protects Genesis and repelled back to the man. The attack punched at hole in his upper right shoulder.

Toshiba and her crew was in awe, the could only watch as Genesis walks up to the man with his hand in his pocket, his long black hid his eyes under his bangs but the wide smile on his face was visible

" You.. You bast... Ouagh "

Before he could finish Genesis punched him in the face, shattering his helmet. Toshiba and her men see the face of a full grown man with a goatee

" With one punch ?! "

Toshiba said as she was in awe, his defense was impenetrable by bullets have now been broken by a single punch

" I'm honestly dissapointed, I'm myself, here I am enjoying my day until this fool who think he can outmatch me with this hunk of junk he's wearing. As a villians, I'm severely disappointed Hehehehehehehe . "

Genesis touched the man's chest and blow his armor apart with a single touch. A look of suprise enveloped when he looked at Genesis smile, his sky blue eyes glowed a bit as they were filled with the intent to kill.

" If you want to see how a real villain deals with someone then allow me to show you.. Oh don't worry this will take a touch, why you will hardly feel anything.. Now, let's end this "

Genesis stated as he reached out his hand to grabbed the mans face

" There you are "

Genesis and the others looks around and saw the small pink haired and pink eyed girl standing in the corridor.

" The doctor said you should run and yet here you are fighting, April is dissapointed in your behaviour "

April said as she walks closer, genesis stopped and looked at April's smiling face and felt uneasy.

- What's this brat doing here -

Genesis thought to himself. The man started to smile and throw a grenade at the ceiling over April's head. The ceiling was about to collapse and Genesis rushed to her side and protect her. He ignored his enemy in order to save april. The dust clears and Genesis was successful in protecting April but he suddenly to feel ticked off because the man escaped from him.

" Oh no, are you okay? "

April ask.

" Tch, You're troublesome kid you know that. nevermind, are you hurt? "

Genesis ask after he had scold her.

" April's fine, but she's more concerned about you "

April ask as she was a little flush by his heroic scene to save her. Genesis stood back on his feet and walked away

" You should wait here, I'll be back "

" Wait where are you going? "

April ask as she hold on to Genesis shirt. Her expression stated that she didn't want him to leave. April was deeply concerned for Genesis well-being.

" I'm going to hunt that guy down, I'm not letting some low life scum get the better of me "

Genesis replies with an expressionless face as he looks at April.

" Now let to safety like your supposed to and stop bothering me "

He removed her hand from his shirt and advance to the entrance of the hospital. He closed his eyes and hold unto his headphone. He was listening to the noise in the atmosphere and single out the vehicle the man has escaped him.

" Found you "

Genesis jumps and with one leap far into the sky. A black van swerves through traffic as if attempting to escape away from something. The driver is the mercenary who made an attempt at Genesis life.

- Damn, I thought they said this job was easy, unless, they knew and wanted me to fail -

He though to himself.

" I have to get away as.. Huh! "

He step on the break as fast as he can and stops 150 meters from Genesis who is standing in the middle of the road looking at him.

" You know, of all the killers who made am attempt on my life, you my friend, are by far the most stupid, "

Genesis ridicule him with laughter

"I mean who walks into a hospital while making threatening demand and then ran away like a scared little b*tch Keheheheahahahahahaha..... but still "

Genesis stopped laughing and looked at the killer with the intent to kill.

" If you think you can get away from me, your sorely mistaken *sshole "

" It doesn't matter if your the top rank Evolver, I'll kill you "

The killer step on the gas and drives towards Genesis. He didn't move as the car van approach him at 118 miles per hour. Genesis smirk with confidence. Genesis body is protected by a barrier. This barrier that repelled and deflect all harmful substance or objects toward him with a effectiveness of 80% efficiency. This barrier also protects Genesis from harmful substance in air like pollutants , radiation and even rays from the sun.

The barrier successfully blocks the van from hitting Genesis. The front of the van was crushed as if it drove into a iron wall. Genesis smiled sadistically and walk towards the door. He ripped it off and dragged the man out while laughing.

" Hahahahaha your right, It doesn't matter, I may have step down as this world's top dog but my powers hasn't demish in the slightest , the fact that you use a pathetic toy from a children's playpen to fight me hahahahaha"

Genesis steps into the man's chest crushing his ribs. He didn't flinch as he watched the man cough up blood. Genesis didn't stop, he was too thrilled and excited to even show mercy.

" Don't worry, if your crying about this little pain then you should wait to see what I have in store for you hahahahahahahah"

Genesis continue to crush the mans chest under his foot and during that he wore a sadistic smile until Toshiba and her crew arrives in vans. Toshiba rushed out of the van and rushed up to him

" That's enough Genesis ! "

Toshiba said, genesis looked at her coldly as she interrupted his fun. He just kept staring at her intensely and profoundly

" Tch, and just who the hell are you?! "

Genesis ask,

In addition to his cool demeanor, genesis has a tendency to forget people's face and name. One might say he's suffering from Prosapragna

" Is that a joke ? We saw eachother like 2 minutes "

Toshiba explains. Genesis examined her face profoundly until he recognized her.

" Oh right, it's you guys "

Genesis remove his foot off the mans chest and walks away. The man layed there with a huge dent in his chest, he was unconscious, bleeding from his mouth and with his crotch soaked as he peed on himself. Genesis walked passed Toshiba with his eyes closed and his hand in his pocket

" He's all yours "

Genesis walks down the highway.